COAST Continued from Page 4 The l !ni versityownnd !.mil .1 Iso boasts .i private treat h ami 2k acres of forest land with Ink mg and. mountain bike trails Hurdle k said that students usually find plonti to do. both academically and socially At tlie beginnmg of the term, everyone goes home for the weekend, bill hv the end of tile term, no one leaves, she said ' People become like latni U " Before classes Iregm. students tour and hetotne tandliar w ith Charleston, even attending town hall meetings In return many Charleston residents at it ! ,! the e rid: of t e rill open showing of student protects B ti ttiitk s,t id c lasses are scheduled in the mornings, with, afternoons left free One < I a \ a w et k : i su .ill y U ed nes days or Thursdays, is left open tor students to work on their projet is. Mudents pay standard til it ion loi then i oursework. .mil Itnati t nil atii t an he list'd Burdit k said 'Hie room and hoarti costs are similar to the mam campus residence halls Residence hall students need not be deferred by the thought of soiling their dorm contract to hi aide to sign up for the pro gram University Housing Di rei !•. r Mir hard I Aster said rvsi dents ran petition to he re leased from their conlrat is It s standard to release stu dents horn their conlrat is for at ademir reasons such as the (Hast program, he said Students wanting to return to the dorms next fall should also petition to-he allowed to partit ipate in returning resident sign ups spring term Questions alxmt the petition process tan he directed to the housing of fit e at I4f.A277 Spat es in the t o isi program ar. first tome, firs! served [lur ■ to is s a i ii aht iii I t :V studen ts fiaye already signed tip Apple t altons are available in tin aspi t a;: an .■lilt • u I .S' Students I n feres Set I III tile program ate ent ouragnd to sign :p ’ ; a i an t r 11> to ()l SIB St i Vet ill li d for ).I II 11. 1 *»'».' i or more information about the v ail trip or the program it st i I students t an attend a slide presentation tonight hum 7 It) a ■ at ui m | S' i t.. dai is a «an ( . i t al] l it, del ' 1 if!vvt e.n ! t 1(1 a 11 anti 1 |t in Sit ritlav, \\ ioesif.iy in ! i iday GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “27 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene. Oregon 97403 FEEL THE HEAT! 6 Day, 5 Night Hotel & Bahama Cruise Vacation Packages SAVE w; 70% OFT OF APIWXXIMAIT: $1,000 VA1IJK FOR ONLY *165* PER PERSON Liraied Amount ol Crux Package* Available REPRESENTATIVES ARE STANDING BY! Monday Friday 9 to 10 pan. KST MUST CALL NOW! 1-800-783-2381 Recycle this paper. 2.iV I Nth * <11 KHl I l Strengthening the Effectiveness of the l nited Nations — to Abolish War, Protect Human Rights, >ateguard the hnvironnient.. (’an it he done?? . A discussion of U N reform ted by • Aaron Knight ' Student Programs Director World Federalists Association 3:30 p.m • hit's. Nov. 26,1991 • KMl Hr Room vi 'Mmm$ . ,va<\sVaW>v.v .v.'.'AWSSSV.V,','; v.'/.'.v.smw. ■ > • » ‘ ‘ • f »J M > »- ‘ ’ V * > v ‘>Vv c>y j\y.» >\ >'»v.> y SSV)>SN>>>>>SV ■' SW>V>SSSSSSW^V> PACK IN GREAT SAVINGS AT THE UO BOOKSTORE WITH OUR \AM l ( KI T KXX) denier <'(>k|)( k \ ( J/VH7/V I (40 ui m i 15 x 12 x S) H ciy/U I Ih , I o/ / .-jiurv> I >ty,4m/cr Ii<7 ftc*:. 5?9.95 S \/ / 527.99 VICTORIA PEAK, I(XX) denier (<)kl>l kA Unix. l ull (Irani 1 ealher IxHioni ami lul ('a/>.K ifv 1420 cu m (I6xI 1x /) Weight' I Ih Key. SO-’. <75 .V,t / /•: 579. W SAMF FF I ^stressed i eather Unix. 4 «) denier CAI’ROI \\ I’ax ke loth hack ( ,1/i.hits 1370 cu in (14x1 khi H ciyhl I Ih . h u/ Key. $49.95 SALE $.13.99 IIKIFK ASF Ballixtix Cloth 430 denier CAl'kOI \N Nylon I’aeke loth ( '.i/ /lv 100N eu in <12xlKx5) H eight I Ih . o/ / e.ilurrs t )ryjni/ct /'»•* kcl Key. $34.95 SA I. F $3 7.99 -r r \ 7ugh - I PH AH UO BOOKSTORE Looking for a good deal?? Kead the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds. 111111111 niitiiitiitiiiiiHimimi