REORGANIZE Continued Irom Page 1 vs ill lx- Investigated jointly !)>' the (lean of stu dents and the vic e provost Dean ol Students lane DcCidio said the ruorga ru/alion does not change how i ompl.nnts invoh ing students will be handled Sueh i axes continue to fall under the Student Conduct Code David Hubin, acting executive assistant to the president. said he has seen a mostly positive real (ton to the c hanges over the past few months, adding fears that the dec entrali/.alion will weaken rather than strengthen affirmative' action are un founded. "I just don't think there's a chance of some of these issues dropping between chairs, face a use President Brand is paying too much attention to it," Hubin suld ASDO Affirmative; Action-Coordinator Bobby Lea; said the University's affirmative action xtruc lure is ineffective before and .liter the renrganl nation We see m inherent conflict of interest he said Tlie affirmative action officr within the Universitv will never, never put justice aliove lie bility " Lee is ,i Le\ supporter of a lull that would help establish an Independent affirmative action of fu e which he is enc ouruging students to support rather than "pimping on the reorganization hand wagon " Huhin said the affirmative action process will he subjet t to fine tuning for some time Me said one continuing goal is to make grievance proce dures c tear to faculty, students and staff We want to make sure that no one is bumped mil of the [iroc ess lies ause they are unsure of their rights," Mubin said ET ALS MKKTINCS Alpha Phi Omega will moot tonight ut ti :») In KMU Codur Room C Call :t4"r».-9Bl1 for morn information Incidental Fee Committee will moot Tuesday night .1749 for more information Student campaign for Disar mament will moot today at i in KMU Century Room F Call 441>-424H for more information Study Abroad in London. Flighted information meeting today from 1 to 2 p m CMC Ce dar rooms A and II Call I4t> 1207 for more information MISCFLLANKOUS Breast Cancer Information Table will he set up today from 11 .10 a m to 2 p m in the KMl Lobby Jo Sonja Watson Retail Peti tion signing table will lie in the KM t: ( on rt yard toda \ from >1 It) .i m to :) p m Voui her program for the homeless will take plat e today from 4 to S 10 p m in KM l; t .e dar Room \ Cull A -it > 1724 for more information ) \ (ante will he signing copies of her new hook //our ill thr Hunlrr Indus from 2 40 to l ill |> til i n I he University Bookstore (.all I4t> 4 i it for mun information omiRUNirriKs Cnrerr I’lannmi; anti Plat r ment Orientation Muslim will lake plat r lod.iv from I to p in in Room diltl Hentlritk*. KKI.ICIOS Campus Crus.ule for Christ'* Pririu* Tinii* will t.1 k«• plucn to night .it ' in in Room 12.) P.i Cl fir l‘W! I Ml Cr*ft Ccnlrr A t ultural l oruin WINTFR CRAFT FAIR •< FAN CAM 1C HANDMAOl C, 11 is HO! STIC! D CIDI'R l IV! MUSIC - KMl I »r Hoorn I )«-«•«*rnb* r l A .*» U ••»lni**»lav tV lhiir«n Lircr.irv .mJ \rts b-urn i! Bring Artwork (»liJc« only) to: Bring IWtrv ( I copv/p** m) Ftrv Arts t. Hfuc (l jwreiKe I (all) 4-41 I’l l c/o Jon (Jrccnbaurn, <. IV.ivim- Ilvm.i Art FJiror I' ■*m l Jin •* Bring Fiction (Z copuyStorv ) to: 20 PU . v ,o > { r, tu- . h< an i hern ii Uhl* sf I’lritc iivk hi Jr s A M KIs A l 1 Mihnhth m Headline Nov. J 7111! s. J Sittin ’ Pretty Personali/.ed Professional House* Sitting You 're worth the pence of mind M hutimportant to you is important to me l osing ( arc lor Home And I’rts Bonded 345-8415 One KRKK Visit With This Ad f$100 DISCOUNTS • ( US!OMl)CSK.NH>HKS()NAl .1 BUSINESS ((AV’UtiKs • Al ( *t HI U AV WAR! \ K X /St I’HX 1 S • tKH (IKSONAl iVAllMK VSi ( X V( X S CALL TODAY 345-8415 l uinputrr THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON 'wm~m " " • I 1 < *11,f. I 5 ) 1 SPECIALS FOR YOU EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! One Item Small Pizza! Additional Topping Only 55our l ( ntipolls1 one FREE topping ()ru‘ fopping Medium P1//.1 I tic Saga ( (intinucs! flYEK DAY! w.iU h (or our flyer iifrh rvi (.jmjHiS with ■ ( s«jvir»^js TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1 ret* I )t'livery w min. So ptm h.w 101 ')7nn ■■■ i» D<> Your Duty. .*» o ^ 0 .* This Paper!