Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 25, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Reverse prejudice
poses new dilemma
The day has finally come some of us never thought
we'd see: A man filing discriminatory charges against a
women's organiTuition.
University student Abe Hepner recently filed a
complaint against Saferide, a shuttle service run by
women offering nighttime rides for University females.
Hepner says anyone who feels unsafe — including
men — should lie able to use the ride service; by ban
ishing men. Saferide only stereotypes them all as rap
ists Wanting to see the "old-girl s dub'' broken up, he
argues against "judgment by genitalia ... on this pro
gressive' campus
Mona Uentry. co-director of Saferide, counters that
Saferide's women-onl) policy must exist to guarantee
the safety of the service's drivers and passengers She
adds all men aren't dangerous, but the polii s protects
women service users from the few that are
The dilemma In striving to achieve equal freedom
from fear which most men enjoy on this campus,
Saferide feels it must exclude from their program the
threat to that freedom —men This ultimately'means
there's been a long fight
for equal rights in the
workplace and beyond,
now leading to the obvi
ous question Is it right for
women to discriminate
against men now that
they're in the position to
do so7 Should they be
held to practice what
they've preached?
Since the goal of the
fight for equal rights is
equal rights, it's thut ulti
matum which should take
precedence here Hepner
should be given equal access to Saferide But wait, now
the other side of the coin.
It may lie necessary to ban men from an organiza
tion designed to protect women's safety in order to en
sure an equal feeling of security to that of men; here
“equal" takes on a new meaning.
Men as well fall victim to violators, and should
•ilso have a protection option available to them when
necessary, but if women feel the need to protect them
selves. and have organized to do so, they should be
able to take those measures unabated.
Our society has long been dominated by a male
standard; the force feeding of men into the organiza
tion would seem like just another dilution of female
It's interesting to see Hepner voicing the same ar
guments against discrimination women have always
used; men may begin understanding the frustration at
locked doors women have long experienced. But he
may have to back away from that door for now, until
women have regained enough of their strength to open
it from the inside.
Our society has
long been
dominated by a
male standard;
the force-feeding
of men Into the
would seem like
Just another
dilution of female
()rt\’(>n l huh
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O nycH' Daily Emerald Mond.iy No.i.rpbtx ?5 1991
Open mind
! , an W ( stly .ini' : l.-iia:!
nit-ill id Defense tijijM ar to tir
suffering from the delusion that
h -.In,ms, gays ,mii hist xlulls .ire
iiili rested only in m-xu.iI rela
hips ,in.j loving • ■ x
in V tin not ‘•tfiii in under
stand Ihiil Hi- are !.ilkin^ about
(>n111i• - whi - identify w ilh sub
|t-i Is other ih,m ihetr sexual ori
entalioii Would \\ rsl I v like il
l! every lime lie were Intro
duo-d to someone they msl.inl
iv woiulereti w ho he w .is sleep
big with' No. probably not Ho
mosexuals don't like it either,
espet i.ilh Mill e they tit) more
than spend their lives in tied
Westly and the 1)01) also
MS in eager lo assume that ho
most seals .ire also instantly at
(rat teil to every member ol
their preferred sex I Ins .trills
to he a rather egotistic til misun
derstanding lust like hetero
sexuals. homosexuals are not
a! t r ,ic leti to ev er v otie When
they meet someone tlli-y like
they go through the same pro
ess u! re.it long t nit. expressing
their attrailioii lake heterosex
mils, they hue rejection or at
t eptani e ! hey also have the
ailtled hair of not knowing the
sexual prefen-tu e o! the person
Lesbians guvs and bisexuals
are not il irly, nasty and sn k
things but sensitive, loving
human tie mgs who have mean
irigful friendships and relation
They are people who are on a
r ampaign to gam tIn-1r civil
rights and equality i eshians.
gaVs and bisexuals an very t a
jiahle ot loving, serving, light
mg and living lor their inuntry
Open your eyes heart and
mind and give them t h e
chant e
Ann (oslin
\r ik Hesseldahl
The heat
! am writing you today to in
form you about a problem of
the highest magnitude Yes it
does deal with government and
I'm sure you're aware of the
oroldem. hut -is you all .man
id the problem, you will soon
be aware of the solution'
Corruption governmental
irruption W • sc- it every
w t ji am e,| In-, ks large
campaign contributions. restau
[.ml intis, anti not to mention
names in.' On gnu's own Sen
Boil !'.e ks\ ■;s.d s p t ■ 111 I., e r s
million on ins Iasi election
all knots the problem so
let me inform vou of the solo
lain The (.ejiienson Bill is mu
rentls before the House ll will
limit the .iimiiint that < amii
dates can spend on their cam
If you take the money out of
pi1111ii s. si,mi- of the < nrruplion
Ss ill follow soil
( ail or write sour representa
tives and urge thorn to vote yes
n t nmpaign spending limila
Hi,ns 'together sse can dean up
our giivernmen! la-cause every
body knows the politicians
won't do it alone
It s time to turn on the heat'
I t ev or Deightim
Something extra
Yet another li'llrr concerning
frog. ihf enterprising. i!
Minirwhitt ret here hr. 1 «■ I low
who (hire-, to I'.irn .1 living h\
selling his joke liooks on the
illlt Wilit till' suggestion I
i’f 1 r in.is solve his problem
Much like 111 tin downtown
jutv parking ili'h.K le, l.ugerie s
city administrators are making
us all look foolish Business
permit rules state ,1 license is
required for street vending
1 rog savs Ok, i'll pay for
one1' l'he cilv (perhaps covet
ing a municipal monopoly on
mirth1 replies Sorry, we don't
issue licenses for joke hooks
only loud, balloons and flovv
efs. thus revealing a catch-22
worthy of Monty 1'vthon on a
good day
Well, it its corned v they
want, than comedy they’ll get
1 rog. why don't you just sell
ha Moons v know the little, un
inflated penny kind), and in
r hide is a bonus something ex
tra for instant e hmmm
oh gosh, how about a joke
ho 'k' Voile. i omedv choc k
and mate
Whili' wi-'rti thinking about
street vending I’ve rceenlh
heard that uur local planners
may he .ihuui tu dei laic .1 muia
Innuiii against all applicants h
street vending We mav wonder
at their rationale, start-up entre
pretietiri.il at tivity must he dis
nniragetl’ Popular, small,
quirk\, unique i arts with pei
sonalitv are out of plin e in Hu
gene's conservative commercial
ilistrii ts7
The Hrij-loes cart is mining
the Hilton s lunch business
Free enterprise is a messy,
quaint, empty fantasy only
taught III histor y 1 lasses "
I'm sure City II,ill would love
to hear what a swell Idea yye
think this is (.Junk, tall today
before it too gets blamed on
Measure r>
Mil hurl Lament
(>v\ nrr. Bijou Ai t (anemas
Down tubes
[lot's anyone else get tin feel
mg this univi'iMli is 150114:
down the tidies?
Classes .ire becoming inori
( mwded and harder to get into
ieai hmg assistant positions are
ml hack, and professors are ex
pet tod to teat h more classes to
more students lor the same mis
erable pa\ And lor all this we
are supposed to pax more tut
lion and other newlx createtl
Whatever happened to quali
tx education? Vou consider
voursell lut h\ to have actual!}
spoken to a real professor in
person II you are able to
squeeze into crowded office
hours, you max get .1 few min
utes with the person who is
teal hmg your class
But chant ns are he she xvtll
!>e so tired, overworked and ir
ritable that it won’t have been
xvorth the trouble I'm surprised
the good professors stay here
xxith such, low pay Dedication
only goes so far.
Eben Eodor
Graduate Student