Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 25, 1991, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
The Beavers?
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brat ■ Beavers 14 3
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(O i in State Hi 1f> ye if:
For story, see page 6
photos t)y So.in Pi to
Minority plan
takes effect
By ('amt1 0ef" >•"
i’hr ! nivi-rsilv s plan i*s •> •.
Hun. vv ith tl)i‘' tUtrill lii ■ t>‘< i’ll!',i Uir is 1
■ " . .
I t u V«• r -■ i! \ I’ri'Milj'nl S! V !*■ : :■
!v ()i I In'- 1 nnrrMtv v\.t • .it-A.-: . i is r
inf ,i 11 trni.i! in- u Don lilts inmlc; ■■■,•.. i ;t i,.; in, i i < •
ihf frfspomihiiltiifs Innuiffiv f is.irpi ii tin Oi'u .- ol
Afl intt;l!lVl' \i I inf- fill i I (U ! ; l )pi ! ' '
I fit' .1 (it r lift! t V i' .11 ! fnti nit i' i vv! i I : ’ w : * •’ ■
ilu-s .inti iMt,n .lit- ! I. v ip • ii v slnilipps. 1,1: . 1 ....
titmul tillirm.iSU i' .it linn issiii-.
\: mtifriti idv .-tii t* i i i niiipi i-.i ,i :.I sIimIipiIs,
Idi ultv iintl ■! ill nnimlx i-.. n ill h.-i; li st , 111111s:
.inti <■,! uc.it i, >n pH
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•itlv •• .11 tii H i i. 111 f f. is Him Hi.md's .pi i.-. ist.it it lot
.fitirmaUvi' ,n linn, .uni serves nn lin .»<!•. ■ -r%. Im.ini
,-md I in* \f(irrn;iHvr At Unit Admini :: ! «> ( t1: .1
! In A A At s pnm.irv fi*s|n iisihii -m : ■ • >i.
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pfi is n! .dfirniiiitvi- iiciHH), ,im! vs pi i ‘ i i i.t■ I In i t
;|.i klltji .lit. I Inf nl I illlllitn Urs : ;.
Tin- AAAI '■ mnititM-rsliip vviii .il-, i* . i
ui sPui.pps lift- V . ; 5! 1st in! .i,
.Itifi Ihu spit lid ,i-.sis!iini il) I Iff’ pi- li.t .1! |!
Hi Milan Ki . mm- s i!1 ! in t . t . r. ] ’ i
Ml* UiIh ! s
I. . ..'n|n.nuts m*., ilv Mu; I.-u luni; f.i. tv -. - n i f *• : -
in- ftirwuriii'd in l.iirr.imi i > iv i, v ii < p.• vilst Ini .« .i
ditruii pipsuimii'I A p.irl iiiiu' in'.. 11 : will mv-sii
II (tinspl.imis
Dim runin.ilfim i oinpliiml*. im.-Isith; -t ., 1 - i Is wii:
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• heougani/f
Black Student Union bums the Emerald
By M.chae! Sears
■ mac i‘d CootnOutor
Members iil the Black Student
defied (old weather Fridas at .1 rail > ' ■
demand the University hire more blue k
i he linoersitv employs M\ hi,11 k jo
lessees all ol whom are men, said assis
taflt professor Clarenc e Nplgp.er He
;:i :■ he i h::iise!! on a hem h in ill" : Mi
lurtyard and told a crowd o! about foo
students that the University is not diiilu;
what It could to meet the needs of the
; 11 l)!a: k ■ i iid,Tils on 1 atttpus
This institution has a responsibility
lo see that vou yet a degree." Spigner
said, hut this institution can do a hell
o! a lot more
The National Association lor the Ad
vancement of Colored People's Clunk
Dalton, a University graduate, sail) tile
University should also hire more him k
counselors Dalton said the levs black
professors un 1 ampus spend too much
of their time counseling blue k students
As a result him k professors do not hav
time to publish books and articles to ad
cam e their c areers
This is a form of institutional rue
ism," Dalton said
He also told the crowd that when 1 <
attended classes at the University, he
y\ for ed fo take a < lass on I . * 1
rv from a white professor
•tsi Direi lor i.is.i l.uwrem < said ■
niversity v\as not living up to Its •" ;'o
ri, concerning its commitment In stu
dents of color. She told students that lb
Trent Gri/tith ignites a garbage can tun of
Emeralds as part of rally sponsored
the Black Student Union outside the I MU
rrni (’ saiil a m.'.lmg will) liiand w a-■
st-hfilult’d fur !)«■( i. alii! lh* HM
w a : d ! a k ■ .: 11 ! i i - * . u t ’ I ! , * : i
[ iir HSt , also i .line util against ilia d**
■ ■ "ilr.ii i/a’ a >ii ul lh(* ( Mln.c 'd M! . >
(tv r V ! i i 11 and i.jtiitl ! )ppnr I an i' v
vv 1i ti '.akr • ff*■ c i !i id ay H '■
i il'' Wiirt'-ti lull! studl'Ill’- . \ ! i ; ’ ! ‘ . -' - - . s
\ •: I). ■ ■ 1 I, at V, . a.
I mm •- am! ign >us and will : .■i:: w :
(u pisipt-rh dual wish .illirmativi' a • >:i
i ml a- ‘a-.l.iii! Ii> lln1 prrsidint
IIS' ini'inhci Ishaq ShaliiMld Dm
rail' d against thr i:mrr;ihl\ In la'. '
- ; ■ \ S' I ) \ ' I'll',,
Si-"..' Wats -n wills Id S \ i r i*rrs
Dan QuaV !'■ Shaillsud Dill i dud !.-f
I is !" Ipp.'irl Was m *11 i! ! •
lh. res all HI :l initialrd by
r - -i:;
U I'wii i- lln- !h<- ' '-ns : - 1 !:
versv i nni .a (i mg i hargf- llial sin- shop
* -! : ■ : : i. . 1 i, .
dnl nn! p.n -ill I 111• r Inn s
n! l-.mri.ilil
idl’d a
At the sea_
Want It) get uwav from il all' The
! 'mvcrsilv s Oregon Institute of M.i
fine fiiologv oilers an opportunity for
40 students to live on the (oast
spring term while earning I'tuveiMtv
See story, Pago 4
The Oregon
hii.sk(i!h.ill ...
^o! .111 curly In
vshal the sc.iMin
he like ns they
hlitsleil hv .1 ten
Monl-inn le.im,
i h ' i i) I si sho
sle ()!
vs ere
il( ions
oil II g
. Hit ks hit just 1 pure cm Iroitl on
See story, Page 8
The end_
The women s voljoybull learn
I I hr* book tm .1 disappointing
■ ,i-, : tailing to fifth-ranked l’(.LA
, ihri-i' gam ns i'he loss gave Oregon
fifth - 'Sing ism; :i 19 vim;s of
See story, Page 8