UNIVERSITY Better quality key to newspapers’ future, editor says Jonathan Marshall By Kimberley Bardm Emerald Contributor There k gwxl news for the fnturv of newspapers despite continuing readership declines a long-time newspaper editor and publisher said Thursday Newspapers are slowly dying because ilie\ are overly i au tious and dull, but new life i an be breathed into them with dv namic, bard hitting new s ( over age. said Jonathan Marshall, who published the .Si nttSil.ilr I'rogrno for 2 s sears until 198 ’ Only sf> pen ent of respon dents s\ ere loyal new spaper readers and: those under age in fell thin didn'l have the time !u re,ill the paper. ,u t ortlipjj to .1 survey rnnduited by the Amer a,ir, Sot tety ■ ' Newspaper !• u r v 1 • V V 1 -ha'! said In- trtiliuv us tills i i. s 1! quality 111 local i-overage is one of I he biggest reasons lor dec lining readership Ms newspaper cover's! ev cry major national ami interna hona! iii'io event, bn! the rna jor emphasis was on Ux al sfo nes ami :! was a berk of a a;, i. nl is si p M i rsli.i 1 i said Newspapers sheiii,i have per sniiahU wilts colorful svrdlng and solid ioi ai lu-ws inserage 1 lies should be objective and not afraid to hit haul or admit when they re wrong. hi' said If newspapers imp I fine nt these c hanges. readers is ill start to c nine tmi k Marshall said in addition, thereneeds to tie ,i treatise effort to entourage people to read again One plane to start is n nationwide c.mi paign rtxjuirlng head start pro grams. to tear h i htldren to read Ih-Ii ai they begin m himl Star shall said The young adults of today were not introdui ed to analyt ii u reading until the fourth or fifth grade and by then their reading habits are set. he said Marshall ret elver! Ills mas ler's degree from the I 'ntversi t\ s lourtiallsm «*' •» I l ov« You D#g« 10S PERSONALS BEET HEADS Pul on your hats| 105 PERSONALS K y M* 4 l t*CM • ■%-*>■■ • ->• »v-. ' »\j l tt»* « A IV> «» 10S PERSONALS furs } rtK '’‘O' .-g’1 M »!'*■! <% ckM«] 4' ■ «» jki'*y f) <*a< I Ux k- » *»«• ytxv T f«€ U S J l N Q L E BEAT Place a holiday message to your friend(s)! December 2nd - 9th!... Only in the Classifieds! t'Oi r V7 O Tv k s JFWFl RY Df'SlGN $ J '/)/; ' 1502 Willarnetl.' St M . . • • . ' • } ‘ * '• . y Meed a break? Check out the EMTERTAIMMEflT section in the ODE classifieds r Become a clinical psychologist in the militan and know what >ou*re in tor? An APA-Accredited Internship. Post-Doctoral Supervision. And $34,000 a Year. Want to start your career in an A PA accredited program that pays nearly three times more than many other internships? Then start it in the Army, Navy, or Air Force. In addition to a first-year salary' of up to $14,000, you'll get the continuing education and supervision you need lor licensing. Plus, you'll have the prestige and benefits that come with a commission in the U S Armed Forces Sound like the start xour career deserves? Then send lor more information tixlay. Vs. ti ll me inure. I understand that I am under no obligation Mail this eoupon to U S Armed Hirers, PO. Box 2Kb<', Huntington Station, NY 1174b I’m interested in (check up to 3): □ Army _J Navy _J Air Force Please print all information clearly and completely Sunc tun •*>< Atklrr»% City Phone ) Suit l>*ir • Birth J Mile J frtiule Apt f /ip m 1 d.[ What year will you begin your internship’ -*■«» '92 '93 94 Are you a U S citizen'1 Jyes J no U49 n '95