Open mike to offer new outlet for comedians By Layne Lakehsh Freeraid Conlributcx It's all over No morn bouncing now linos off roommates. No mom being a class clown just because you can't find un appropriate au dience Now you can With up-and-coming co medians in mind, a now open mike event will offer up an outlet and an audi ence for all those filled with funny inclinations Starting on Sunday. Nov 2 -I. at Harpos Blue Note. 211 Washington St . the open mike will be available for coinedians-to-bo from Hilt) to 10 to p m Admission is S2, and no one under the age of 21 will lie admitted 'Tin doing this to help soinelxxiv find out that the\ like comedy." s.iid Brett Hurlirnunn, the show's or gnnizer Hurlirnunn himself has been doing live comedy lor the [last two years, hut said lie ran into his own trouble getting people to let him per form "When 1 was up hi Portland, I had chances to perform three to lour times a week." he said "But in Eu gene, there aren't places that do that Even at Scandals and The Black Angus, it took me two years to get a spot Hurlimann is using this first show as a trial. If it breaks even, the show will continue on a weekly basis, starting up again in pine ary If not, it will !>e a one-time •hing For the first s h o w . Hurlimann has contacted two comedians who will headline tin. show The first. Scott Malone, is from Port land, and the second, Tony St Claire, is from E A and Brett Hurlimann currently doing the Lest Laughs i ircutt Hot h hold 11nisrv along with somr unannounced guests will perform ill the und of the show will open the show, and the open-mike comedians will take In tlic stage between the two "This is going to ini ono hell of a show ." Hurllmann said “Tony St ( lain' alone is well worth the 5*.’ admis sion price •\ll interested comedians need to contact Hurllmann prior to the s h o w .11 445 Open mike spols will run for fi t0 minutes, und all interested comedians will tie allowed to perform Hurllmann said he sees no need to audition comedians "! don't have guidelines," he said Anything that some bod\ wants to do wt!l he d right "If vou have .ins kind ot inkling whatsoever, get up and give it .1 shut, he said "There's nothing lik<- the feeling of when vou do something well There's nothing like getting up there end hearing people i.iugii GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “27 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon 97403 s§ ■x St HAi A..-*AtW« S • ' M ,A i* ■ " *t U *»V I Mi. «A|* »»AV>t 3 -=S 3A. t S- ■* A ’ ti- ' , At A*»l XT l SMinV^Wll u SO ■ Ai,.)-, w ' r MY OWN J PRIVATE IDAHO Mi * • Qto* Slirun m G*x*J * 5 00 WA'/' *; •- r. »x , $3 liul \ Jam -a> i fagNly l 1*0. DO • T« f»<¥, ^ I winning hlmt 6#sf Animated tslont! 231 ■ > l I ■ I I I • ANIMATION. The McKenzie Presents V : "J! V* HIGH SOCIETY it 'g'\t- •* » e* dh 4"i 'ft* ‘H* V'4** M • . . «»i n %*, *« / r, ; n* vv 4 i »vi5 tv* UN THE LONG LONG TRAILER 9S< , V* >«« .*• V , * ''i. Birthday (Rll FRU . :1 (Ml McKenzie Theatre I lave A Happy Friday at TAYLOR'S with JOHN CONGDON I rv our Super Specials 4-7 p.m. NO COVER! ...but we've got some sonic appetizers that are the next best thing! Here s ttie deal we ve made a Futures cassette sampler containinw* the liottest tracks from new releases You i an t l>u\ tins eollection in stores, hut you i an i[et it free when von purchase one of these titles )US‘ ./• A >•<< That's it Simple. No forms to fill out. no questions asked We think tfiat if you sup|>ort our artists, you deserve a bonus. Not a free lunch of course, but your just desserts Ihr hiir Print Thr fuif* print is that ttvrr is N< > It nr (jnnt II tins ttukrs vmi ut»< MinfiHrtal^- & > dim tlv to U* u h<» d ujwm kjr.«JuatMi 683-6902 \ 2100 W. 11th / OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TRY ANY OF THESE C.REAT NEW ARflsrS: ONI Y Please RECYCLE this paper!