ENTERTAINMENT ‘Cape Fear’ sure to terrify and thrill audiences ★ ★ ★ 1/i FB.M Cap# f*#f »• cunirmy at Cinema World Ratod R * J«n I »■»>— * • m>I to »•»'«. • * * »«rto to* tea * • • * a a>w«t «a There's .1 thrill when e Niro C Liri x poses as tier drama tear her Hr' rails himself the big hail wrolf ami seduces her to the point when- sho is totally sub missivi' to his advances Hut hr s not finisliiHi with the lor moot, so ho stops His glares ami sickening innuendos aro disturbing to watch Hut fear and loathing aro what tills (dm is all about Juliette howls is perler tl\ oast as the blossoming girl who De Niro’s glares and sickening innuendos are disturbing to watch. But fear and loathing are what this film is all about. bis old os (’.ad vs ft* us, and uitl matoly. the film’s Sho is nano hut not stupid And (lady ;s on tho verge of ruining hor young Ido T h is mm i o pro v o s onm again that Mo Niro is not only ono ol tho most versatile u< tors In tho world, but also ono ol tho most brilliant Ho doosn’t simply main- sm h dissimilar < harai tors in movies like Ru^iiif! [lull and Awaken mg' belifViililc Hi" takes the characters and makes them his own Max Cady is .1 frightening i nmbmiilmn of sexual (ivsfum lion .iiiil an interpretation of Christianity- .is .1 r.itlonali/ation of .uni <1 tool lor vengeance This is ,i violent .mu unsol tling movie The i oru lusion goes on far longer than il might have hul Is etlei live, llevertlie less H makes Cady into a sort .i! anti (Ihrist .mil Nolle must rely on tils twse survival 111 stun is to live am! keep his fain llv alive At the same time there is no wav that the l.miilv ran stand In,and c mint on their lather I here are so many things that make Martin Si !-esr siu h a gre it tilmmake; One i|Ua III V that is ntteil overlooked is his style of pacing The picture is M'lthiait one wasted moment The : ainera mov es fluidly and almost as often as a per son s eves putting the action sipi.irelv III the lap of the v lew er The tension is hnllt from the hrsl shot and doesn ! relent till til the last Martin S| orsese isn't Simplv making a horror movie limit on the universal fear of the tilt known Hr explores what lies under the surfat r ol things wr do know In what is a shrewd and dur ing move, the original st orr hv one nf tin- greatest film mush t omposers is retained Ihr lair [trrnanl Herrmann (Trail'd a frightening and hrutal soundtrai k lor Ihr lot.j version td (h/ie /ear It is his store (as adapted hv hhltOr llemstein) that is utilized in the updated lilm 1 t an hiirdlv think of a bet ter store being (.mated Its moody. atniosplierlt and nil ll/etl to perfet lion St orsese doesn't relv oil the lliusit to make a st arv st roe wink however Indeed, when the lamilv is iNung stalked, the St ore Is often ntit ft ell list'd It is during the espositional si enc-s that IIrrrmann's musit is used to build the tension \llhnugh not a perfet I film. S' tsese i,• ,! a great tast, lie.id ed hv De Ne * and Lewis, create ae uimosplirtr that is immetli ate and rile with lear In a s e.ir that has seen too many thrillers w ilh t at . jumping from shad ow s to a are tin nudirtur. It's refreshing let he st ated by something real By l ucas J Gutman ..a !'■ *il'ltl-.ti* —— —1 © © © © © ,ii « ul * ; hr*, r. "to 342-1727 595 E 13th & Patterson The EMU Rec Center Presents 301 Darts jinn. Tournament Sunday November 24th at 4 p.m. entry tee $2 sign up at the EMU Rec Center Electronic Darts i’n/es provided h> \ ii|i ■ 11 I uliiuilt il 'lilt'.