FROG Continued from Page 1 in Burgess, assistant cits prose tutor 'This realty has zero to do with frog or anything lie's sell ing. said Burgess. also an ass. . date with the law lirtn i tie city is not in tin w is dm ’ ms; this at frog, (hut) he's -Tern cited Kather, the (its has a sub stuntiul interest in protecting i iti/.e ns -whan out on the streets, and keeping moving lanes open on the sidewalks. Burgess said "in order to do that sou have to have regula tion. ’'/■'■■ \\ I I llou t s ill ll ! l'gll I .It . ‘11 people s\ .: lie confronted svitli a situation svluae they i an’t get through !>ei ause of overrross .! mg. because it's cheaper for merchants to operate on sid• ssalks. svhere thes don't have pas reiit, Burgess said Moreos et, the equal protei lion clause mils prohibits the cits train passing laws afieclitvg a particular group on the basts of race, religion, national it s or other related considerations he said Othersv ise. the cits must have a rational claim for treat ing one group differently from another bs lass , Burgess said Bs extension, it makes sense that only certain items, such as flowers and food, can he sold on tits sidesvalks lieeuuse (lies don't require a lot of apparatus and base quit k sales. Burgess After collecting too many unpaid citation* for illegally telling joke books on 13th Avenue, f rog tried to turn himself in But he was told that the warrant tor his arrest wasn t ready sard. and 'iiocauso lhe\ don't ciiusf people in stand around and g.r.vk and spend Ime- and shop Although !hi' ( .isc lavs is t Miller's side, appeals are nor mailt rl it fieri It !u win Kell s said An appeal is a hard mss lo hoe I 111.iv ti.ivt- i .i;)(>t-,ii ! i e - ()ri';..>in Supreme ( .irl evi-ntu ell\ M I lief ‘,.11:1 Miller, i I'.iigene re-.ident si Hi e 1 * I ■' * he^.ill sel I , !l^ Ills l ike Im inks 111 1 ‘I1H. .1 V liter the ( Jl V ( e IIIIK ll .ippn IVI tie< e LONSDALE Continued from Page 1 roots fondl'd .mil organized roncerning the old-growth timber issue, Lonsdale iMtiptui si/eit |he need for a resolution to the erisis He suggested itn ban on r.iss timtief exports We .ire not .1 third uorld countr\ w .ire not a coionv of fapan ” mi mi ,des the t mutton of new fed lo.itts to help timber com intimites diversify their econo my He ,ilxo s.ud more retr.nn lng for displaced lumber work ers Is needed The other Issues he s.ud in would address are equalizing taxes, fmlaiH mg the budget and i titling lit'It-inf spunding in an interview earlier this, Autunn -.aiti Lonsdale's muxjH-rii-ni i- harmed ii!‘- aliilllv In in- fillet llvi- ‘Harry has nm t*r hi'hi pub!ic iiflh i> liev*• r been on a school board, 111-vi‘t Intn on i water board. nevn been tm a i uv council." ho sail! rill- ii ilfnrttlH r hctw I I'll us is I've demonstrated i ran tiring chalign, ami Harry has lull ilrr’l able III demon strain finv such liinig, Aul olli said Lori-.,iiilti, on tin' other ii.ind. said I'm prinui .■! 'hr i.u I Ilia! ; vi- never tirrn in jiuhlii id tin- sir said nr'.v nil .is ami people an- needed, ami lira Au( iim. is ho has Isrn m tin liuusi' for nine \v ir-. now i .m l ; tiolivt-r (hanga ' l,i.||S . niupantas mtninsts 'Hi* ap pro.n lias the timber issue ssilh his hand oilt.' 1.1 ai’-da!.' -.a:d I it ,sail ;o u iiii- is' p - ii : i ans Vs this Di'linx tats, l.ons * daii- said Now tin pnlitn al t landsi api- consists ot those in ^ put hr: oltn a vs ho ara propp. d * mi !iv i* At im .na v and i‘" a,. ; who .trait t ha said Now it s ; tilt- ms vs lisa outs ■> ■« $5.00 OFF M 'W, Lazar s Bazar | 57 W. Broadway I 957 Willamette DOWNTOWN MAI t I I TtaM1"* Cafe Ail Laid¥ Nr 1! u. sin, rtvrtarfy S1.IS nt l*n mtam* • taivMNtnism aa«nimniuii teii • ww MM • (limit • Inti util ♦ CD**! ♦ IK !’V ; V ' j" \ ■ ' • • ’ We can process your E-G > slides in Just 1 Hour! ; 18th & Willamette 484-6116 o <> O <> O <> Visit the Museum ol Natural 1 listory Nov. 23 tor ,1 special evening of Indonesian Dance with \\ ind\ Sanusi ; f >n Nn\ 2^, [Hi Mw-.« im *:ii Ik: .i|>ni linm iuk>:i a itli « < ?. from l> p m I hr ^jifl shop ^ ill a I0#4 (list mint to l it i> t i sit v of < if t^on students .(’<•! .1 *'* >'*• tii-.v : * I * ; MNII Im»i•. S {t j) m mi . Ui.l Irmn n* *»n U» f* ;> m \ • < > Mu » I N.u• if.ti I iiu<*f. ! n.Kii 1 .tsi 1 ‘ ;h Avi titi' -. I iu ' •(< ■ . * WrtVrtVa1 EMERALD DISCOUNT •/I.D. AWiViW TAXI 686-201C 10"o STUDENT 1 SELFSERVICE ^COPIES ALL DAY EVERY DAY *3$ Tlco Copy Sltop 539 E. 13th Open Sal 10-4 Hrturrtt b‘»tleluxi A / «n H'tfht an I Jl/l' 485-6253 Create your own { FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS from your PHOTOS® ARTWORK HIGH QUALITY IMAGES A PERFECT CIFT Shipping Available • Volume Discounts kinko'i the copy center Campus Location 860 EAST 1JTH AVE EUCENE, OR 97401 344-7894 THE FAR SIDE By GARY 1 ARSON L Well according to the dictionary. I'm |ust a large flightless bird trom East Africa But believe me Doris once you get to know me. you II see I rn much, much more than that