Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 22, 1991, Page 6B, Image 25

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    I'm a hard working and re j* nsihlc
imfavi<JujiI with a genuine •-1 m ern f < the
current student u ndition I wish to hriomr
an aitivr liaison ”f student u -ncrin* anil al*.« >
active m the jirevefitatK>n <1 those u'lx rifn
to (hr administration ! also hr lies r • >n j
campus such .c\ ours it's imfwati *e that
multi cultural diverots is allowed !-> Hiumh
for the betterment of all student- 't u p '
in* ,i|*p"nh»Mf «n<l .mf 'iNi (i i anv
student nerd *nd welcome 1 hangr from the
status ijiK) “I our student government
von- jonks si- s*a n si \ i •*
■ $
I>armi Luvaas
Student Senate
Seal #H «S/KiaJ SUcnt rv'Si IriM es >
I have felt it t * Ihc frustrah- n 4*
the inability toc»*itr«jl h *>'* student
rnrni is fun and h->A <mr ru ncs is sjrnt
l heir isn’t enough juru l);nr .nr IxdrA
a.iw t.i mike Ives heard and under
t< - • 1 Ns students I the i - I O ’Af often
rrcopm/r how hide say *r hasr in h ' -a
things ire run It is imve l**i ihanpe’
<)lfn tally, it r the duly ■ >f the student
senators to debate and to set ^enrral unis rr
sits pdi s Hut I Irrl there 1 .* 11 .— e imp*
tant and fundamental ‘rfd»^a?u*n of student
senator. the representation ■ f the student
I or too long base students felt that student
government 11 a game student politicians
play Aith student tin firs and interests at
It will l< niv number nfir goal *• a
student senator t • dis< over what student
interests are and !■< n» u(K»n them I he
AS! f) uas created t*> gi »e students a »• «u **.
and it is at*Hit time they took it bask I 'aiII
continue to use m\ espeftrmr as a student
Jr tdrr !•> lenund that the nerd an j interests
»>f a!! thr indents ai, I idlin' th-« r s*.h<* frrI
alienated are met ("h . -ru l« heard'
Vote Darien I m.u' !• <1 Undent senate
. A . . .
Amy Brandt mi
Slutlrnl ^rnalf
1 Sen l.il Si if 111 rvSi trlli rvl
W.Hiliin I il (*- rir.il il i}ic SS Hiir
M 'iM I »|<cn\r \mmnl *rtr ti niulriir.)
1 nl<■ Sluilrnl I inanujl \ul. jn.l Ic fuJ
I" r.11 I • Rjurn |i« j ir.u ’
$ •
Patricia Davico
Stuilrtil Sa-nak
Se al aViSiHial Si kni'tVSi Icnrrst
llir civil iif highn education tus
kmur ini irasingl) pioliihilisr In many
slink-nil Mcasinr ' hat srirtrly affected
mull iinunuls |v -glams aid se-imes
Nun stuikni i ate r spec led to pay tug tin
tuition li>i inns I.' Irsici tc.suuncs and job
It elected to the Sluctrnl Senate seal
#*J. | mil link towards nuking this ('nicer
nis us -I.!■ . cs11tvl. uni atli-nljMi- tii
sllliti ill i . •! ill s ci iv ten k gmiii.t' I .nil
tho.Kigllls ci'inmillfil I" inking liigrlhci
with student' amt the unisrtsily In krrp
tuition mils limn ming 1 am also a com
iniltnl oils is. air ol a strong multiculluial
litx-lal alls curriculum. and ol piogiams Itut
cnsuir thr satris ol women on campus
leliw.sk logflhri townids a iinse piogics
sisr studfnl gosrtnmeW \>tt tot I’alnna
lijsico Siudrnl Sfnalr Seal tnJ
John Midiad Clarke Jr.
Sludrnf Srnalr *10
(Smlal ScirfHfW ic ntr^i
Hem. m -i rtui -human nature'
^r.■! y* Jifu al Kti'.fi, r>r diuovrird n»\ crlt
j t*i g aith »(in om o fbe deceptive and
h ;<ra? Muvt<< thAlprupJf | .io «»lf a%
!;<. I} r c*:tH l«*. all) and national!) it
even public % tbr ASK) l nfottunalcly. ni>
voual an 5 political cfihatrm have touted
ml" negative injHjt, neat action, and definitely
m < change
Ihc .•.numftecc 'Ahith I can moil
uncrvdully serve uivu a venatnt if elected
arr ihc C arnpuv Planning ( • •romjltre and the
Safrf \ \1. r,.fv Students have eompl at nr d
af. •]!} pi!r{ lighting And night danet in
i rn'/al )- *. a' i- *i\ and i! \ aN*H lime wmf
i.ftr hi a fur hi AaRr upthe la/> tn««v»ng
j*-Idiva! walrihradt ! hacr matches
Jhr- crucial problem ■ f f*»* vimpir
dr's m i ' remedied Me o-ao per\t*ul
mff reels .nr \tw Urd an acH ! a an jumped
an 5 > ahf'cd a •' t>r \ tfu1 • a fr. *ns PI ( So if
there n anW'fH- aIk nuy K < \ : ab* *u?
. impu • ifrt > tl c me
l m a mild comerc aIim and life
mml toaccf eaiivre ii took nw - me time t>.
fin llhiN -of It van'he umnwd up beef by
the j* JiIk..al cahnsf P J ORourke tinner
eatier.v .uf merely lihriah that have been
I’ve hern mugged
4 •
Malt Hasuk
Student Senate t> 10
(Social Science-s/ScienceM
No statement submitted
Grant A. Calof
Student Srmilf • I 2
(t ndcelarr ilMush 1
1 h.i\r alien>U d the t iinctMl) -I
( hcw’on lof 41 mo l two scars In these last
tw* sears. I ha• r seen the lull**kn initfA.r
the loss of vr serai drfsarimenLs a vutba i >*n
lea*, hers, a reduction m enrollment and a
imduN-! ■ ■} ■ dfu t 11 •*»•«11 ♦« 11 ^ *v uiu n. >
I . M till- k'' I I' “ I “t 'hr l to*
\r.ir\ I too- been a bs slander !*■ all that *tnl
*-n at the l «’<) I r.c set real! s t* - *4 ans
lime to think ;t l agreed with what went • n. I
simph .u v,e|^ed »l l o hr *juitc fv nest.
IhtMjih. I n*> lotion ha\c ht devur t > smipl)
a^c;*t ^hit on ans more I want lo
base .1 n4r in dividing what ^es*»n
I van add quite a hi to the student
^osemment at the l ol O f«h two ma^N
icast>ns !he lust rcjst»n being that I ha*r a
unique was of a|*pro.Khing idea's, in that I
make a 1*-mt of in-set .i Miniii^ anslhmg
uk! that I d*• ms h O to iv quire all the
mhx mat ion 1 van m oi-.k't to make Ian
dv\ ISlntn
I see the position ol student 'cnatt a
a sijitine p ml lm m\ insohcment m Ihv
g ■ *e*niiK fil at eh l mscisits ol < hep n It o
j(uh that I know I van do and a fob that l
kn* w | v an do well
Brian Huxiipson
Student Senate *1.'
(t ndedared/Muficl
No sijirment submitted
Jason Sprague
Mudtnl Scrult m
■ BuvIikss i
f*jwin<t% *111 nrvtf .Ktomplith
antthing Mv natim n ii'^n Sprague ami I
i tii run ring f>* Student Senate teat «14 In
light •>! iimutr < H I ilf a prtvw *h-> it
educated im tlic ntt>c' h> make rrtp.>ntihlc
dei imiioi and I plan It !C[>tctcnt thr ttuilentt
*hu have uiffnrd At a retult cauifitrt
haic been nude ho*eter mtr right tei an
education it nun negotiable \ '<e ha Jaton
Sptague SS»I4
i ...
Braden I). Kelley
Student Smalt • I 5
i Business)
Ihc Student Senate here at the
I nun'll) "I Oregon has »n important role
t - play Ihi' is my second yea; here at Ihe
Irma sit y of Oregon alter '.[encling two
yrais ceistng in Ihr l mlrd States Nat)
acquiring money for college I nmc here to
the I niscrcil) ol Oregon because il hat an
easellent r.Jlegr o| Business Administration
and a MM A program that was JU'I ranked in
the inp ‘-(I MBA programs in the nation At
a Student Senatm I w<>uld lt*>k out for what
it m the Beat inteicttt o| my lellosc business
students. * be Ihe r it it in the approval of
aj^'ointmentt ol people who li-*k fasorahly
up n oui needt. or representing Ixomett
students’ lest interests in meetings of the
t a nils Siudrnl 1'nitettity Senate and
I 'mteiMit Assembly I would also represent
oiu txtt interests on any student faculty
committees ! might tit on I trill do my test
i make ihinp teller ! < ttudertl here al the
l ni'er-its of Oregon. *ut only if you Hie
t.acrt i decide lo make rite ore of your
upr-rntaiives i an ! make a difference in lie
Shident Senate 1 arri readt and willing lo
tel t e
S ole I ■( Braden D Krllet ’ Ihe < andidate
!. i a Beiiei 11 via t1
Hank Olxrson
Student Senate #16
< (, raduutrv lav*)
Something need- to N done about
l: .tudent government, it is responsible h*
hvr million dollars of out nH*ne\. but it
ignores our needs and concentrates on ils
.ah \ri [lujras it is the responsibility of
evrrv student to pet involved and get sxif
siulienl government ba. k on trac k VK p need
to elect student leaders wh» will lx* rrspon
sihlr and responsive to . ur needs and won
c cr ns
V I hive come in contJvt 'Aith*>ui
st.,dent government I have seen close up
some >! the problems you read abut this
sear Because I have tried to help conect
s one of these problems I have ended up with
an adversarial relationship with sxir student
government Although 1 have found this
relationship unfiMiunate 1 felt it had to be
done Nov* more needs to lx* J<»nc and I
need \< *ui help to do it
\V hen 1 am elfw ted to tire student
senate 1 will concentrate on the things that
ate really important to >«xj ! will push to
keep down student family htxising fees, and
get our luiUon and fees back under control
Help me. help yourself, vote for me and send
oux government a message
Jo IrigOio
Studrnt Stnalr »17
it.ridujlrvl a» i
BriDfi > good student tepee.senlati'e
means being a good listener Tim doesn't
mean listening only tolhf most v-txai stu
dents on campus. hut ill students This
includes asking the quieter" students schat
they think arid him their needs tin best he
I sc been involved in student govern
meni since juries high My experience vcith
student govrrnment. including the viritvus
positions I've held in the Women's Center
for the past fixrr sears has remfixccd ms
commitment to thr idea th.it the eavcllrn'ss- ol
in acadenue institution depends < n the level
of student inscslsement Stuslenls should (eel
lint this is IHhlR vampus and they should
hase esns opportunity to he involved in ins
dec tsion St huh .dlrct.s their campus rspen
I am also committed to a stiong
multicultural liberal arts curriculum It is
imperative that mi teaching and learning txr
,,pen and dynamic prove sec v vchich foclcr
accarcnesc an ! respect lor the diflctences
svithm sii ampus nu community, our
culture and our scorl.l I am dedicated to the
idea that the I nivetuty ol < hcgeti is a
university for e'eryone
As a student senator I Wifi woik lot
continued student emposcerment and conlin
usd student participation in university
organizations offices, committees ansi
BaM McNin1 # I
Plojcit Satellite n an VSl () f»i>
giam that ptovides sale tfanspurtalmn n Jint
atound iampus In all arnirn students
Sukc Project SaJetide aai created in 1^86.
ndetship has im teased by 1.085% Siikc
|Q8<) alone. tidei'hip has ijuadiupled and
Project Salende budget has uni) increased
l‘l This \rai Salerule his hern denying
ndcs to 5 to 10 a.omen a night In Ink. ot
spa e in the 'ins Iheielne ihiliilUikllLS
PD unc Uuac Ik -J -*i asuas pet iiusluu pa
lamia uflCdin.tauHdiakjpuw'iuaiiUlj
SiHSfi iu puiduac a limi saq-Li iii-ucwi
BaDuC Mmsurc # 2
Currently lane I tansit District
(I rDlprosidcs bus scnn.es In I'ntsctsily
students ssith i valid student I D In a lee of
$S (W pet student per term In an estimated
total irf $261 ,000 (lavs students pay 7 64)
Ad put a! lixc y uncut iptcoutaLLtD