Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 22, 1991, Page 5B, Image 24

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    Brian Hoop
Student Serial* #2
StuJents at 10 take for granted the
quthority invested in student government to
control their own student Ires and hold I D of
the stuJcnt seats in the l niseisits Senate
uhnh controls all curricular matters As a
past Student Senator I have been am mulled
to taking that responsibility sctiously and
lighting topresci ve the lights students liase
won in the past
I have been organmng a gimp of
students commrtled to improving the mteg
rity ol the Race and Cirndet tequuemenls so
that it addresses substantial curient topics on
race and gender issues in America Hie
requirement should show the University s
commitment to orating a multicultural
curt iculum and recruiting (acuity of color
and scomen that rofleets the changing lace <>l
the student body Mans o| the classes
cunently oftered arale a lalsc impression of
diversity on campus
I have wnkrd to ptrssure tfic I ru
sersity to insure non-discrumnatoiy cornpli
a nee in Ihc ROIC svhish does in a allow gass
anJ lednans to trcirsc scholarships amt
olficer training I have worked to insure the
AAA Dean's office does noi in-.litule an
a tdilional J150 usn lee on AAA students
who already arc fa^ed vaih luither tuition
increases due to Measure 5 I hore to work
nest scat on placing students sulh vounv
po*ri on I acuity hiring coimiutttcs It's mi
education, our tuition see should have more
say in defining scho sail teach us and -shat
a ill N !.iu^ht
Brian Highland
student Senate * '
i \ \ VJou mall sin t
statement submitted
Ih)\ Sliiekls
Student Senate *4
i AAA/'JournjlIsm t
! (cel that as a student senator I skill
d>> a gfc-»i job at tepresenirng the interests !
students to nuke then L’O eapcfiencc mure
pleasant I vk,til make the students *me
heard and mean something I represent tin
mteiest and needs ol each student as 1 see
th.rse interests and needs to tie I skill listen
to students I sull he representing and take
sshal you hasr to say hask to the student
senate and put that voice to ssork for )ihj
Die issues regarding ROIC, sctll hi"
taken seriously rod I sail! light lie gelling
them to he subject to the some rules other
organizations are I sctll us to get heltet
representation (or students, to let faculty,
stall, and administration kilos* skhat see scant
to hase ttsore say in ihji l ntsefsity and ‘*u
U elected the knossledge. ability, and
dedication I possess snill be put to great use
(of you and your needs as a student at the
University ol Oregon
Seth Walker
Student Senate *4
flic t n»'«Tsi*> ic aiiicntl) in a time
lit giril change Mriuuc ' combined with
the chinning ["litical climate nr quickie
nuking thr unoereil) 1 higbrd of idiettv
Ihis cunrnl eituuli.'fl 11 eche 1 believe me
Indcrehip .ind Jrcmon nuking 'kill* nr
appropriate lot the l oft) today I. am.well
Itaeclrd and haer much •\|<rurncr in
leacterehip puvitione and 1 Irrl me record
and irputation ('rrlairung l" me qualdica
tu n. arr erll explanatory I beltr'C I ee.iulJ
tx- a "Ixrath *1 ftr.eh air in Ihr AM O dir
rcacon brine ihai I am an unierryite etuek-nl
looking in I hier liillr rejernrncr in the
\ St '(). eri I am I ami liar eulh ile ope t ah one
and I haer mu. h cipciicn- c in girvk Ica.k i
chip organizing publia (ihi anlhipire rle I
Irrl I faring firah idraainto Ihr \M t1 uk ti
ae pro active l.bbymg in Salem to irpla.c
irernur removed be Measure ' and in
creased campus ercunlv I frrl 1 am the heel
. am! id .Mr foi Jour nab.em Seal »4 on thr
Student Sriulr and I In !k lot* lid to doing
me p.«t lot tin' unierrole
lisa Albrich
Senate Seat
11 .mg* Arts A I etters/lntrnllM Studies!
Ihcu m mci p otto students
attending She l niscisii) >>1 Oregon. all >*1111
dillrirnt consems and inleie'ls A' 1 s.mdi
1! in 11 h \M () Sni.il hi N, it ,u I K lu n ili ii
,l ls lime itial the Inisci'it) listens U> the
suKt-i Hi Al 1 students Ii i' the nsjsunstbil
itV id ml student lr.i.Jci' I.' rnsuir lha! these
luiici arc hciiJ
Ihc student government ian begin In
rcpic-vcnt all students by holding Ihc I rvj'cr
ul> amonlahlc tm its lommilmenla II ihc
l miriMiv tiuls n committed to celebrating
Uivci nt). *c mull ice Ihc I vcl.pmcnl "I a
strong multicullitfal curriculum. including a
jiicalci tin us fit 1.1. r an.l gender 1 'ties and
liic hiring! ni ill.KC fas lilt) *’l sidi* and
in omen faculty in It. ’I just a ten iclc.l
departments. hui in all devilments We
mini aim ice commitments In ensuring
women v vale!) commitments in ihjhkarc.
sommilmrnts Iniuci > *>n . ampin and
commitment.' I" j‘ir ci vine Ihc human lights
.| even iludcnl In a klitnxi hi mud
denund tuition ihal 1. aftmdahlc an.l a.. . ••
VI hie ( 1 UI iludcnl \A ci annul il1'*
tuition to me any highci im un *r allosi
Ihc vjualitv >1 1111 cduvaiion he mmpr -mned
I an and regulable siays nl evaluating vlanci
tnu.il lx- pul mlu elicit in irdcr In cnsuic Ihal
muc Height n given In Undent evaluation id
classes Students must he aide In plas an
avtnc pile in thru mi educations
Ihc posief to make viiangn at the
l nncisit) id (hrgon lies in Ihc students
hands Vio have Ihc ponct loclcvl icjec
scntalnri wins -sill vsuk to ir|rcsrnt yum
interests and to rmpouri all students I
intend to use ma Icadenhip trpericnuc.
mvluding my cunenl riprrirnce as ( o
UuctliK ot Women's Kesoui.c and Refertal.
to ensure thai the students on this campus aic
listened lo and to see that )om needs air met
Make suie your soue is hraid V ,<r h«
1 IS \ Al BRICK Senate Scat »*>
Maurice L. Marvin
Sludrnl Senalf •$
(I ongj'Arts A I eSIerVlnterdiw Mudkst
In (espmise In esci ins leasiiiji luilmn
i.iisli and jjfuwins' Undent si'iiscins il is tmm
lure c-s.iluatr Ihr l mseisit) s pneities
Specifically. il is true ill that the curicnl
buieauciatic ah) ss ol inefficiency he idined
W; must ma hejient that the l niser
sit) is heie lo seise the students needs, and
4> «uvh. rtf mu'! preset'e the mal 'tsdrnl
'four no" in jeopard' indirHira'f
'ri'i'i i\4il,*hitil\ In lullin': ihe nnliH' ni'
desire ‘! pjpffrtviii 'indent' air I .h e d rtiih
II fleeted to live Student Senate. I
rtdl rtink t.i Herrist llbrun houre Ihc
lil'iai\ unaijuahl' . a enlnal tet*ice. and I
"ill rt.xk to »ive fund' in i^hri atrav nlhet
than cut the horn > ■ >f m,h a unnui\
luithcf m*rr I "ill xul to nuke
fill am lid aid nmtf a'allaMc Hie degree u(
I’aper!*'* k ir^uurd id me thu 'fi' ne i'
um.oiv"i"(uhlr and u »n eiamplr of the
needle" huieaueijtii meffieiene) "huh
'Indent' aie (need In ti'f "ith
I inail). I "ill endri'oi to 'lop
wasteful spendini; within the athlelu
ixintiam, a"onng 'hat 'tudenti nxme) i' nol
ihannelled into iiK"0'ei|uenliil 'n'un
II 'v>u aie lurd of student govern
mem ha'stig it' ortn agendas. rtilhimil
irfeiriKr to die 'tudenl' need', then 'olr fix
Mauiiie I Mar'll! I < Student Scnaie
« ■ ■
Cliris Cellars
Student Srnjlc if»
(I jjig. \r1s & I fltrrVlnlerdivt Studies!
1 vc vcrvrd on the Vn^tf f“< ' I
yr.ift I Kaivl and van gel thing' done
Wlui cl^ tK> you need
Shdiza Mitha
Student Senate
(I jui|i*y-\rts & I etterVlntcr^llsi Mu«Jle\)
Having viinkrtj j»i the I tmraM as a
v.^'V r*iji<>r I have ku»mf a*ate ol ihe
limn [wuHcnu iuireminding Ihr l mvernty
I would I■ k.r lhr npf»>rtunil> lo inr my U.IU
i,, help trudvt ue.ir "I thor ptoWrnu
()nr . >1 ihr i >uin I *ill f<». ut on i'
ihc in*P'nrmrnl ol ihr ta^r/grndrrnon
! uii^vjn iuiiitulum I J'> n>< Irrl tlir
malcnal [ttrsrnlly offrtrd in thr«r uHitsn
i lrijuali K 'rivn it' iff* or ol (nonmung
» A 4icnr\s
llrronung i member ul llic Slu.lrnl
Srna'r will enable mr l > I'eUri save you, Ilie
tludcnt l»>dy b\ ill"'-11ni; mr In j>.11vc 1
■* *k .vn this ami nihri imp-fUM nsues I <i
miijr^r I “ill puiu»c IrgnUlmn In enruh
ihr iai.e/gcodcr/non l in>^e tn aiufsc.v to
rntouiage aAiirnof and dixrmtv id ‘Idler
rm Lulturra and .1 women. Im Ihr l>rnrlil <■!
Vi.tr Inf raiinrii Voir h* Sheli/J
()\\en Bivmum
student Serial' *'
i| angiSil' '' I flit rvlillt rdiM studied
Student coseinmM ft- a ll - lf.tl‘ 1
to raise tuition pad rrsuim and bind pt"
e t ants ailhtn some chic f*>httv a! clique
|lie ini’, legitimate n-le -I student
government is to ptoside a '»uc I " student
a vtiivc that s[»-aks I” l nivrisily (at till)
Ihf sutt-iunding i-.mintini!) m l aa'r !i,
line A student gosrfnmcnt it ciealrtl I"
(flirt! the viral . J die students I hn sUM'til
ttudrnl government I t ■ not represent 'hr
-.ludrnl.nl thisvampus At srr> best the
tiuirni AS! () government onl> represents
the sriv small percentage ”1 studrnt.t that
vntrd in Ihr Iasi electrons
When rlr.trd I stair that I a ill
oppose ans and all measuics that s*ill raise
slu,lent Ires .chile supporting pi 1* ". 'Is
utlmh leads lo loan tuition I aill also
demand time re sj« uisilxl it s and ctcdihilils
(turn (ell. -* Siudrnt Serial < • and ASl O
I srcutise oflis.als || is n 4 a lar slret h -<
Llie muginati m lo sa> lhal evcr> student
scants loan I cut is in and a credible g-oem
Hire! Ovsen W Hrennan h - the
Student Senate
Dick I a?
Student Senate
( I *t\gj \ri\ & 1 Htc rvlntrrdw Studies)
Du* pcintvy tr sensibility of the
unjsersitv m to prepare its students Jor then
^ arert v and euible them to \ui s ivc in the
"real" vstvld l ast year. Di Ronald lakaki
* .firnowned.ethnic slushes professor from the
l nivetuiy of ( alihvma at Berkeley ad
dtfAted the students faculty-and administia
ti«*n on the ■■need f »< a "natural" urns ct sit y
This term implies that the unjiercity.not only
lepre.scnls the \tatr >*l Otrcon. Kit the entire
t mted States as svr11 H»v kesnotr sjKTch
sparked i m'vrmerii desired-to the re strut
Hiring »f the current curriculm in mclet to
a there to the untly csolyinp sirs* sot
I he Student Senate me > wmjiu hon
with the I adults Senate attends to vmh
cuiitculum issues as well .»> many other
l nisetMtv pi‘licit v I vs ill continue my
current involvement with the'”i ouncil («h
Minority l dikation and the Multicultnul
( urnculutn t ommittec. in *eder to see to it
that these mcvf.st.viv chances ate as know I
edged If elected to"the Student Senate. I. still
push for a icesalualion »nd i eh h mat ion >4
the curriculum stnxfure. ami (hat trgins with
the illegitimate iacr. gender, non rurojran
requirement' Wic Dick l rr
Diana Mam Collins
Minimi Senate
Seal »K I S«h IjI Si trim vSt UIHrsl
Hi int .1 .Hiilcnl li .hIci .'ll i > aiii|*is
ill . 1.1 • i| I In I in v full) i'l Oirf’ii sail al
tune tv in ..invihrliiiii't espeiieiKe as s*c
m e,) hi nuke ut "is s heat 1 atone the
ni'i-.c nsjile hs ill. n it nl il'*' I nisi lull
I ■ 'll III III 111 I ' 111 ■ HIM 1 III!" ■ ill I I IV till I* 1 I I 11*1
a |n iiin.n in In.ti n' |i»fiiinmil i*li*'H' I'*'
I, cl Hut *e i in Hills U hi ml n ssr ir|«r
icin the siu.lonts I led lh.il the Sln.lrnl
Senile skill i.11,-i me Hut '"if
I he lieu si* 'in ih.H .lie nuke .il the
I niscisils Senate ami Ih 1 nisei .,ls \ssern
his Incill) aMeslus tin slinienls llntchue
II is essential Ihal see skin* .ue elrili-,1 In these
fHnitnms skill H |sesetil the nee,Is m l "I’m
| 'in lelli'ss . I lisle lit s
I Kn in t 'hi I.* .1 I lure si u . Ill il I base
H. i it tit, l in ■ u Ml s "I Ihi s’. ,n I h.tsr h.vl
tin i|*fnt*ltiin(s I.* i. |iii's» iil slinienls in
11 ll 11 u' l1 '1J * a * M ■ -I I e. cull s as the l i*
Ihir.i.u ,| Ml ( h \ I lu li nt ir|>ii setilalise
, *n the ( iiin, il I a Mi in u it s I .In* alum a
memtiei .1 the Multisultur.il ( umsiiluni
( iiinniittre arut a partis iparil i>n s.unms
panels .!, rune an.I hiring .miinitteei
|he - a In ities ha e risen me (he esprit
e[k e in 1 .inliilett. e t" krne.s that as a
Sin lent Senahu I sumliln'l let ■ mi mfnetn.
ttii .iKCirn tthe .hi.lints Iv *-s eilm .keti
I rI s, in siuse Is' Ik it I \ "tc h i I hana
Man a t ■ .lliris
Michael Jones
Student Senalr
Seal *X l Sn< la) St trill iVSt It 111 ev I
I |KX1 icvirw 'll>tc last Icirjct
heir .11 the I niveisitv. ! vr 'ibser ved an rvri
({tn\ain)( (tismniid.1i on between the student
hods and the aduuni.tialise apparatus M no
lime was this nioir evident than when the
a iministration ignored a ycnuine student
mi1 Yemeni I > han military reituilmenl Inmii
the 1 Ml' It. lies e it is the responsibility ol
mu student yosciniuent I 'sieve the yirowinyi
y ip hetween tin vlu lentv and the I nivrisily
adnumslialim the lust step must lx- to
uis leave the mrnrmirus ate ‘ii tvelvsren the
individual students and tlieit student ytosern
menl Ihis will heighten the credibility ■ ><
our student ixyam/aiion in the evrs of the
adnurusliation and l"ive them to take student
mi s mis nun ti mi ie seiiously