II) irKU'j'ing ;k\txinUbilil) *ilhin ihr < omnultrr »nd rritructunng (tv jIIix.i lion fxiiocsi I hrlior mu inlcrots xill hr vurd Whrn \.xj ml )<>uf vo«r r*n A|miI VO!! H)R JAMI .S Mf MCHOt AS IK'ONI- V! AR SI A ! Mmn Mdiirfcih Ms mmt n l-frcm Mrfurtahand I would hie lo intf<*Juce myself a' a candtdalc lix i one year teat no the Iih idental lee Committee My inlrresi in entering Um [mtildeal rar stems from what I see as » nusmanagement o( student left and onn p»t> active stance in rrgards lo sludrnt pi "grams I consider myself a projamenl nf student programs which enhance unit), education aivI non Kadilinnal esprnriKrc these programs must hr [collected One of my main l.tinri tumid t< lo deal responsibly wilh Ifie at Iih ation of fere In the \lhtflH I>r|cittmrnt I would life In lead Ifie Athletic I>efiarlmenl in a direction dial will rsrntualls bung them In self tuffiocn. > In repaid'm the I ih Mmmal I nmn. die [xograrns which aje widely used bs students like the (hild..n Program t ulluial I "turn. child- are facilities. and Recreation ( enter mull hr sii|^v«led. IhjI we mull take a close look at what ajiyrars to |y a large mis lilt*alinn of fundi lining In the I Ml' »dHumiliation Ihn new aj■[*it Ihr Incidc nlal I re < nmmil Ire has the ies|Hnisihility to alloc ale 1 million dnllaic to near than HO ASI t > lunded iHyani/ationc and )H*yiattic Due lo enrollment decrease, our leec are going lo increase Personatls. I would like lo ver out Ires decrease lint rasing ctudcnl Ices will dnedly ailed die students that (institute die divei sits ol din c .impn tin- students nl coI.h Ihr low inc onn students will not hase .n ' ecc to int|Hos mg ihcir etitle aiion \ . an lit mcmlxt . I will hr as ccHintahlr loi the icfxeientation ol disemty t»n tan c ulljHIc and work to [aocidt acCCSSi hilits to etliic at ion VOH I OK II Kl s\ SMI I OS" S Kulur.i KikH?t'> 1 m|*>wrtmrnl id aludenta ihtinigh u-|| iuii n rrlremrh impUml Slu,(ml jmijh tilJI ptotnle divetoU ami aalrli within nut a ampul a niiumjMh air nrieaiilira \ ten |*ciaCnl aut i>l thrar aci aiari is md a anund u'luln >n !•» !hr mi nr Olivia ill tuition Indmdual Undent a would i.n( ,nl\ leu didlaia and end up loamy n'iKh liner \i an IK' mrmbci I aiHil.l "ilk In iniuir the aaaO'ibilily id aanipui In I. * ini mm- alualrnti bv krrptnjt imidrnl.il Irra iliiian h\ making auir iliklrnl yiieip' wrir puyeilv lundrd and aiailablr In all atudenta ( u 11 r nl I a 1 rro the Co Dun be id INi>»<-i t Safriidr anal hair a yiral nxiaon lie thr animal id lalrla anal rquita puyiaim al the Cniarml) id (hry>>n I undo aland thr impoctamr id lenuei run by atudrnta |.e iliialrnLs I helir'e in thr empowerment id aluilrnta. inalrad id thr lynotarkr id blindly and imliunnunalrly aloahiny proclaim •§■ Kiwi T»\k>r In re> rnt yens inudentil len hive been in reiving it in ilirming rite At the uir the current II t is spending money, in. Jhri iKtciu veerui mcvitiMe 'Aith Meivuie *i initeiving tuition. miny students tie hong priced out of out I nisetcity I* it fur fn incident.il Ires to add to Ihit burden1 Student gnop.s tie imporlinl. f*it Dot is imporunt 11 the itudenti l( the University 11 to continue functioning in the Meiuue 5 eti. ill nginintions must he prepared to like mil A vile lor Kuu Iiylr* for ll ( 11 i ure ft* lower student lees responsible itudenl government, ind i more ilfordihle University Annr V';«m*r Ihr In.idental Ire < immune* IIK » jiu* atei m>»e than 4 *> million dollar* in a^ot.unKlrh HO itude nl pKftaim Ai Meaiure S ilium budgeti *lllr- thf II ( muo ail to halt tning mudentai (eei uilhoul lavttfii mg the qujlio. of the ASl () All<*atjn# 4 5 nuliton il*>U*r% is a hu^r icsponsibilit) fo* * seven member team I i|o rxX want to sec your money *ftS> uiili/r and to puik tpale in ilodrtX ptogtam* and ugamza lioni fhtough theie eapetietnci I haie iKtif lo realize the unpaeUnce of 'Indent mu i|'erne til and I *ant to rtuVr a diffet enic I am hard lofting. ! am accountable, and ! am ethical Remember incidental fees a,c I ROMSIt !M STS IONIUM SIS i-or sn dints viHe WACOM R lot IK' • I - (Tins NVdl As students of the Universits of Oregon *e pas a lot f-f nsones in incidental Ires loi enh term IV.se funds go to suhsi di/r Ik kets fix alhletn esents llir I Ml the ASCOand nuns other gtixips n [xogiams Ibis seal and nest due to elicits id 1 hrgon Ballot Meaiure ' on I’nisTisit) [XOgrams and a deacase in student cniollmcnl Ilvosf Ires ssill nerd lo he m ! the funding f*»Ik ies If elected lo the !R I * tnaease the assrsSlblllt) arid dlSC(Slt) .'I .<41 »4M1|M inti I'l uu edus ation Vsilh Measutc I ise an I a decirasui); emollment u is ms or essential than esei Itul ue hase a h.ud * ,»k.niji asountablc student p'vnnmtnl Insidental Ices aie ansthinj; but iih islcnt.il ' Mu kn1 Vk r e jn sunk Hi t cdu« Ires but nm *iU) thrt.SK I hase thf etpetieiHr. nbirilisil) amt as sisuntabilit s u* vfcitb students as ni) l.i(4 (M »• if ll \ V the 111 budget analyst I hasr 4 dssisjlrd It* 4 1411 4 (id CqillUblr ICdUstf K1 tn Ices ssitlisiut ivdiKin^ viUl saI els 4 (id su|(> at iriiun As 4 Ion income student ! trso^nife t)i 41 vse must nut lull bet limit 4utu to 411 education by inacasitif lees Pi unity DIM.RSI H' S upj* <1 set sices that educate 4nd luithei iiiultuuliui ilisiii on .mi sann'us Supp'd C (snips uk h 41 vllildi 411 tb.it ulli.ss 4 dise 1 se student NkJs ISn*it) \t 1 I SS1HI1 in Re diisf lees. Ixit nut .it the expense ol the Student l nn-ns s.ilcls and nun liaditumal student suppal scisue-s Piist its RiMAVAl I 41th in student pisemmcitf must be lenessedb) si^.tuus Jss. tint able, and tes(xinsiNf scork to insure that the students ^ct the best pis siblc lot their iih'ivs son Sll M MAS A1 II t ' )i lot Parjjol •\s a member ol the II C. I will he dedicated to maintaining piogtams that promote ihe di vets it) of lhe students Imp* uni aspects <>f mu eJucatn-nil eafsenence are !he special intereds groups within which we paiticipale With this idea in mind I w ish to perpetuate .juality progtanvs fix all students The student txxly needs lohase its carious mi. es heatd by the IK' committee. and I will he one who listens to these soi.es As put ol this umseisils I hcliesc that wr as stuvlcnt-s base the tight to demand pn»>l ol where our money is gmog and control oser where it should go Special interest groups that seise the Student Hod) nuke up only a minute [ vr c c. it apt ol the money allocated by the IK' The money thai they receive should n-< he infringed upon by the larger otgam/a lions that i4stain the majority ol funds avail able I will he discriminate with funds, to provide overall access to activities that are under represented ai the University of Oregon I sec myself as sensitise to the intricacies of the eset chanping ctudent population * Sieve Suarez Hie problem vsilh normal politics is that special interest groups are paying the politisi.ins Ihe (mblcnt wilit IK' politics is that the politicians are (using the special interest groups Students arc t*emg breed to gisc S4 S million a year to II l Charities, Inc this has always been silly Sosa it is espe mails ridiculous in light ol Measure 5 and the resulting luilion increases I si ill op|sose eser s attempt to iihii i > sour student Ices In fact. I s*.iH push to reduce tliem Ana sUt in a group s funding •' ould tv based on uniform criteria applicable to all student groups instead ol pandering to 'ine groups and slashing . ilhei s I unding educalion is my main concern not bankrolling s(