emplosrTKrnt and budget vuis uittpu slide mans students have mimed hi** vitalls important the I AH is to Unisersils ( Oregon students As our student union, the I Ml is the huh for nuns activities and is used Ky many student groups anvl individuals If elected to the I Ml Hoard I ssill conunit myself to insuring th.it the 1 Ml is accessible to all l O students b\ sotking to maintain a sale and comlottable ens irtaimcnt loi out doer sc student fvifiulalion I ssill also scork to 'cr Out the ! ML budget is tan and economical and that IMl' facilities are amiable five a scide range of student groups and admires Vote loi Wendy Vcjlupck ASPAC ASSOCIATED STUDENTS mNIDKYIUI AI)\1S( )RY (COMMITTEE Ryan l)w.laTt No statement submitted -8 Maxwell Wallii^’ford \% out l mscisity laces ihr many thillcnge.il of the nest year it is increasingly iniporlant that tiie students voice Ihctt concerns and opinions to Ihr administration One of the ivenues to oi press your concern is through the student tepiesenlalis c to the 1‘ie.sident's Advmey Council An accessible rejxesentatise is a direst ..funnel to President Bt and | am ldealls suited h t this ta -k As a student I hast been active in nuns areas id uruseisity tile I am a member of Sigma Idn l nsiloo fraternity and have served on the eiecuUve council as chaplain ! was a member of the club sp its ctrw team fit two years, and I am currently seising as the social chair for the mlerftatetmly council Through my involvement with a variety of students I leel ! have gained an understand ing of their needs and the ability to rites lively communis at those needs to the jxesi dent It is my goal to duly nuke myself available to the students so that I nuy clearly share their concerns with the (xrsi dent so dial changes are made by us. father than ixdetcd down to us STUDENT GOVERNMENT Primary Elections: April 22 & 23 General Election: April 29 & 30 IFC INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE 1-YEAR Jow L Bakkras I ini running h* an IH pscsition because. I believe that the Inst priority of student leaders is to represent the students We should hr priority because we air it sponsible fur the diversity of this cani[*rs The ytib of an li t member is to allocate 4 7 million of mi dollars Nest yrar msidental Ices and tuition v*ill nisirase because of an estimated decrease m enroll ment and because of Measure S We scould like lo see professionalism lot (issal icspsin sibilities and openness (or intcractroo with students A good Il f inemlsei ssdl te As countable h» maintaining lose tees for teller Accessibility to kducaliun. as well as supf»«t Diversity and Education Without Diversity. which educates studenLs aixHil multicultuialurn. and without 1 ducation. which is the reason why we are here, the I niversity of Oregon will not Ir nationally recognized it 1 am defied lor tins position I wdl bring a flesh peispectivc ami knowledge t>l win I will represent Accountability. \oei sibihtv, Diversity and Kducalton SM’DIMS \RI M MB! ROM ON MY l IS I von- I OK lost I BAI Dl RASP Oir*s linutuui I have w«»ked ill year on Residents Housing Governance Council (RHG( t arul ASF’AC. and hasr seen i l«« <>l the spending habits and procediac.s of i sanely of goaip' w ithin the Inisrrsits community I have i lot of respect foe the mgam/jtion ind nrl wsxlung that many gioupv use. especially m icgaiis to spending money. but I see a lot of loom It* change* within the system. and I d like the chance to try and encmilage those cflanges where necessary fhete have been sour mistakes and oversights made within the government not nesessarils due to incompctency or m*ppr>ptiate positions, but mavbe out of need f<* new insight and experience I d like to be the one to contub ute that insight and experience Mari E. Bellamy With rhe impending rhieal of higher tuition costs for the next year, access to higher education by the common student may be limited One way to keep costs dow«n is to decrease Student Fees by I O'* in suppirt of the ament initiative Thu-me a tit reducing stipends, culling IMl manage ment and eliminating w astc and abuse of student money If elected, I 'aiII Ir iiptn, accessible, and professional winking hud bn the asrr age students someiru I am committed In working with po'gi Jin' anj ergatu nation to answet questions and allocate ihii student money' laitls I plan on personally attending nunc meeting' ■ '( the psogiams to itvxe lull' uftdrt stand their goal' and nee*l' Mv c'l’eneiKe In linanir Ja"C' and positions as Ireaiiur and I undtamng Chairman in '(intent groiqw qualities nr to do the Ira I job he all students I plan on [xi.ting and enhans mg 'Indent gioup' and p.uticipalion in the lee alii*. iliu i pros e " In 'landing up fix pn-gum ' light'. I alio "ill hold group* acctxinlable for delicil sprndmg which hatin' 'ludenls W ilh light' "Hues responsibility I will manage yvur money by negiXi aling in a wise. Ian. and impartial mannet i m wilting to gi'C I lt)'r I hope y»*i 11 Ir willing lo gi'e nr sour vote Mirk Bnnkiiuiui I he nude nts I Ihf l m'fml) • >< Oiegnn 41 f firing hil vnth Ihf mtirascd uni' id aliens) mg ihr t msctsily due nnnlli In Ihr imp.htt nl luilid Mrasuir ' I irjli/r llul infidrnUl lcr 1 air high m rclalmn In . ahn I unriiilif' hul I al tn Iff I ih il Ihr l nisei fil) - ’I I hfgi *11 uudrnti mrnt imnr brnrlils limn thru 1 n v nl f n 1.11 Iff 'i I It. in . 1 m li' nl t 11 1 4 In 1 I nt t f 1 \il iff V.nfs.tl! Iiiih nl pi» gi tim tvliiih irteitr nh.idellUl Ifi .l"ll41 f if«fi4li mi li 111 budgets 4nn putvidr uUl trititf I" flu dents IIh- l*t> largest intulfnl.il Iff tempi ml', tlif I Ml 4ml (he Mhl.'lit IVp.uinKiil. in. ui rtjl) 411J irs|«*mbl) Ihr IK mu.I null 1)41.1 In krrp lilt klrnUl Ifff if low ns possible iliilr maintaining ijtijliiv ff I Vlf f' II ckf in) in ihr IK I plan In srr Ih.U Ilh i|UaIiI) n| po'grams -lml fflfifff pi. f i,li'il hf Uixlenl gumps lx Mumi.iinril luilhcimtar I (Han lulls ami irdutr Ihr nunilvi nl inudrntal Iff flnllait th.il go In llu' \ 1 hIf lif I H'(uitiiK nl am) Ihr I MI a. 1 ih. ml limiting stuiirnt at f ru lo Ihrm \ , ir 1 1 M u k Hiinkitunn hil l .iram W tlh elude nl cm- dliiR'nl !■ * Itntnp ami liutfxi (ujln>0 inui-.no ahead m il sear will lx > hallcngmg h« ihr Iru i lenial I re Commillee IK memheis will need mexe skill than hrh«r in Kiln In jxojxily serve students Allcr Iasi yrai's problems with llie IIC. I fxcame concerned with ho* -an student lees »nr heing allixalrd I was the only person that wasn l part of (lie AS! O laecutisc, IK', or IK sialf lhal consistently attend IK meelmgs. and I txlirsr I have Ihe ripriteiKC and ct*riinuliiR'nl tiesi-ss u) lo Ix on the IK’ Phc lie is charged wilh selling and allocating sludenl lees in ene.ss of J 5 million dollars In return sludenls are able lo lalse advantage ol oser Ml ASl O |*<> grams funded hy the IIC I leel lhal sludenl programs provide 1111(» riant cullutal j-ilili cal, and safely scrcices for Ihr campus If rlritrd. I svill give all sludenl groups a fair and unbiased hearing I hrlicve lhal we should cwnunr Ihe hMU. ASl'O. and Alhlelit Deparlmenl lo find ways lo lower sludenl fees without having a negitisc impact on sludenls pro grams Ilus will be difficult, but if you want lie membrrs who can nuke lough choices, then vole led Carson fur Ihe IK' WJImn K (t.tvkilJ I am turd o( the left wmg machine cs.4sling thru Uihute m campus \ ••cIt (. 'm.iiMd amt sell perpetuating ofigauhs hold p'litis al puss ri in thr \Sl t > and spend $ of niv mor>r s nit atti»cuxts so s ailed peogievsive items like tloiiso' eVua! lights ami jhsxtion prsxnotion Dies also commit liaud thnxigh sloppy bos>kkcr(Mng and overpayments. use the patronage mule to line then Inends ps«.krt.s. go on irtieats at out rs[srnsr and sjicsa hxth a anti Ameusan. anti (anuly ideology I. fix one. simply despise It is time loi some opp-ssitum in the Ilf As ilie las and ap|xi-|xi»tion l»»ly >>l llie student government. tlsr I node ntal I re ('oinnuttee is inherently polilicJd I sltongly disagree suth the a ge n di of the siment regime and seek a 0 solution in the system I vs ill a 01 k to irdu. r lees hs .''‘1 l" ''' hs /cm funding lent seeking gimps like tfir hom.sseruai movement, sole tsMesfucc sli|x nd, t.s alt Ire ircris mg U ties rlimi n at 1 isp lunding I * luxiessenlial .utisihrs and ps i k s ansi using thr |s > aei >>| the jxii sr to in tme liugat spenslmg hahits hs all irsipi rnts While this platfswm is cmsetsalisr. 1 heliese Itie mess of stuslent government demands sliong medicine I base the soiti age to put my vote sslieie my mouth is1 ■ 9 • Jrtt«i UlUlM' Inutie ntal Ires have U- "iir > wuiir of h a ml out s I ‘C main gjoujvs on thn oimpus w hu. h ii r not dcsig net I l« * benefit (’•civ paving stutlcnt but father thru own vj'Cvial mine.i organization Ihcsc same groups .nr living in a socialist ut<>pj where (hey .nr accountable t«» no one ami air allowed to waste student money b) irresponsible dclu il spending Dm waste of mu money must end Av a mrmN i of tfir In idrnt.il I re ( mmiUrc I would attempt to put an end to the iiivolouv and ambiguous pending «»f our money on activities which do not enhance the quality of everyone $ education I he passage of Measure **> will mX allow the prevent ini ml vet of 'free money' (uoups who need funding must learn to fundraise fit thru >wn special interests Iducation is why we are here I du* ation is vvfiv we sjx*nd so much money I he waste of our money must end I have no personal agenda to support or aita* k any specific programs 1 want to further the quality of everyone's education by promoting reapmsibrlity. initiative, and accountability My mteiest is l -t every student's education lt'\ time f<* a change Ihe waste of money must end I’urthermorr. I fuse no cornmum able diseases Jrrod Munir for Incidental Fee (oinmlttr# J.uiK'i MiNdlioLrs Sr 11 ycai luitn ii i'* r spec ted I ■ imteasr hs >' ' peicrnl and incidental Irrs •A ill mi'll 11 Ills IIH lease ill" due 11 .1 >![' V in student enrollment I be IWIaca dntut school seat nu) fx: »mw a. die second *a.r nl Measute ' Usukitsoul I mvctsity funds If tjitmn continues t<> im.iC4.sr the sludcnls ssh<> s*ill sullri most skill hr those alirady undritr|»rsrnled ai the Inisersity namely, losk income students students of cl. a. and physically challenged students I brlicsr (hat out student (tlou|«i a/r sital to maintain any sort of dientity on carious My lust tespon'ihility as an Iff memher ssilt tie to ensuie that out groups and oui intrtesls lie [itesersrd M.a only must this disetsity he [stolrcted. fait accessibility to out groups, hence the I ntensity mu t he incteasrd One »ay to incte.vse accessibility is to losacr incidental fees I hrliese it is pissiblc to losecr lees uhde keeping out student .egani /almas intact