Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 22, 1991, Page 2B, Image 21

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1**1 ku* .U«l Hlllh FfTRlNKl
throughout thir campaign reaum
\i»i have twen bortibaided wilh campaign
thriiaii IV candidate ray lire) want in
tower fere inctraM valrly and lirtrnlolhc
etudenit c»>ikcin\ (ml only one Ikkcl DON
taken any real action Hint Hallig Mr-ouir
mil four rludenl government i<> lower youi
leer. ilrey hare ahead) begun improving
iantpue eafrly I') working with the admmie
Irj||.>n to move mghl daccer In a well III,
central building, and they continue In r|>rml
hotirr livtcning In rludenl concrinr and
denies Anyone tan make campaign prom
net Nil only Don Holly have l>egun making
positive changer
(>nlv King and I ngueon have |xil
atide their personal agendar ami united lor
Ihr good III all stiiJentr Only King am)
Irrguaoo will ark real wtial you want your
government Ur do they will structure Ihe
ASIO so that rludenl gioupr w ill inlet ad
With each other, thereby giving all rtudentr
rijual c^rporlunily l<» involvement l cmg a
column in lire I meiald. Iher will eonltnue to
reek your input ami keep you inlumrd aNul
rludenl government actiom
|>t)| 11K AI I’ROMISI.S I <K)I YOI ’ II
yru do mailing elrc eleclion day. plrare
trmembet Hut King and I eigur.xi r At
1 < )l I >1- R I HAN then opponenl'i ptormrea
I’leare don't allow another yeai rd dirhonral.
wanelul govrinnwnt that igmner Ibe rlu
denlr wirlrer Help u.c Ning the needed
changer Help ua Ning I OWI R I V.I’ir
Vote lew KINO AND IT.RGL'SON and help
ur pul Ihe rludenl' track in sludcnl govern
Hotiln lav .urn! k.mmi hwv
\\ i .\J C I hi* illtk'ICIH c
I cc and I nr of In j unique blend
that psoside's not onl> J unique persprclise
but also the rtpcnencc need to lacililatr a
wide ungc ol student concents ami issues on
our c»m{Hjs All issues and concents at the
l () hase a common drnonunatn. that bring
out uniseisity ttprncncc lo sale guaid the
lights of all students to acquur tlus univei
sits et(senence we uffei Sihi icii ntisvuxi In
the 100’ Ot academic seat
' I o [Moside equal oppniumts In
l'() students lo obtain a qualtls education at
minimal cost
I n I ee Inc. equal oppnluruls
means the tight In all students lo acquire a
uniccrsits education tegajdlrsj of ccononuc
background marital status uir, 'ri.ni
tH>nal utigin disability m 'CiujI hrillation
|’ii ! id me a quality education not
only nrans lobbying at the state lescl ft*
replacement resenur ensuring th c stability
of ihis institution, but also includes disruily
mg the cufirnt suintulum pni'idmg a
realistic model «»f «iei)
It* I rr’Toir nurumal sml nm only
iris lustre Inserting ins islrnial Ices bot also
lowering tuition ami insicasmg (mans lal anl
Tsi do this see must fight Im a sja'sial cession
at the state Irsrl. as sscll as Itbbying fs*
ntonelaty aid Hush as an me tease of I’ell
( Hants I at the frdcial Irsrl
If you ate frusttatrd saith the seas
student gosemment is icprrscnling ys>u In
>s«it umc la- heard Make ynu sole a ' tr
11 h ill sludents. |ai sem and luluic Vote I S t
and Tmr Im AS! () fhrsistrnt and \ ice
Ptraideftt <>n \|*d ’I
Outs ItwifT. .uid IVnukJ Mor^ui
Chin Phai n and 1 Smald Mu pan
l.u mg l(*cir filih vrai of sunning on I ip
Kamen. iltrap hen and peamil txiltri and
jelly sandwiches as vludrnli al Ihe l olO.
hair drudrd In makr changes Iheir
pofitKil yearnings ilrm from an atulr
i»urnrn id Ihr (ala! nuslake of modern
amciican politics in igmeing (hr rnmmous
i|uiliy 1**1 dlxm ihi»i'ing m* lo s.*i ''
i it mil ol iln ii dugim viilli |* *liin i nn)
Sl ilnlit 1 ntJii ill lhal itkml i* llir iluiknl' al
the t nlOdomd n*i in studrnl rlrclnms
and Ihui fall into (tv iairg*»y of strong
mindrd indisiduals ( hns ami Ihmald
ic|*r.irnl Ihr hrait ol this gioop ! *i ln*n
(song piditicians ihry air Ihr loundris id Ihr
(’arty to Inurasr Student Sosrtcignty
While i*hei i andidalrs lanr utxfrm
aNy iminHi.ini mun Ihry fail In go Ihr lull
dnlJikr hs specif isally highei sludenl
consents mill ai K aulil smg i anyxii wilh
alliaitivr gaiden gnomes piortWing trrnage
baldness and ihr impending killri llrr
mi nion ni* lo mcnlion gelling ml of |viks
fiohcc gollri i
Suih auipu ions |Ho)ril' mil soul
mono mono lhal n hud lo come hy in iIk'
posi mr.ismr ' cia Nil Ihcic air answrts
Suih ai consolidating management al ihr
I Ml Ihnrhi piosiding money lo* imjxx
l ull jMogi .mu ai m il .n m mg iliitk nl jidu
ainl stealing no* ono
Kccenlls Chin was guided n laying
\ oir (,* ui. i* we'll lour " Buf perhaps
iKinald iaid il hril when he irnutkrd. "I feel
like a halonry sandwich " Strong wools
from Ihr candidatrs thrmsrlsrs
Ifcinrt ISiljti
I juii no< s ssndidsle l>» Ihr ASl'O.
hut against it ' Student government" n
insulting I don't need ex want it. and I wish
to free my self from it I plan to
1) Bung ASl'O operations to a halt I
need only tullill mostls unspecifis' duties
required hs Ihr ASl'O Constitution to avoid
nnpcav hunn*
2) Oner an impasw has heen
reached liHcc refund »*i varucllahon ill
incidental lea's
' i I’l.i n^1 jn .one iSaJmcnt >>" the nr a I
ballot miking inrmbri chip aolajni.ua If
AM O n stagnan!. a vote on an ana niimrnl
mas .aaair hcfuic neat Apnl II Ihr amend
nvn! para ails, I will resign. cjujI AN t O and
Irl Ihtisr of who usr Iht' piogtams pay Ihr
Ihrsr air nr i o atrd by self interest
I hace no monea II I a ann- •< af h n.l u hoot
nest arat, whatrsrt ASlOdues is meaning
lees lo me ll is yet lo be useful l<> me
anaway. because il only aeraea the sahal ial
tino.iird student groups that controls it
I>ie real ol ua air juslifirdly apathetic and
haar accepted imidrnlal (eea only breausr
the a vaeir either not taxi burdensome ax
seemingly unaaoidable Hut I no* reluar lo
support AMO'a prtajccts when I ran easily
d>> aaithooi them I hase the brains BA ai
nuarlrrn and the lime a light course load
to re-acue my names And when I gel n. you
get yixirs haak. laio if yiti wanl it
Finally, ainae I aaill smly un goaern
you. I will collect no salary and will nearr
mention my ' office" on any resume
Ja»n Coro
Politics is a lucking joke here at the
Umvetsity of Oregon Hardly anybody
knows what our ASUO President does, and
nobody knows what the h.ML Board, and the
Student Senate do 1 sure as hell don't
anyway, so volt (« Jason Corso foe the emu
Board, I will do good "boaidwork"
Sue Dockstader
1 am running for the KMl Board as
as alternative lo traditiooal values of power
and hierarch) I will work lo bring the views
of a diverse student body lo the Board
These constituents include student of color,
gays, le-sbians and bisexuals, women of all
colors and sesualitres. students with drsabili
lies jnJ older rriurrun^: stuJenls Hir I Ml
helo(i|;s (o sludents so Ihr Ho.ud mull he
composed of i irue reflection of the student
• i -
Sara Dudff
The I Ml' faces numrmui challenges
in the comnung years from various fronts
As an II C member and I Ml board me mix’f
winking with the I Nil budge!. I have
witnessed this pavi year the struggles of the
I MU to balance its txidgcl vvhile maintaining
the level of verv ices and opportunities which
it provides Nest year a new director lakev
office which opetiv a variety of avenues and
opportunities tocsphxe the management and
function of the I Ml It iv my belief that the
I MU. as a student building, has the obliga
(urn to provide students run only with high
quality services and programs, but also with
opportunities for employment, skill develop
ment and peison.il growth Ihe students of
the University of Oregon should be the
primary beneficiaries of the I'M l I have
worked this year on restructuring the man
agement ol the IMU, and I am committed to
continuing to make changes I am also
committed to working with Child ( aie to
develop a program for high quality ctuld care
that benefits all students at this
university I hclie'c that my experiences to
dale in
ASUO programs. IK'. I MU. and sarnxas
comnultee.v gives nr an unique view and
understanding ol the challenges that lace the
ofrtaUon and functioning of the hib Memo
rial Union, and I am comnulled to working
for students to address rhese challenges
•4 •
\Axito IVna
Ihe students of the UrmemH of
Oregon sjiend ovrt a hundred dollars a term
in incedental fees Ihose funds are dispersed
to the EMU, students union, and the Athletic
Department The main issue that affects all
students is the allication of funds, such as
Child Caxe, Salende, student unions and
other programs
Ihe EMU board deals suth allocation
of office space, EMU lobby space, and other
issues associated with the building Ihe
EMU is a student (xientcd building Stu
dents eat. study, or just hang out in this
building the student programs are situated
in the EMU As a student 1 olfer to provide a
"student" siace helwcen the management
and ihe students point of view
If elected. I will represent every
single student group in the EMU I will
speak (sir every group no nutter their size or
belief Remember, the EMU is for the
students and we should fuse the right to be
hraid on what gic» inside Eiw student
leprescntalion. Vole fix Alberto Pena. EMU
Wend) Vrjluprk
rhf I ML' Buatd determine* policiea
and overvees the long lange planning of the
BML' b> preparing iht LMl' budget and that
of its ptogtatn.' and b\ addresting issuer
concerning the use of the building With the
recent issues regarding the HMU ttudenl