EDITORIAL I Bush puts Congress on ropes once again If George Bush were a boxer, he'd Ih> ready for a ti tle shot. With a record of 24*0, all by knockout, he has amassed a most impressive record. Of course, he keeps beating up on the same oppo nent — Congress, which has never been known for hand speed or quickness of foot When the House failed Tuesday to override Bush's veto of a $205 billion spending bill that would have stymied the administration’s "gag rule" during the coming year, Bush gained anotiier political feather fur his cap. Since he took the oath, he has vetoed 24 times: 24 times Congress has failed to stop him Before Tuesday's vote, House Democrats really thought they had a good chance to overturn the veto Speaker Tom Foley. I) Wash., ferociously lobbied Ins fellow representatives and even took the floor in the 11th hour, but it was all for naught The 27f> 15b vote fell a mere dozen votes shy of sending Hush to defeat Had the House felled the veto, the .Senate, which passed the original bill 72 2f>, would have hern sure to follow suit For those unfamiliar, the gag rule" prevents federally funded programs from giving advice about abortion options. Not urging abortion, not condoning it. just counseling. Bush, who's tilt to the right now resem bles the leaning Tower of Pisa, has let his arch con servative supporters die tate his abortion policy. In effect, the president has decided ufree speech” in federally-funded programs means whatever the current administration decides Is morally correct and have led him into the biggest political blunder of his administration For someone who claims adamant support of the Constitution. Bush has stepped dangerously dose to violating free s|>eoch rights. In effect, the president has decided "free speech" in federally funded programs means whatever the current administration decides is morally correct. That sort of thinking smacks of black uniforms, jack boots and large party rallies in Nurem berg. One more founding stone has been taken from Roc vs Wade. One more brick removed, making it easier for the Supreme Court to topple the entire structure. Yes. Bush did manage to M) Congress once again But from this corner, it is an extremely hollow \ irtorv. Oregon Daily fO 1*0 > JIM fUGtNt OHtOON 9/40) t*** OtlQOn t 'a^y I •''**>«*! A JH*)'.*.*■«.! eJAf* ».*>•*)«!* i f%Utf !’«| WSU »**-*• A'X1 liAMmlAy ttf%3 (l.vog :fs« vjm/r'**' J>? '.'hi ^v ()*» , ( •-■»*,»«) f>-jfc*fc*V'\g Co >"» A! tN» Urt^tKV'-y of OttgiX' I Qrog.ir 1*h» { 'WMl opmtVtm ■r&HMtrtiUtr'Vy iV f*xi »-v> o" »*% At S%. to C o? ••<» lff Mur*.' ..i! UrucK' a/xi *. « of !h» Ae>ux. P T^« f «* (vryata prisony T*\«* jnu»*’ '•rxn.t cv \o o' * p »» Do-" f'**©'* Jrt«u« fUwg ► ‘.i- ».ti ‘ Community MinulVn a.- Student Government Activities i i i, H«gh#r l ducatiorv Administration C*"m Ou « Hepoitara Ta,~*r*y Hd.'»r> DavsJ C *%**)wrnw, Do- M/gwaiU Jay*** J*;o&y Koopping K ^'■on 1 ■* *® 1 ** Ml tog*" Ii,>p*» %cv ,M. «*ty g Copy I ddor* C*'rMoQhm i'N» Oar | -&** h'u I *'**'• * '<*5 n»j.» P.» Ma-’vors*v' l «M1 Ml oga ’J# .'(* U*’a. Kal^y Sr-orV.* « K*"-, -aim. »> Photographers So*i*osk»r A/v}'m H.t «.• Advertising Judk't ilrisJtoy Scot’ 0«» «» l *r. « f ,t i1 i K {?..*■• l(v-* ( ©»* ♦■ l «*>,i Ng Krt-vkv' H Moy« Mary •*.» *>«*Aar ] *>■ t > . .. K>b - S-*WOn Vif Classified Poggy Mt:C«tnr Martag** Hev A «<« —« ' A t ft* :;•«■ d i ah^o Buhmmi Kaf*^ Cartoon*. Supervisor Ji*fy ><> > , Production '-•'g*«3 W*"'« f'nxkxlw' Coon* vi.W J© ,» a *h»' 'va a’ a* J.m f ?xr I r«K Knv no Granger Jerv '# M v, J*r- Mar ' Ouu McCoOO S!,v> W"v M.« **AV .*»- ik I lout'x! Jwr-■•■ A *i »* v> >»• to' Va.«o T General Manager J .*ty M«: Aavonnmg trirecior m Newsroom Wft Sill Business Offics 346 S512 KfO«iCt«on M*rv4g*r M Dta y Adv«nitMng Cfmifi«d Acfv#r1i®ing US 3712 146-043 HEY KIDS CAPS TIME TO PUT ON YOUR THINKING BECAUSE IT’5 ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE: Jo SoNJA Watson WHO 15 THE most competent Vlc^ President? Coiuccf Responses will < asuo nominations Ctao*P*^y£jv£z*jf-:* LETTERS Low blow Apparently the (adlege Ke puhli< tins In i that unv student leader who has i.oiniinllnl .1 misdemeanor is unlit for duty knowing thiit everyone. In cluding till student leaders, have broken the lavs at some tmn1 in our lives one might ev pev t the .itlempt .1! ousting )u Son).i Watson to In' the ! 1 rst m .1 long line ol petitions to regain "justice it VS ould he true Jllstll e to .ilsu hrmg petitions against un self and even other student leader and faculty leader on campus i he i,u 1 th.it the Republicans h.lVe singled out Watson shoVss me they have more on their minds than merely justice lo question a leader s ability based on the individual’s work (or hu k id] Is legitimate I tie Iieve it is almost a testimony lo Watson that the Republicans cannot criticize the great work she has done, but must resort lo below tin lielt antics to trv lo swing lie student body toward their politic a! beliefs )cdin Thomas AM () Student Senate! Drink your ilk So the College Republic tins .>mi their ilk have mounted a retail campaign against the ASUO vice president bet ause thev re angry at the ASUO tor not allocating enough numev to them Their lat k of funding shows It |ust Isn't t ool to lie a sexually repressed square anymore It is irresponsible for the College Republicans and their id re pressing ilk to vent their bus trutionx out against .1 particular ASrOoffh mi Instead, they should realize they will never attain political clout on t ampux !«•< ause main stream six ietv is too hedonistic to adhere to their outdated, re pressed suburban ' morality' (a morality'' that doesn't reflect any painful soul-seart long on their part, but instead results born believing one too mam early l4ur ;enf Oppression Handlxmk to hi; letter (ODE, Nov 1.1) Step t! II a non-white is criticized n a white immediately i r\ rai sm Step »'l Blame Mike Col on and his ironies for evert, hing The Jo Sonja Watson recall ■ ttort is motivated In her pat ern of poor judgment, not tn he color of her skin Jo Sonjas are was never mentioned bv dther the Cummrnt&tur or the imi'ruhi. U-iause Ixilh public,! ions knew tfiat rat e is not the ssue It is you who has made his a racist issue I thought that t was cheap when Clarence Ihomas used the race card to ;et confirmed to the Supreme lourt. and it's a cheap trick low At least Jo Sonja hasn't snipped herself in the flag of ippression Brian, it must lie hard being lorn a white male when you ire so politically correct You ■ay tlie right things, you dress he right way, you join all the mportanl protests, but every Horning you wake up with the knowledge that you are not 'oppressed " Apparently you ire one of those people who las a martyr complex, wishing hat you could relive the life of csus by suffering for the polili al sms of the whole world 1 kvc it now The life of Brian Ed Carson Student