ACROSS COUNTRY PROFILE** Women runners head to NCAAs once again By Dave Chartxjnneau i.n ?!*, R«[ . /•«> Last wiTki’nd. thr Or.-gon wumin ■, i ross- i.iiiinlrv tram ,aalific-iI !<•; ihr N( .A A < ham .. 'ii'-l;. i.s huh i nmi' as no • a r p r i si' in com h Tt>m Hiinon.-n \ f t«■ r al :• In ' v mminl ijjr 11 » ’a Ai| ja ir.i:n i". in ! V ■■ M t III- 1' , I-.I t V 11 i■ • A : illlrll S .alii ;i.i Min t has !;* * hcirl: I hi- Ducks again visit the Da ttonal .ran Monday at An/on.i It u 1 .i! I Ihost I r i|ts to the *■■.( A As an' only-part of the sta list It s the tram has an umulnl ril o', rr thr vr.irs Oregon has won two national championships, finishril m the lop thrn trams six tunes won thr K«• )411 at kill t ham [non shop 11’ out i tit. years a hit has hail numerous individual !’,n ifu Id ( nfi i• -1;i i a in! !< i . on \ champions Add So one statistic Hnnon>'n is v er v proud of Wi arc the onlv school s<. win !wo \(.AA championships with ! vs o S o! it 11 v supii t a t r 11 *1 ms he sa!ii pr oil(i i v " I here are other teams win. have won Iwo titles, bu! vs. re the onlv s< hool to have won with 11 totally diflerenl run ners " ill! ’, , year she !)ll i Ik s *.i;it**l !i qualify for tin N( AA ■ was m iwh'i whim Orr gon !.sshecf four!!) nt regional* i ‘*H‘t .vlicn «i' i nil) t qualify I ivas rrnl shrieked Hiunoni'n said Hn'inprym m'iuds to have a » oar k furrecruiting v% ; ■:r;• r mosllv from the state of Oregon who wit! he strong loileguite runners "The best high sc hnol run ners are not alvs a Vs the tc -| ■ I n! logianv ' hr said I vr born surrcssiul with, loss drvcinprd funnrrs Hr thinks main top high school runners an: possibly virtr.imni I hr lap runners arr usually hr.ivilv trained and un i adapt In different wnv: of training," Heinoncn said A lot of thrm have workrd awfully damn hard to gel where th'ov. arr. bid there's nothing left Your Official Duck Shop At The UO Bookstore Gives You A Huge Selection Of Quality Sportswear And Memorabilia k SWEATSHIRTS k 100% COTTON TEES ' DUCK TENNIS SHOES ALUMNI GIFTS UO DUCKWEAR ' KID'S DUCKWEAR SPORTING GEAR Get Closer To The AcHoni VISIT OUR NEW DUCK SHOP At the New Cas Center, Autzen Stadium Open fctoncuy - Sunday, Ptv 34S4338 SERVING UO DUCK Itfswjn PrtnffV* i » ' 7' t OLIVER Continued from Page 6B < option \ week 1 • !i ,n tlic Stanford 4.1mm Oliver had himself an !her lilt: day .1! AVashingfon intercepting .1 pass anti block ing another punt. "! tolti spot :.11 teams) coat h Nit k 1 Aliotti when 1 got here, that I was going to hint k st\ kii ks here, and t have five so far Oliver said The senior will get a chance to blot k ins sixth in Saturdav s ( ivil War game his final game as a Duf k Oliver s career has been evi ntful this season to say the It ast. hut the length ol his tenure at Oregon has hern short Oliver transferred from Ari zona's Olendaie junior College to Oregon in lanuarv lU'K), hut! fall's ;umor veer for Oliver was cut short bv a knee injure hallway through the season Along with Oregon, Oliver paid recruiting visits to Texas AsM Missouri, North ( .irolina State and Fresno State, hut of fers tame from other schools such as Oklahoma. Houston, Arizona and Arizona State Oregon's football program got Oliver, and so tut the Duck tr.if k progran Oliver stood out :• 1. ire n as! - ear 1 !rui k team than in' did on the looihall field, placing fourth at the NCAA Championships in the ants and Los Angeles Ranis have all shown interest in pos stbiv drafting him Oregon defensive ccxirdinator Denny Schuler has coached ,1 numU-r of defensive bar ks wtm have gone on to the NFL, in cluding 1‘hom kaumever An thony Newman and Chris Old ham "He certainly ranks in athlet ic ability with Newman, Old hum and K,minever. ' Schuler said "Time is on his side lx ( arise ! think some of these oth er kids blossomed earlier