◄ VOLLEYBALL PREVIEW* Oregon to put close on season By Jayson Jacoby Emfwaui Sports Reporter The Oregon volleyball team will try to c ap off ,1 disappoint ing season, which has featured a school-record 0 0 start and a 2-lit stretch, with wins tonight and Saturday in l.os Angeles I'he Ducks, 1-t 14 overall and at 4-12 in conference play plac ing them ninth in the Pacific 10 Conference, will take on 12th ranked iJSC (10 t>. 11-5) tonight a! 7 ill) and fifth-ranked- UCl.A (22 :'c 14-2) Saturday at 7 p m Oregon dropped both earlier meetings in Mi Arthur Court hut has beaten CSC the last two years at the Ly on ((enter For one of the few times this season, the Ducks will tie play ing with too! middle hint ker from Irvine, (laid has iieen lar from a do-nothing player for the Dm ks tins year and in her i areer at ( begun After redshirtmg in l‘IH7 fol lowing knee surgery Adams iiet .nne a starter her freshman year As Oregon s t aptain last year, Adams led tfie team in iiiot ks and hitting percentage, and finished third in kills Adams is ranked fourth in tile Put 10 tills year with i -i t digs jier game Hut tile stress ft.k lure, which ame during the |.MN Premier Tournament in Fullerton, (lal d kept \d.uiis out ol at lion for 1 -v- : a! w eeks and has ham pered her performance wlwn she has played Mmdee started the season us our top hitter. Oregorv said she was in shape and all her skills were rin*i11 v honed and she w .is reads for a great senior sear ' But emit inued pain from the Hours has kept \dains from practicing most of the season and has presented her from playing to tier potential \! times it w :i *■-.■; r, ills good, .\datils said •! tilt lured shin '.Bui as soon as \ou start putting pressure on it it starts hurling ft s been real frustrating \diims will he in the lineup tonight against the l'ro|ans and will try In i lose out a standout career by helping the Ducks to two upset wins ! leel real good about the years here." Adams said- I would like to hale ended with a good year But you learn from e \ pe r letli es I i k e this I s e learned that volleyball Isn't es ers tiling in life Mi t .rat h. too, lias sii lleied from some of the same irustra lions She svas tinrd in assists m tile l*a( 10 hist season, and de spite the nagging Injury, she is currently eighth in the league in that i ategorv It ss is frustrating lor me to get injured Mi t hath said 1 had high hopes i liming into tin season Tills team tills never had a < bailee to gel Oregon can still finish the season above SOU tint it will tie difficult fai lug tie- j- -wert'i; trojans and liruius who Ore gon lias Ixuiten In only one ol 1 -I total meetings WOODS Continued from F’age 68 jjaimi (>t th*• season at I exas hit], ami La Bounty 6. is !»eii sLiWeci considerably by knee injury The trio combined for 1 :t7 tat kies, t - It k s ,i I n j -l ; <' s lot losses Iasi year irut those numbers have dropped to " seven anti 1 ! this se.isun But Woods, the eternal opti tmst, sees a bright side to all the problems I’m learning to play hurt." he said it's a page m mv Ixiok I II need later in mv career if I’m going to move up to the next level Woods said despite his he k of healthy playing time he still has .1 chant e at the big time I think people t .ill see III) talent, he said They know I've plaved hurt and they've seen me play at 100 percent last year " Two of Woods' coaches also see NI L, potential in their big lineman "1 think he has a chance," Oregon head com li Kn h Brooks said But I'm no! the guy mak ing the decisions It's been a lough year with all the injuries Hopefully he'll get a chance to play in a post season all-star game or something and show his skills " Oregon defensive line coach Joe Schaffeld said he doesn't think Woods has shown his po tential as a Duck "He's injured right now, but he tias the potential to play in the pros," said Schaffeld. who has coached the likes of Matt *. ......—J O* '’as x, Senior note tackle Marcus Woods, hampered by several injuries, struggled to duplicate last year's success Brix k, an Oregon stundout on the dofonsivo lino now in Ins third voar with the Croon Bay Puckers "Ho has quick hands, and he's strong in the legs Ho just hasn't buen able to show what ho can do this year " Woods said that if ho contin ucs to iinprovn. hr should he able to play in the NFL. 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