Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 22, 1991, Page 6B, Image 17

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Photo t^r Jmt* S’***#,
Orogon corrrerback Muhammad Oliver has slopped live kicks and provided some spectacular high
lights tor the Ducks
Oliver’s play shines in dismal season
By Jake Berg
i nwifilM Sports f Mof
Orogon rornorbutk Muhammad Olivi-r is
Ih-sI dost rihod bs i viimpir rathor than words
In I hi' Dinks' 2A ~ \ In*''- ill Arizona statu uvtj
works ago, iho son tor's him ki'ii punt .mil t'ltsu
mg turn lulmvn highlighted tho garni fur Ore
gun Allor shaking his him ki r on tho lino s
mil. Ollvor sonl hlrnsolf Us ing ami prat Ik alls
i a ugh I Iho Sun I Vs il pun I ss ilh his gut
Ho ami Iho hall I h it It t amo down hut vvoro
sthhi pairotl Ingothor in tout htlown hliss win n
Ollvor hoppotl In his fool anti gruhls d Iho spin
mng kill ssilh ono hand, and math a J 1 van!
dash It) iho oml /ono
Orogon t oat h Kith It rooks lulrr t allot! the
plus "ono ut tho Iwsi intlivldual alhlolit oflorts
I VO t'Vor Sot'll "
At tho Unit' s\ lion I iliti it. it didn't loalis
see n i liko that groat of .1 pi.is. said Olisor,
who also returns kic ks lor Oregon Hut w In n
I S.Ivs 11 on ! V, it w iis .1 lot lx-tier
Ami Qlivrtr himself has onh gotten better
tins M'.ison Thu r> loot-11. 170 pound athlete
was responsible for stopping another punt List
week .it rri.A unci also another at Arizona
Stair where he hatted down a field goal
He |tisl comes Up with 1) 1)4 plav after big
plus,1 brooks salci He's macie some of the
most inc redihle athletic pla\s I've ever seen on
a football field
I be game before that, (begun s home loss to
Stanford, Oliver recorded what Mas prohablv
one of the verv levs highlights in a game that
vs as ot lie r wise an ugi v I hit k per form am e
(ardmal cjuarterbac k Steve Stenstrom tried
to hit receiver (Ibris Walsh with a long pass,
but Oliver intervened, sending himself air
borne- and parallel to the ground for the inter
Turn to OLIVER Page 8B
Woods ready to reach
potential against Beavs
Hopes an NFL career lies ahead
By Jayson Jacoby
Emerald Sports Reporter
Oregon senior nose tackle
Mart us Woods hits a lot of rea
sons to look forward to fin
ishing his career Saturday
when the Ducks face winless
Oregon State at 1 p m in Aut
/.en Stadium
After all, the team that
Woo<Is was supposed to anchor
defensively lost its hopes for u
third straight bowl appearance
early on, and at M-7 the Ducks
arc guaranteed of their worst
season sinte 19B3, regardless of
Saturday's outcome
Wtxals is just one of several
Ducks who missed consider
able action and played hurt
during this season's rash of in
juries that c an ties! lai desc rihed
as incredible.
And the (i-foot-2. 300 pound
er should have a shot at playing
in the NI-'L nest fall
Hut Woods isn't concerned
about all that He just wants to
win the Civil War game Satur
It's going to mean a lot this
year, Woods said We don’t
have anything to lose This will
make our season if we win I
think we re hungrier than they
Despite Woods' dotermina
lion to heat the Beavers, it
wouldn't have lieen surprising
to see the Corvallis native lin
tng up on the other side ol the
football Saturday
Oregon Stale jus! never vs as
good w hen I liv ed there,
Woods said "So I wanted to
play for Corvallis High more
than OSD Because they were
winning all the time "
So after excelling for Corval
lis and playing in the Shrine
Came following his senior sea
son, Wocxlx l>ec ante a Due k
Ho was named a second-team
All-Pacific 10 Conference selec
tion Iasi year, totaling eight
quarterback sacks and 17 tack
les lor losses
Hut hampered by injuries this
season. Woods and the
Ducks — have faltered
Woods said the team's lack of
success has boon more frustrat
ing than his own personal
"1 can get over injuries,” he
said "Hut team things —- you
can't get that back Team things
Inst forever; you share some
tiling with ‘to other guys.
1 wish it would have been
better,” Woods said of his se
nior season "I've had a lot of
good times at Oregon I've linen
to two straight Ixiwl games i
i an look back in -to years and
say 1 was part of the team to do
tilings that had never been
done at Oregon
Ibis year's Oregon squad
was expei led to contend for an
other bowl bid. init the Ducks
have gone 1-7 after two impres
sive season-opening wins
Woods' performance lias
likewise la-on hindered bv a va
riety of injuries to his foot, arm,
knee and thigh He recovered
quit klv from knee surgery after
the California game, hut his
game still hasn't been at tin
level Woods wants
I haven't been able to make
all tile plavs I want to make,”
in- said It (tin- injured hand)
was like playing with one hand
tied behind mv liai k They've
just boon nagging injuries
Woods' teammates on the do
fonsive line seniors Mutt
l.uHountv and Jell Cummins,
have also suffered from the in
jury plague Cummins was lost
(or the season .liter the second
Turn to WOODS. Page 7B
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