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Call Ahead 345-1014 for Catering 2489 Willamette • Open Daily 8 am - 11 pm Don't give up the search1 Try LOST AMD FOUMD in the classified section Wounded Ducks ready for hapless Beavers By JaKe Berg f mflfaid Spw!s I !' * It has ln-i-n .1 miserable ■.c.tMiii fur Ixith Oregon and Oregon State s fixitball teams and Saturday's Civil War mati hup should put one team out of its misery, if nothing else Nut mm h is at stake besides tradition and bragging rights in the ) pm imites! at Aut/en Stadium be tvs'Tii the two ultra state rivals The game does boss ■ ver give both teams a shot at ( hanging the perspet live of how the season might he looked lia( k upon It's a must vsm game for both programs, Oregon offensive ((lordiriator Mike Bullutti said It s a < bailee to end the season oil a (Kisllive note I think it would take avvav a little hit ol the had taste Oregon defensive coordmatof Dennv Schuler Kind Oregon Stale offensive (ixirdinator Mike Summers said a win in Saturday s ( av il War game would mean the world to the Beaver fans, players and ( oar lies A victory in this game would erase a lot ol the frustration in a really long year. Summers said T his game means everv thing to us but the (a vll War was not hi I led to he sui ha con test helot e the season While (ire,-, , was i lehr a I mg its set ond < onset ullve howl appeararu e last Det cm her, tile beavers were leiebratlng the absent e of for met t oat li Dave k rag ill or pe kragthorpe was run out ol town after his pass -or i entisl offense Won only one game last year and |errs !'"tt i« or was hired from Northern Illinois with his triple-option style ol tense The new system lias not worked msiant wonders, though, as tin first vear i i >ai li is off io an it Hi starl Oregon's overall mark is not mm h. mote impres sive at t ", hut evpei tatloris, whllt it .1 low (or (In gi ai State, were very high lor tic Dm ks tills vear 111 juries ; an be mostly to blame for ( begun s drop in its level ol plav alter the opening two vs ms We ve got a lot of resprit tor Oregon." I’eltllxine said I felt tliev were one of the top 2r> teams in the nation after their tost two games Injuries have had a contributing role m the path that ( begun Statt s season has taken, too lour differ ent ipiuMerhai k s have taken snaps lor the beavers " \>* .rtf' > .«■**, Walk-on tailback Donovan Moore is likely to lead the Oregon rushing attack in place of Sean Burwell The game against Oregon State starts at 1 p m Saturday at Aut/en Stadium this year. and who w ill he in tin- ()regon SIati* pot kel Saturday is also questionable K.i Browning, the only non freshman Beaver quar terlsuk. is fighting for the starting spot w ith Sedrlok I hum as !• leshmen Ian Shields and Mark () I lord haw both started at qu.irterh.K k. hut injuries has. their status for Saturday iislrij as questionable Oregon's quarterback situation, too, is undeter in lin'd .is of yet Brett Salisbury put up some guixj pushing numbers .it UCLA List week, but he made some i rtu j.d mist,ikes Unit may cost him the slatting job B>'h. Brothers. who started at \rt/on,» Stair*. suf fered ,i c.a 1 f injury in name. keeping him out ol List weekend s i on!. •.( Mr has practiced this week anil :f Brothers del start SaUmhiv it would hr the M'vrnlh consecutive, time a different Oregon quarter bar k has started Slavin' HI keep m\ quarterback .tarter a six ret until gameUme. ton, hec ause It'll really i onfuse their defense won't it ' (fregon eoac h Hull Brooks said Wednesday Brooks has been impressed" with the plus ot the Oregon Mate defense this vear. hr said, hut slatisti i ally, the Beavers defense Is right where its offense is the i’ai 10 basement Oregon State s .’III. '1 yards a game is last in the country and their defense s allow am r of 11J M yards a game is last in the t onferem e 1 fie Beavers pass defense is partII uiar I v weak which as ol a com erii to I’ettifxine, i onsidering Salisbury passed in times Iasi weekend Bellotti put tin- ball in the air so many times last >\eek het.iuse ol a beat up Oregon ram: rig game ha! fie is not necessarily planning on throwing tie- ball so many times against (fregon State despite the Beavers pass defense 1 hope not," Bellotti sutd but then I don't know w ho's starting af quarterback yet The Oregon running game, ranked last in the > on lerence yvith only 1 I *> i y ards a game has limped through the last eight games Star tailbai k Sean Buryvell has not been the same since an ankle injury alter the second yveek, and starting tuliba s . e Shed rick had to sit out last yveek at t < h A is yytl left walk-on tallh.e k Donoyan Moore to airy niur h of the rushing load, and the junior has had some bright spots in place ol Buryvell is ho is again questionable this yveek 111-' ihuks. however, have missed Buryvell tremendously going 1 M Mm ■ his in jury t.AMf NO I I S Brooks, i gia.luale ot ( )reg m Stall', is 1J 1 | against his alma mater The Beavers' IS game losing streak is the longest in tie nation Hie Heavers' last win at Auburn Stadium was a 1 ' 1 t victory in Ml') Ol (begun State'.. 'Ill players m its rosier. S2 are (reshmen ◄ UO PROBABLE STARTERS^ OFFENSE SE—-81 Ronnie Harris IT—-72 Todd Gydesen > * .'•» LG—64 John Tetlersall ' C—78 Gr»g Phillip* i -■ RG—67 Bud Bowie t. ‘ .■> RT—77 Sieve FUrdin > ' < ;1*’ TE- -83 Jett Thomason > l . QB—12 Brell Seli»bury <->3 .*• TB—22 Donovan Moore i ' » FB—34 Dwayne Jones ' FL—18 Anlhony Jones PK—9 Greafl McCellum '••• DEFENSE LE—90 Mall LeBounty ' I .’ H NT—69 Marcu* Wood* t, '? ,“» i RE—97 Romeo Bandison t. • LO—47 Andy Conner < •: .’4 ' ML—45 Jamea Bauliala • ,\V WL—51 Joe Farwell t. ;M(, jr • RO—49 Terrell Edward* ;t. ? ?A SS—7 Chad Cola < LC—11 Muhammad Oliver ' 1 1 RC—4 Herman O Berry ’.j l*w FS—12 Eric Caatle t- i ?08 - P—3 Tommy Thompson S ' '^5 ^OSU PROBABLE STARTERS* OFFENSE SE—20 Maurice Wilson LT—73 Jason Downs ' • • LG—61 Christian Miller ' C—SO Tom Nordquist RG—77 Adam Albaugh < ‘ ?M - RT—52 John Garrell > '• . ' H TE—88 Jason Blum i . QB—15 Ed Browning LH—23 J J Young ' ' • FB—42 Chris Morion RF1—35 Chad Paulson f ' ‘ PK—33 Jamie Burke < '9.1 OEM NSE l.E- 96 Chad deSully • IT—53 Thoma* Bookman > RT 55 Salluil Poullvaatl RE—40 Ricky Flyer t. > ROV—49 Rico Pelrlnl MLB—59 Todd Sahlleld r, . • SLB- 46 Mark Price SS—1 Dennl* Edward* ■ LC—14 Brent Hull RC—18 William Ephraim FS—34 Michael Hale P— 13 Tim Kolia* ' i BUY 1 GET 1 FREE With purchase of any sub sandwich get a sub of equal or lesser value FREE!' Only 9 a m. to kickoff on day of DUCK HOME FOOTBALL GAMES' "Except on 4 or 6 tl Subs GO DUCKS UO Campus Sub Sfiop 1225 Alder Mon-Sat 10-Midnight .YE NOW Dt , r M Sun 12-8 5-Midnight, Daily Oregon fans Celebrate CIVIL WAR WEEKEND FOOTBALL MUMS, BOUTONNIERES & CORSAGES SPECIALS FROM $3.99 ‘Eujjtnis fiomr Horn THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST 610 K. 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