KENNEDY Continued from Page 4 Conspiracy theories The theory of .1 con spiral v will tome up again nes! month, perhaps stronger than ever, with the release of tin- Oliver Slone movie )l K Southwell said she tends to dismiss mu h theories m gent r al and in the ease oi the hen nedv assassination “If you assassinate one' loader or one president, I don't think it changes anything,' she said “A right wing group or the USSR would lx- more sophisti cated than to just remove one man, it would take muc h more to radically alter i’ S pole les Southwell said The assassinations of civil rights leader Martin Luther King. Sen Kolx rt Kennedy and the attempts oil former I’resi den is Herald Kurd and Ronald Reagan. were from tshal «r know Individually motivated attar ks Southwell said I have no reason to think litis wasn't also she said Whalen isn’t as ( ertaln ,\! the time ! W as ( erlaitlK willing lo t ■ Ilc\ *■ that Lee Hal ve, Oswald sal up in that corri dor and sh< >1 hurt alone " said Whah-n But I've never fell that 1 ((HI Id really reach a deli New Large Format Copier • maps • posters • drawings • variable enlargement and reduction 40-250% kinko's the copy center 1265 Willamette 344-3555 Open Early * Open Late * Open 7 Days I THE IBM/APPLE ALLIANCE WILL PUT rzmmnmmm ON YOUR DESK CALL NOW FOR A FREE ■gjWMTmWM om (RU ! A; , ' : future dt* ; ' "v : • ' ,!r : • ' ' • •• u ; .:tv t . ■ f.r-v ‘ t ■’ . ■' \ <•< !• - : ’ " ,'t■ ! ' !t V i'r ' >:• " (-r But wu iV ' t l uve I A : ’ "'-fit1 w ‘ ,,,, , 1 f • fsj, X i ' : ,i rf Mi : ,r\!v '• " a <- ' Ou, • . Nr\ tft' I * : ' ’• ■■: a f it:■ ■ ■ : it .(• • u' : v ' ■v V-: • , .'« •" • Mt': ": u; : ,\ ■ ?r : • •• . • • •• ’ re» • /t It's A !, *• - , ttw re, often dotnj j )y • , \ X Ni‘X I "• ■ •' ■ 1 * * ’ ' • ’ ,\ ' r ' ; :' : ' “ f i * ■!; i S *;!1 ’ : a !• ; a' ,i! : ; - 'w •*:; ■ r Ar ■! >vtf " :-.•••• - ,- V” s start ? f:. i' ,' j $J:x»' 1 •• ; -tiers tne ; ! e an !;. '• •- • NeXT ' N T A[; e ■ 1 -,ver ' ' Sri U : ■ e NeX' ; .s reseaer • u -nr a systen t”.• :v, - nror s, ■■ ’ r •: three years \i \<\fi \: \I >< \ Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center • M-F 9am-5pm • 346-4402 nlte i uni lusion \\ halrm said hn d(M's not !* liese ihi- Warren Commission did .1 complete job I think they concluded ahead of tune that there was a single assassin,” he said "Their Job wns to tpiell fear of a conspiracy Can vou imagine thi’ imp.n t tfi.U would have had on the American psycho7 A lone gunman, sure, anyone can believe'that one person did it. Vou can deal with that, that doesn't threaten the fabric of a democratic soc iety ET ALS MhJ'i :vc.s ( * i Mt ..Map,.- K. m ( at . ; . t I a 11 n \mnn in and ( a r i b b r a n SUwdrnl \mkm lalK*n *■ •• *■>*• ;<■'. .! Mtii *n Studrnl* \it*n ulnm v> <« ' - 4 Ml p r ■ '.O KV ( Vi* - • • • i 4 4 ' ' - • ■ Silmnii Stmlrnl f t r h a rt % •• l >♦ wm lal * •« • * >• ’ I Jam t ( * Slutirnl M» alUi iniurnmr ( it r S > ml t i > m r Support t(T'Up w *- .< I stuilrnl i imtnnmmljl Jiirum » " SC'.l }[! A\M)i S ( yunn tir Hrrferm « ?'<• '• wf ! tugjit rn KhtlHmiiali* Mo* in u 1)4 P«> * s i h 1 p lmphf alion* «»l 1.1 * K h DrMrf»«*u* Mulali«*tvKalt** "•« : f ; r r !.« : . r. h\ H( . A ' «• » ' > • v fro m ’ h«\ • i.; • ; r V! Pi.v ■ • V v *% ■ 1, , « U' m tr: H•• - ” • !». )*,*. :' ' ()|M ii 4»*d dw»n*t 4 ; •- " ■• < am; (■< .! . *>-i« > * : Sr .... II I * ' ? or ’.r ft \ udiliont ihr)4-*V •«! • it Kohin* n kit mil iron Get the experience you need today to be a success in the business world tomorrow. The On-nun Daily Kmerald is now taking applications for a position on our display advertising sales staff Applicants should have a minimum of d hours per day to spend selling retail display space to an established client list The position requires use of a car and the applicant must he a full tune l of O Student Previous sales experience and sophomore or junior standing is a plus Please apple today for this position by picking up an application at suite too KMl Hie closing date is Wednesday, Pec 1 at ft p m Oregon Daily I he i Jnx1*1 hiiu'raid h *n tyu*J • •/»/*« limit* employer MIDDLE EASTERN & MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE 19th & Agate _ 683-6661 fRANKUN EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT 1430 ORCHARD v^r JCu - :u.. OPCHAPD L_l VIUABO DROP OFF LAUNDRY 12-5:30 MWF *000 VAii/4 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT! ©;•;*** 3nKrUnd *.&&&& tit +mw *9NT«I sftwwsr. Stti STKECT ft VIDEO WBUC MARKET^ GAMES KSj7I£rM . ■OBNk^* ,_ 2. VIDEO ADVOTTURE vjuinwvnpuu .£££=. :~:“s numuur > * Hm im* **** i L ookmg tor a good deaP Check the Emerald ADS