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Laser Resume Packages Including: ♦ One page laser resume ♦ Resume saved on (lr> ♦ Copres on resume paper e Mai Jing statonery kinko's the copy center 860 E 13lh 344 7894 1265 Willamette 344 3555 Both stoies open 7 Days FAST SERVICE 710 HELP WANTED f Iparwnc# I >jg#r «> 4" pfl’/'fl nr'y Ca 683 SM1C .1 «: *u i» 1 .*'■ y+ tp ’ «*c> f-.‘ Maipar for d»*al»Ja<3 woman handy ft mattjra flOQwaaft |ari nm» 4ft4 V4?3 attar? 30 OVf MS! AS JOBS % * * |f '!>./ir4**. A '4Hfa f'tiw ‘o W'*<» UC. PO I' • VCfCI Oyty'.a Dot KAaf C A iW** ATARTMINT HUNTING? la our ciaaartwda ba your guttfa1 READ THIS Job Opening Campus Radio is MOW hiring an aaaistant Gan w a i Ms nags r Tarm of offtca -a through May '99? whan you would bacoma Gtntrsi Managar Stipand -s |!?Vmo and you must'ba aUolO atudsnt Applications and lob daacriptions ara in Suita 4 f MU Applications ara dua no iatar than 5 p m I ^adaj. Dac. 3 AA f 04 X MAS BRI AK HELP! t a gn intomanorm1 uifl.i cNM'ha®-1Q0 immediaia opening*, in rot,* «nd custorw sorvico Appry now stan «fu»r. ti.nrtjv I am up to i’SOO on yoor bf»at» No oipe'wtcff required T *»« hours Cat 796 1 /V*e tor more inkKmaiiOn 220 HOUSES FOR RENT ?S4 W 19th 2 tnaj'ooms ‘'upacn sort.' urn garrtQO LV'‘i V 'N%" D> Appo-’’-n»nl •; T j 1 '• A‘ « ■»•«>-_Ut»> ' ’ 1 3 blocks from Campus, small housa 1 bdrm fxrvats V4S0 mo Wasor a'xJ •urwu' ■■■.. XjMtl tifl3 ' 11..2 inw. Of T 225 APTS DUPLEXES Forest Village APARTMENTS On at ssrsnfty Just mim/taa from downtown BUS TO CAMPUS RENTING NOW AND FOR NOVEMBER ♦ WEIGHT ROOM ♦ SAUNAS ♦ SWIMMING POOl 2 Bedroom, 1 ‘ t Bath M7S A V49S par month 687-1318 | S f l ugene Avail Dec tSth E *c 1 bdrm furn apt a 1 b4k from campus S310S3T0 l sssa til f» V? m I 1 7lh T43 2114 A i ARGf C t f AN ouif T . :»•' • 1 bk. U of O a v .* *» * f t>4t <>?S Of ;«v* ng i -«t'> i.,'K)«Oi rift t ch.i’ ‘J A quist 1 bdrm 1 bfk U of O l t *«> ' twn I ••' ««(? 11. jye L u*uti ..Vbar*- R«g *» •* varx* * 'i * **" t O'A o' pH'V.'tQ 4tW 4 1 } Can Nuw For MOVE IN SPECIAL New & Bsautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $*>05 a COVE Ml D PARKING • WASrtER DRYER HOOKUPS a E UROPE AN KITC HE NS a 111 NESS ROOM a CONVE NIE NT TO VAil E V RIVER CENTER 1611 Kir>gslay Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Management Co Cioss to campus ’ !>Jr^ Vj4‘; ’ av V*‘> dap NO f*1 IS C* iv>c‘8’ A. t •t-yo V/ Wrappii’-November 23rd!! CMpftKn Fu,Gu'rt0