Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1991, Page 9, Image 9

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Casanova looks back
on history of Civil War
Former coach wilt see his 41st
By Erick Studemcka
t merald Contributor
Them may he a handful of
pimple- who have witnessed
mom Civil War games than Len
Casanova, hut surely few have
been more directly involved in
as many Oregon-Oregon State
football games than the former
Duck head football coach and
athletic director
I n hopes of t .11< hi ng a
glimpse into the history and
tradition surrounding the Civil
War. the i'.nunnld ( .night up
with "das in his comfortable
offit e at the athlete center that
hears his name, where he
works there as the athlete di
rector emeritus
Casanova seemed excited
about the upcoming Civil War:
on Saturday at Autzen Slade
urn, which he said would make
his -11st in a row
ODE. What game stands out
tn your mind as being the most
Casanova: Personally, I re
member the game as being
the most satisfying The week
before the Civil War we had
I.. routed In Stanford i t
Everyone was calling for mv
head The students even hung
me in effigy
Oregon Stale had a great
team that year, and it was pre
dicted we would he blown out
Wi lame out and stomped
them 28 0 They didn't even
complete one pass Niter the
game, the students were saving
I was a fieri) Things really
changed in the i oursi ol one
week that year
OUT. Has ,i i.imi t rm :-r s i a I
play ever determined 'fie Civil
W ar w inner '
Casanova In the sea
son when we went to tin
Howl, we found ourselves trai.
mg 10-7 m the sis ond halt Our
i mining tiai k . Jim Shan icy ,
broke into the red /one hut
fumbled after trussing the
plane of tin- goal
Nowadays, the referees
would rule the play a tout h
down, tin! m those days, it yv is
a fumble So instead ot scoring,
we turned the hall over We
didn't store again ami lost
10 7, which is something many
people don't remember about
our Rose Howl y ear
ODE!: Has there t-yer been one
outstanding play in the Civil
War similar to the famous play
( al made against Stanford in
Casanova: Well, I don't re
member any play quite like the
Cal-.1Stanford play, hut one play
stands out in mv mind is-t ausi
ll urrent Oregon coach) Rif li
Hrooks always brings it up
We hud scored late in the
game and needed a two-point
conversion Every one expet ted
us to run up the middle, but in
stead we gave the hall to Cleve
land Jones on the reverse Jones
yvas only 5-foot-5 and MO
pounds, hut he ran into the end
zone untouched as we had
fooled tin- entire Oregon State
Brooks yvas playing on the
Heaver defense at the time, and
he still talks about "that damn
reverse" that gave us a 14-14
ODE: What individual Civil
War performance stands out in
your Jaunt' , . „. v, ,.
7 think there is a
big difference in
the atmosphere
surrounding the
game itself.... /
don't think
students are quite
as excited about
the (Civil War)
Len Casanova
Casanova: Probably eyervum
wmiliI think I wiiiilit mil
someone like Mel Ki'iilfu nr
! i rr\ Baker. hut m mv mini!,
the musi outstanding perfor
mance I . iw tn cl (!IV11 VY.ir was
by I’ti! Mi Hugh III '.in ]U‘»‘i
game Oregon Statu w is run
nmg a single wing ofli : si .mil
V, H igh was playing del -nsive
1.11 k i • Me si ng 1 i’ll an il in!' v
stopped everything Uni Heavers
tried anil dominated the line of
scrimmage We sh ii the Bea
vers out Jil t) am! ::*.is 11• i! n S
lor the year
C >1 )l lias im Jem ':! w a ather
i Ver pity eti a rule in the ( jvtl
War outomie*
Casanova: In out >1 my lirst
years is roach, l’t'i I we were
playing ,it Hayward Field it
was windy and snowy, we hud
to st tape off the held to see the
lines Neither team i ould do
anything heeause ot the condi
lions Oregon Slate scored the
only touchdoyvn of the game on
a Dm k turnover and that was
all of the scoring as yse lost 7 0
ODE What was your most
disappointing(dvil War loss'*
Casanova: I don't think I will
ever forget the disappointment
of the l'M>2 game I kneyv tielore
the game that tl we won, we
would he asked to the iiluehon
net Howl, hot I ( hose not to tell
the players before the game At
halftime, we were leading 17-7,
and I thought I would motivate
the players by telling them
about our bowl Invitation
I don ! know what happened
because instead of getting ex
cited about the howl game and
playing belter, they fell apart in
the second Half and lost 20-17
Then; went our bow l bid
I don’t think I’ve ever been in
as quiet of locker room as I was
after that game
ODE: What are some of the
differences you've noticed be
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