SAFERIDE Continued from Page 1 had about thoir policy "They don'l have answers he< ause (hev haven’t been pressured before," he said "They know that their old-girl's club is breaking a lot of rules Mona Gentry, co-director of Saferide. said she was not opposed to answering'questions alxnit the program but she said she believes Hepner's approai h was loo menacing and i onfrontatumal for reasonable dialogue "It would have fx'on so simple if (he) would have just asked and had listened, said Barbara Rodgers, the program's other co-director Gentry argued that the equul-ecaess clause to I he ASl’O Gonstitution would tie violated i! Saferide did allow men to ride in the vans Such an action w ould potentially block-.access to the vans tor women who were too intimidated to ride w ith men, she said Rodgers said the all women pole \ is ne< essarv in order to ensure the safety of female drivers and passengers In a I'liia paper she wrote defending the poln v Rodgers i ted instances at other i ampuses witfi o ed shuttle services m which assaults w ere re ported against women She noted an incident at tlu . i 'Diversity 1 Wisconsin in !'*R' where a w man w is alia: ked by i man in a Saferide type van. Most of the men involved in this service pos sessed xtntere regard for vvmmm and their free tiom. but ,i small port i*nt held no qualms atioul expressing violence toward females.'' Rodgers said (lentry said an all women service is particular Is needed bin a use of disparities in women and men's safety at night According to slatistii s compiled this year by the dean's office, men constitute H) pen out ol all rape victims while tine in four women will fie sexually assaulted It's very obvious that thill's a lot of rape that incurs in a college community. said Dana (lor man, who works with Saferide Something needs to he done to protect women because they 're not safe However. Rodgers said she does not want to downplay men's i out crns tor their ms n safety ' If that s a valid tear at the University of Ore gon, there needs lo Is- something available,'' she saitl ' If (Ifepncr! wants lo slarl a Saferide lor men, that vs a response brief to Hepner s i omplaint ss itli the t onslitutlon (anirt \!ter tfie group fifes a brief the I our! should hear !11>■ < ase within seven days Steven ftriggs, the ( our IA i htef pi sin e. said a final ruling should he made on the i ase in early Her emtu-r BRAND Continued from Page 5 i i.tih enjoy intelligent pitoplw. ami I'm always interested to discuss their virus with them ' Tin? shyness i bviriv disap pears as hr comfortably moves through tiie ( rowd He stops for various lengths of lime, dr pending on vs ho and vs hat he is la; king at «ml Alter til!' tnoil line dvs indies. Hi.oid gels up and goes into his speech routine Me introduces a panel of four rarekillv chosen s!u dents vs no vs : i I held ques tions about ! mversitv life from the mayors Men nonius up, and the students, un derstamlahlv nervous, rumble on slightly They don ! answer the question to Brand s liking On the follow up question lie doesn t take any i hances on the wrong messagi' ri'ai lung ()t agon's cities and bat k roads towns by interim ting take that one Then, he proceeds with an impromptu soliloquy on the t'mversilv's strung points and how ,i ilnistU decrease in funds has affected other programs and students .11 c i’ss to ,m educu turn Its an absolute c rlticul part oi thr nil u! tilting president to help the public understand what the l adversity of Oregon is about, and 1 enjoy doing Brand s.nd The fourth quarter In the presidential sk\ suite in : t: of the same goes on is ahle to sfieci his jai kel, ' ,i! he's in it able to rest He moves troin person to per . .ii talking football. Binding .1 n if n a lie 111 I! s During the third j li.l r ter, he \ I s I Is the ii-.ise.i suites with nameplates r i .i d j ng \ ike Dorp {Phil Knight). Peter laiobsen and ( urolvn Chandlers all goner tils donors to the i hdversitv Near the end of the fourth quarter. he dons Ins green ja< k ! again and heads for the field AI t fie game's com lusion. Brand enters tin- Oregon lot krr room .Hi.I then hi' ventures !<) ,1 post•(jiiniii buffet in the ( .in Jiim .1 Athletii ( enter whin1 • . ij more boosters wait lor I )r i gnn fu.ii h Rich Brook- In ■>[>o ik .llioul the game Brand is different now Two ii.iVs in I.u 1. .1 Week 'hi- i;<> Ioi\ i- token their loll Mis shoulders hunch incut usu.iL .nil his t.iii1 shows fatigue Brand si .ms the ri*im 'mis no 'no new In talk with .tmS 11 ■ s iilcs lii go home Await mg him is iiiofi- work and .i badly needed mgiit ol rust Indeed, the different e he tween working and ruinwork ing disappears in such a si tied ult! tie said Sometimes it's physic ally exhausting, and I go home and get a good night s sleep Sunday morning, lie drives to st.lilies near Mount I’isguh ■w here he boards ins Tennessee walking horse. Star tie rides in the morning and works in the afternoon Monday, tile cycle of meet mgs and dinners begins again Afpino Import S>&r\sicc Tha Volvo Spacialials 'IaJ' O KHUfinTIL to your dvht itMltun ICasrro/ otjcm change % f* C C I A L $^95 VOLVO f.i« lory nr Ujlnrul f I t T r r? Call.,, \ APPOIN T MI NT i 726-1 808 1 1 OO MAIN ST. SPHINOriCLD, OR 97477 cm AT f YOUR OWN r&*c. FULL COLOR CALENDARS A PERFECT GIFT I'HIU S 5T A R T I N C* A I 0 SH I PPI NG AVAI 1 AHt I Voi itMt Discount s Campus Location 860 East 13th Ave 344 7894 13th & Willamette 344 3555 kinko's the copy center _ A G10 u L1V / O Tv Y S > Wl / nv nt SIGN STUDIO 1‘- . .V ,t 3-1 < .'.'<8 R»-; . r H . • ••,. 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