Mhi'iv, \ Nl'i (ihNt H •; ln\ t»i IV. v\lss | I.MUK' I huai t| pin i&fftt* ft .mi { **lip***',+ll t MUtltll Nt* I ' niff .4»i«d ,1 muMlfngr humiing I *«t . .«w*ta»w,ii m* in {<'•». k-4n *j «»n J( # — i. a I»f . -f .«s>^ M) ■ !••.«*«. »« Vm-i lat.0 hours ol community servit e, Walsh said Under a related law change. people iietvveen ages JH and -’I who use falsi denlilii atiou are now liable for the damages to Mm. > .< an re suit from selling alcohol to minors Sion u: he lined il they are c onvu ted of doing so Now. if a store is fined hn ause a customer ;isi d .1 take 11 j to buy alrohol there, the store ;.,u. ■ -li the person lor damages, me hiding fines and '.attor ney 1 osts Walsh said "This gives the licenser ,1 c him to return ! penalty to the users, said peter l)'K< us: ginnal- director of the Oregon I :.{ mr. ( amt: u ( orninission. which licenses stores : sell alrn hnllt hev erages The penalty h>r first offense hv a store that !.1 r rushes alcohol to a minor is ,1 iti-dav la>rj of the store's liquor license and > si.yn lm, t) i\ou r ki■ said "There's a lot il :ke !l t ' " 1 ■ 00 the 1 : v ■ 1 si 1 \ area. OK.. f weekend night, as many as to n might he seized hv bars near camp.. : 'Hie i onfiscateil IDs are sent to the OI.( ( However, convictions lor using talse IDs ,,r. rare, O'Rourke said Ol.tKI has only tvv . ;nv 1 gators assigned to trar k down all the pr- j e- who use lake II). he said MIS MixUi ll»«rd a ► *■ ' ' ■ ■ \f ’ t r \ M H \ ( 4*. «, •. f .■ , •<•••.., I IM ir k » i". #. Mudrnli for Health ( irr m 4ft 4 ft ft M information Viflnimnr Sluilrnl \tirn ulmn w orl I■.i-wght at ? in 0.C Sn -:h I uur.K* 4 I rlfMUlk Ski Sl*hl v fr I *'■, ’ < < h. ! IP: w K* ' •* ' V) 4t •.?.* O .» Pi^fam »m I Ml M •>-, «-* < a.. »4r» 4 44. f .? fl! -fn .! ' ■ Health I *rr lit lit l* a* !'' • f> *f \ M'luil ft4i mtnu'nl p«nel »h \ V W • < »♦«» i nvi lisPIKl, llunp-i H^iu^uH * \ Sfi ujl ll«i itimrnl Nnrl • „ • th. s-, . r S' i * *..r K f \ \{>pl> tii* lu lh«* l nmivilv \n Inin luic N< Juki I • . 1 i , V -'K '■■■* ' ■ • .' 5 <■ , '• k ■ :*.-4 i >r< v : ( nrr rt t'l 4 n n i n t; m n <1 PUi ritifnl • )t u-titul turn ‘a () |> *• n * i * n up « unlinurt lut >4«. i.- r. • V.-! « ( i • ^ \N • EMU Mam Desk Store CD World Face the Music Record Garden RECYCLE THIS PAPER. rttiraflw **** v 5 sth street C video PUBLIC HARKET^ ^ES 683-8464 VIDEO ADVENTURE VALLEY RIVER PLAZA * * Emu aaaaama; Let There Be Light... Cat Eye HL 500.l&OO 1 6°° Union Halogen Generator Set.2995 Keep Dry on Your Bike With Fenders Off Road: Acerbis Rear.1&r50 1 75° Acerbis Front.13r50 1 1 50 On Road: Mtn. Zefal.2&30 225° 27" Zefal.17r95 1 595 CYCLE-3! REPAIRS <£ CYCLES ( j Thv MOUNTAIN BIKK PEOPLE 11340 Willamette rum. I ,687-02881