Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued from Page 1
lust lifter the radio interview,
Brand. -lli. will hold open office
hours, followed In lunt h and
more meetings
Later that day. in preparation
for the next day's home football
game against New Mexico
State, he will be briefed on
which boosters will be at the
game and which are most likely
to donate money to the Univer
sity. A similar session will take
place Friday, for the Oregon
State game
In the evening. Brand will at
tend a reception and a dinner
marking the 50th anniversary
of the Asian Studies Program
His day will end about 10
p m , when he goes home,
reads fils mail and goes to bed.
only to rise again at U a in to
prepare lor Saturday's game
It’s very draining." Brand
said "It's ,i sis end-a half dav
a week job land) i work an av
erage of I I hours a dav You get
Sunday mornings.oil
This is not a i ornplaint If I
didn't enjoy ii 1 wouldn't do
Saturday's schedule is filled
Breakfast with Oregon mayors
at the Stadium (Hub before the
game, lunch in the presidential
skv suite during the game to en
courage boosters, and then a
dash over to a re< eption in the
(.asanova ( enter
Brand takes off part of Sun
dav morning to go horsebuc k
riding. Ills favorite leisure at:
tivity, but the afternoon is
spent at work
"lie's got a heavier schedule
than any president I’ve worked
for," said Christine Leonard,
presidential assistant who lias
seen four University presidents
i nine and go
As we go into a major fund
raising drive, it will get even
busier, she said 'it just wears
me out trying to keep the i alen
Lending an ear
Brand finishes the morning
with open hours, when fur.ultv,
stall and students can s( hedule
w a Ik in appointments with him
to dis< tbs anything
Today, he has three meet
mgs a group from the YWCA. a
student and a politic al sc ienc e
Brand sits pntiontly through
each presentation and then asks
questions He looks as comfort
able as he could be wearing his
characteristic gray suit, blue lie
and glasses
The group from the YWCA
Brand mills through the crowd and talks with guests at the reception to celebrate the both anniversary ot
the Asian Studies Program IBelowI Brand addresses a group ot Oregon mayors at the Stadium Club be
tore the Now Mexico State football game
seeks support .inti money but
gels only support
The student Initially (nm
plains about registration prob
ients during tali term, hut it is
quickly apparent lies really
there because he can't dec ide
whether to stay at Oregon or
transfer to a school c loser to
home Brand lends a sympa
thetic ear
Finally, the professor tells ol
his difficulty teat long a media
class without access to a televl
sum Televisions are regularly
stolen, and replacement is ex
pensive And as always, money
is scare e
On all the sessions. Brand
makes note on index c ards and
takes action in situations he
can help, hut occasionally a
person's problem is too obsc ure
or too much to handle
"Sometimes people expec t
me to solve every problem, he
Pre-game strategy
Brunei ( loses the afternoon hv
having hint h with some fat ultv
memhers. anti then tie's off to
two more meetings
The preparation for that
evening's and Saturday's events
starts about 3 p m w ith a str.it
egy session on tile football
game Ivxcepl in this briefing,
tile at Hon on tile field takes a
hat k seat to tile action 111 the
presidential sky suite
All tiie top administrators
gather in Brand's office to tiis
cuss what will happen ami tie
termini’ which boosters in
most likely to iion.it*- money
Brand is told whir h stale leg
islutors will attend, the numlier
ul Oregon mayors who will In
ill the box, and whu h guests id
the University I nundation will
be in the inside tmx
[’he outside box Is a great
theater like area that is sk\
box's general admission sei
turn with its plush seats and
( Innate control led environ
men! Being in the inside box
means rubbing elliows with the
president and eating a < alert'd
Someone points out that one
legislator will not be able to at
"Who do we have in the out
side tmx that we might want to
trade to the inside box'"' asks
John Moseley, vice president
for research
The session quickly shifts to
specifics as they run down the
11nl ol blgnatne individuals
who will In' Hi lilt' president's
"Ill' s a good Portland tmsi
in'ss eontaet. someone (itiinls
mi! about a tx>x guest, lull hr
not a ptospri t hlinw'll Hut his
father is
Ilv thf end of tin hall hour
session, tin- strategy is all laid
out and tin- la st targets idrnlt
fird Soitit! art1 i urrent or poleri
Hal donors, and othrts will
hear thf I diiviTsitv's message
from Hr.mil
There's a 11 far purpose la
hind (these fum Hons), and I
don't hidf th.it purposi- fithft,
llrand said "There's nothing
i ny about it
Thf remainder ol brand's
day is spunl in meetings and
preparing hitnsidf for that nvni
mgs ri'i op I mu a nil d i mm r
marking thf 50th anniversary
ol the Asian Studies program
Several international and In
t it I tlitjmtartes ivill hr in alien
il.iiu e alnhjj with tlnnors. .mil
Hraml must lie rr.ni\
\ l I in’ fi-i eptlon anti ilmncr.
Ht.mil mni". easth with llie
i iiiutl. invinrtli.ileH tipproai h
Mg a group in ( nincrs.itlnn
when lie walks m the. ilnor
In these situations, selling
the 1 iimersitv is what he tines
1 test
Reluctant limelight
Sill u ni a v si .»r l s .il 1(1 ,i m
with .1 Iniflet hreakhint in tho
Sl-1.!ntiii I lull .il \ui/en Sl.nli
I lathered .iff iilimil Hill may
ur>, fiiini around tin stall' spr
i lally im itfii in the pa me to
hear Brand anil s.-lei ted sill
ill His ! d k ,iln ni ill' ili-iimn ni.11
i-tli'i !•. i-l Mi- i'.i::' ■. tlii' prop
II r.i r. 11 nt i v i". w im r i ih; .i
I’ t. ."il I i1 I a I . a: I )m k
. .Im . nd !ii",!". li;. steps up
In Iln cltlh Hr p,r.ihs a i up of
i 11|tee and pi» ■ '.r. yy ■: k
1 ( . mu; ImiHi'i muitip work
•ipainst Stanford. Brand slut m
aiul out ni four minion lurn
ttoti-s in two hours Ill' ll prnl'ii
hl\ do the saint' tins Saturday
as alumni pear up tor tin- (livtl
U ar pamr
rln- ili'iiiand to atti’Mil tin
New Sti'XH o Slat' palm . how
ay i-r, is loy% . and Htutni i an In
i us his time and attention on
llic mayors breakI r.t
With the i up 111 Ills r Iph I
hand he yy.dk' (nun table to ta
hie preetlnp. Mnlltnp and talk
dip hut always intent on Ins
He’s not a pladhander. hut
In- rel npilt/es the impoil.ini e ol
these (lulu lions), s.1 III state
Kep ( at I I lost u ka. v\ tin is also
a University assm.iale vine
ill in i • .iraIplitforvy aid up
I.. h and to 11 an mitpoillp
person.ility Is yvhat impress
es people the most. Hostil ka
[temp honest is the only
a pp r< >.o h I feel roin for table
yy ilh, and I dunk in the sphere I
operate in it's a little unusual.
I hereby ap prei i a led Itralid
in f.it t. il Bland had to rely
on an uutpomp personality, he
would he m serious trouble
1 don't seek mil the yistblll
ly and the limeliphl I feel nil
I omfnrlahle yy till it." he said
I'm not so shy that it's a delrt
ment. hui dial's my inclination
I m not particularly piepan
ous hut havmp said that, I en
joy people,'" iie said "I espe
Turn to BRAND. Pago 7
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