Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1991, Page 12, Image 12

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Oregon coaches announce
the signings of top athletes
State’s top tennis prospect a Duck
Several, lop athletes have
signed lot If rs of infenf to attend
Origin) during the las! week
• Dam ton Porter, a 6 foot to,
."(i pound post ptav*'r from
Rood Dike College tn Inn, "III.,
signed a national letter of Intent
•a it'll Oregon. Don Munson,
Duck, men's basketball coach,
said Wednesday
Porter averaged ') l> points,
'i rebounds and 1 2 blew ked
sbols while plaving at Allen
('.mints Community College in
loin, Kan lust year He also
shot r)l percent from the field
and bit (.-I peri enl of his free
Ibis year. Porter is playing
: loser to fus hometown of Chi
ago. when he attended Martin
Luther King High Si hool
Damion is a post player
with the si/e and strength that
our team has needed." Mimson
said At I) 10. 70. in- adds a
Inin li ■ needed pliysll al pres
ence in the post position His
ability to rebound, score and
defend vv ill help suopurt tin
progress this young team is
Porter is considered one of
the top junior college prospects
at the post position by several
si outing si r vie us
Ken Darting. Porter s coai h at
Allen Community College, he
lieyes Purler has the ability to
he a force at tlnr Division-! lev
Sometimes big kids get lost
in the shuffle al the junior i oh
lege level sini e if is primarily a
I, ri (>li kind ' d league I far!
mg said
He's a lori e on the boards
who is fug and strong and can
cat! h the hall m traffic He ( an
b. a shot blocker and sr ore in
the middli though he isn't a
refined si orer v el 1 know lie'll
In a good player for ( begun
• Duck women's Iannis < out h
I inn Creider announced tin
signing of the state's top tennis
prospei l, LIiso Adams from
Continued from Page 9
twin-ll Civil Wars of thi' ‘ids \ s
tin' games iit thi" ‘His ’
(asaimva I think thi'fi- is .1
lug different 1' m thi- iitmos
phere surmunilitig thi' game it
sell 111 Ihl* '.(Is, Wi' would hold
huge rallii's anti bonfiri's. and
we would have noise pa
t.id' s wlii'ii' i'utviiiii' would
drive through town honking
their horn ! don't think stu
dents are quite as excited about
the game todav
Regarding tile football game
itself. I think the biggest differ
enie is thi' spei lali/.alion of the
players todav In the alls, play
ers had to be on both offense
and defense Most vears, we
would have around It) players,
lar less than the amount that
Luke Oswego. last inday
Adams, ranked fifth in ihe
I’ut ifst Northwest for girls age
iH ari<i under, also represented
the I'nited States i'onnis Asso
iration inlersectionnl team lor
the Pacific Northwest A semi
finalist at last year's state tennis
tournament for Lakeridge High
School. Adams lost to four time
state champion,(list a Mok
"I'llise is the type of player
who can have an immediate
impart on the tennis program.'
(holder said.
"A player of her calilier sign
trig with us shows the stale ol
Oregon that our program con
Unties to grow She’s a blue
chip player who has the capu
bilily to contend for the top
spot nest year VVe have stir
r eeded in keeping the top play
er in the state in state
• 'I'rin.i Salcido, a top shortstop
from Sacramento. I’.alif . signer)
a national letter of Intent with
Oregon, softball conch farm
Hrown announced Monday
I rma is excellent delensiye
Is with a great release. Brown
said She is yerv sound anti
one of the most solid young
players I'ye seen She has goot!
softball sense, is a strong hitler
anti a sers goorl lender She
will he an impact player for us
with the ability to play both
shortstop and second hose
The product of hi ('.amino
fundamental in Sacramento,
Irina lias been an all confer
cnee selection since her fresh
men year Salt ido holds a ! 22
C.PA and wants to major in pre
L ist i ear's team MVI’. she
was ,dsu named all t its by both
the Sm ranirnln f in on anil Sat
ranwnla Bee newspapers dor
ing her first three years of high
st hoof
She atided a line season last
summer playing yvith the Sacra
mento Breeze in the Amateur
Softball Association She lilt
ill with .’.2 runs stored anti
had a 'iitr> fielding pert entage
ill A ? games
.ire on present teams
Coaches had to develop spe
( i.i 1 ladies, like how lo prevent
sour ipiarlfrh.uk from wearing
himself out on dffi'nsi' \lso. il
svas sits difficult lo pass often
lint' lo lhc rulfs imposnl on ol
fensive linemen in thf ri()s
Shut Ihfn, thf roles have heen
relaxed lo allow lor Indus s
wide-open passing game
01)1 : Uo sou have ans pri
de lions lor Salurdus s game'
Casanova: 1 think i! svill hi a
difficult game Sure. Oregon
Stale has a poor record, lull I
don't think thes are really that
had Oregon hasn't pi a s i d
against an option team this sear
and it is impossible tor the
scout team to simulate the Uea
si rs perfectly, so the Ducks
mas have trouble on defense It
svill be a close game
\ ollrt bdU
No* 18
( h4tii()H«iihi|)i
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Alt) Til Kapjw s.urnu Ml
lieu d Sigfr.4 Nu Si.1
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Hig Dig* k SerBi Humfii d ( w I
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Null un lUwai: finw d fT) Aig /( t
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