Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1991, Page 9, Image 9

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    Biafra slams state of U.S.
By Hope Neaison
t morale! importer
The radical farmer punk. *• t.«r
Jolla Biafra told a sold out
crowd al this University Tues
day to keep alive the evidence
of what really is going on In the
United States ami spread the
"A coup has happened right
here at home," Biafra said
"Our constitution and democ
racy has been overthrown, and
our head of the secret polit e is
now the president Meet the
new world order
He charged President Bush
with selling out to corporate
America Biafra said America is
over and everyone knows it
The new World order reeks, he
said, giving examples of the
huge deficit, millions of home
less, and an underfunded
school system
Politicians started with cen
soring songs, photos, hooks,
until it has mushroomed into
all of us being denied access to
information itself," Biafra said
We are being told not to wor
ry, to bo happy and remomlier
the "war where notxidv died,
he said
Biafra also blamed the "cor
porate owned media" for not
telling people what was really
going on during the Persian
Gulf War, such as many world
wide protests and lootage th.it
showed tin' military targets of
missile sites and bridges mt.u t
but schools, hospitals and
neighborhoods demolished
Bla fra said bei a use propagan
da like .controlled press reports
and Dessert Storm cards, show
the government is desperate
People need to keep informed
and talk to others, he said
"(The government) knows
heller than anybody our power
and our numbers.' Biafra said,
adding that the protesters of the
Vietnam war helped force the
government to stop that war
"Throw the bustards out and
get some real democracy." he
Biafra said the U S ought to
use Star Wars knowledge to
build solar powered cars
He also said we needed to
star! growing hemp for paper,
which makes four times as
much paper than an acre of
trees and causes one fifth of the
"We need to do our patriotic
duty'as earth patriots and grow
more pot." he said, to stop the
greenhouse effect and destruc
tion of our forest
I pledge defiance to the flag
of the united snakes of Ameri
i a.” tie said "One nation under
psyi hopath pentagon gangsters,
one nation under Wallstreel
Continued from Page 1
Marvin Kevoal, president of the Kugone Springfield National Asso
ciation for the Advancement of tailored I’eople.
"it's now far mon- sophisticated." Kevoal said "It's you don’t
get the promotion.' you should go to Portland, there's more oppor
tunity there.' "
Such racism is often more frightening and harder to defend
against, said Vicki Valdez, director of the Chicane Allans Center
"Someone walking around with a swastika is offensive but a!
least you know where they're coming from.' she said
However, Valdez said that overtlv racist remarks are not unheard
oi at the (Ihicano Affairs ( enter
Valdez said the ( enter received one call recently Iniili a person
who was concerned tii.il more Mexican males were going out with
white women Another caller asked center workers what they were
doing servicing wethai ks "
Pi (.on vita Mu wt 1! mewl tonight at H »<*
in KMl («nlury Koori A (.*11 4ft4 4ft 19 f.d
more tnlormdUun
Student Kilm Amu mImxi t having *n
equipment orientation mooting
nought from o in ’ in H >m l »» (.libert
< 4! 1 4*4 0901 or »4 » I . * 4 for mole
la format! on
I imanlHl Senul Hrluuur I a«k lone
will meet today horn 1.’ mi to 2 p m in the
j Ml Board Room Cal! »4« 1134 for m r«
in formation
Ii4w4n ( tub will in«" : tight al 7 in the
KMl Hun lander Room
|«p4n»tr Student Or * an 1rat i*»n wti
meet l»dey 41 4 30 p ni ui KMl ( ed.it
Km l (a! 4*4 OJ'Jtt fu more U*format* m
Student* lor I mini Salwm»AU«ilrl l N
will m«ii l. night at *» «J in Room 110
Willamette tail 3 4 2 * - »> 4 for mure
l Ml Hoard ol Dim* lore w o mwi U*
dl 4 M) p m in the l VI M • aH K >m -a
»4t> l?20 for mure information
ISA Mi ' t iip* *l ‘ -r. KM?' ( a«tar
R u u m ( (ail 3 4 ♦> 4 ill for more
informed on
• roan Ketaioti h pr! moeUng t lay a:
4 ¥> p m in KMl Suit* One
• Knergy prognt meeting tonight at 6 tn
Room 314 i’ai tfit
• Puhh Kdut ation (.roup mast* tonight *t
A m Room 1555 Straub
"Alcohol and Drug l'*r in the le*bian
community" wall Ih» tha lopti of a punul
diuuiuoon today horn 3 to 5 30 p m in
Room 22* of tire Cou&faUng (atntef Call
i4h (227 for mure information
“l ife of Palestinian* I'nder Israeli
Occupation" will be die topic of a video
khour and forum tonight from 7 to 9 tn the
KMl < >ak Room
Hand Clothing Drive Is taking plai e t- 'lay
through Friday tn several titii around
> am pus ( ai. 3 4 0 4T ’ tv. :
;n format!
Korea will be t h «* 1 ; * jr
International Student 1«* tore by butm# !L»
Park u day .it 4 IO pm a: the i.ruvenuty
V!u*eum if Natufai H:*i ?y \*tAf) I l Atfi
Ave l j 14** U)_*4 fof m>.!« information
\ ««'» 4 r>« r table **.. be *e! •,> »« the
KM' ' Main lobby today horn o a m u. t
j, m ( a »4»* n‘fi\ tut m-.re inhuman >h
A UiblM at \ irw <*4 Us>r and Hmhoi
m :j; be the :••{»« ' * r< i.r: lub.'- div uv*i. <
• p«n* Ted by the <ampu*
Mm *try t-.rugh' at * m KVft tentury K‘*<m
D (j»: 14t 4** 14 ? f mote ?■ formation
Sununn rmjiloii until wink«hi>(i 'afcr
today from U) t » M) pm ! narr
Kril<n«*hip apptn *lmn» * ' $MH*»
%. -.ety fnemi'i'fi »hu ate tv.t'.ijtt
graduate ituden;* Appht atmn* rne> be
pH »*j-1 up a' the It •!;( IV-vA m H M '*>4
(begun I tali and mutt be turned m to K>gor
M Ml* tn K .-rr. «»4 ( ht-gan Hall by IXm b
WOW Hall volunteer Mental: -a
'jir p;a> ►* • ght from ‘ f : n at WOW H-i:
*'ttl W l»th Avenue
(.roup meeting in Kraft general food*
tomg/it from b ' * in the 1M' Walnut
Career Planning and Placemen!
Oriental urn SnwH« Unlay from i 30 to » WJ
pm in KiMim 2 ut Hendrtr k»
( >prn sign up < imlmuee hw < ai! 14*V ).'1S
• Xeru« Corporation
• krafr Ceneral food*
• Sherwtr. William*
• i; S IVpariment of Cummen e/Offi( e < f
the ln*j»* tor C*meral
Newman Club will meet tom ah! .»• ’ 30.
folloteed by *tuden* Mo** at O. f wed by
vK.ui! and food at ifw- \»v*man Center 1HW)
oj'pt jHii \rn>
Alpha lambda Delta h«.n-.if
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Oscar the Freshman
Neal Skorpen