Stafford’s poetry reveals lifelong vision of world The Long Sigh the Wind Makes by William Stafford ©1991 Available at the University Bookstore ★ ★ ★ * fuMil MU •• a «*i • • « wm9s »Ne *mm • • * * • P*»* William Stafford is an older American who writes poetry emiiedded with wisdom and feeling. His thoughts are branches of reason and lah gauge, which evidence a natu ral freedom ol plat e and person that manifest in his poems Stafford is no doctrinaire '/'/re l.onfi Sigh the Wind Make* is one of this year's colics lions of poems speaking of the peo ple and planet with which wi ll ve. The ixiok is a thoughtful ex ample of how the simplicities, joys and values in life can he abused Grey Klliot, who wrote of the introduction to the hook, ends his contribution with a quote from his Native American neighbors The selection is ap propriate Stafford's poetry has a native voice that speaks directly and honestly Noyvhere in /Tie Ion ft Sitfh (/)<• Wind M.ikr> does St.d ford diverge from ttir instilled messages that [lormeate ama tive, natural view of life In "Night In Oregon." "Over the Mountains." That Day" and ''('.entering." Stafford speaks from an American land scape. whether it he physical or metaphysical In Old Growth." he speaks from his mind His political classification is seemingly non-existent in the sense his pootn intends not to promote ,1 prodin I. ideal, or dor trine, hut to mediate what it is to fu- a human being The poems in /Tie Sigh lilt' Wind Makes voice wisdom, not r Inverness Stafford's pare expresses net ther feral nor chaolit structure T he pace is constant while Staf forri pieces together under standing; the poetry resonates with steady consideration His breaths are never examples ol hyperventilation, hut sighs Stafford is 77 years old and wakes each morning at f> a m to walk, think and write lie has referred to his poetry as T alk with a little lur k As readers, we are fortunate to he able to read that "talk In rho Long Sigh ihr Wind Mates, we listen to an elder We listen to the answer blow mg in the wind Good reading By J D Spencer Emerald Contributor SATURDAY CELEBRATION A Book Si iininp! SUSAN STRAUSS B Will Be Telling F COYOTE STORIES And Signing Copies ot Her New Book I SATURDAY, NOV. 23 1:00-2:00 p.m., Ages 3-8 General Book Department UO BOOKSTORE 13TM Si KINCAID, OPtN MON. - SAT., PM. J464JJ1 it ' t t r pfPft, r Graphics • TYPESETTING • PESTH1P • t*TOUT • Of SIGN • COMSUUATIO* • CAMflU • • TTPfSITTING • P*STf-UP • 14T0UT • DESIGN • COHSUl TATIOH • CAMfM • SUIT! -4381 ' f \£ride SHARE Tr.uelinq soon? Need