OFF COnVGRSE i It s what’s inside counts. | u ® FREE CONVERSE LAZAR’S BAZAR V shoelaces with everv *7 w. | pair of shoes Duwmown MjII "I I I 4 t i I I i I I ONE TOPPING -- MEDIUM PIZZA (irt .1 medium 12" our Ingredient Pizza lor ONI.Y $5 *15 Additional Ingredient 75« Why settle lor less than the HHS'P?' CALL US IT)H I AST FREE DELIVERY +H4 2799 '3** TRACK TOWN PIZZA lum l l.mklln • Kugriw Olr^n . l«t 2799 k_ ..Emerald CALLOUB AD DEPT: 346-3712 r RIGHI ON IARGEV ARTS Artistic visions of body featured By Karen Engels f- mw .III"! Corilributc* It commands attention Passers-by inevitably stop to ponder it A sculpture of a headless, nude man whose stringy flesh makes him appear to he a sur vivor of a nuc lear holocaust stancis near the top of the stairs leading to the KMl ballroom He Tarries. In his > uiac luted arms, a host with staring eves I Ills Nonsppc I f II f Igtl re w/imspei tiled bust hv Mi c hue! Handles of Eugene is just one startling image in an art exhibit with the body as its theme Works inc Iuded m flu Hodv Interpretations of the Human f igure' are c urrenth on display in the KMl’ Art and Aperture galleries I he exhibit Includes works by several local and national art isls I wanted to show pimple what is happening with the human form (in art)." said Ilrenda Abney, visual arts co ordinator lot the KMl I (lullur al Korum Abney, a Dnivrrsity gradu ate student in art history who conceptualized the exhibit assembled the work of 1 •! art ists after seeing their work in different exhibits and in slides in < lasses She* eontiic I ed the1 artists, from Eugene and Portland, (all forma, Washington. Texas and (Tin r.icio, and asked them to par lie ipate in the show Despite an Initial slow re spouse, most of the artists wanted to show their works and arc- represented in the ex hihtt. which continues until Dec 13 The irmly theme links the ec let tic works on display Counesy photo Nonspecific figure w unspecified bust by Michael Randles of Eugene is one of the works featured as part of The Body: Inter pretations of the Human Figure," on display in the EMU Art and Aperture galleries through Dec. 13 Represented .ire photogra phers sculptors, .in installa tion-format artist, and “art w.mili'n-r' Ada (Iharvalia On display am black-arid white photographs, ink draw mgs, paintings, watorcolors, mixed media and cast alumi num w orks So far the response has been very positive. Abney said But several visitors have called the works vulgar,” .is noted in a comment hook in the gallery Some people have been of fended hv the work of Thorn S Heileson, Abney said. His photos, which depict human bondage, .ire on display in the Aperture Callery Ahney said tile people who complained assumed tile figures were of women, which is not the case Sometimes the works are merely decorative, whereas others try to show psycholog ical aspects through the hu man figure, Abney said As an example, she cited three black-and-white photos by Honda Stone, of l ort Col lins, (!o|o , in a series titled "Human hntrapment • EMU Mam Desk Store CD World Face the Music Record Garden Looking for a good deal? Read section 130 in the classifieds IMiNDERlAND 5th ITKEFT ff!} Cvideo PUBLIC MARKET** 5 games >2mmTo*m f oiiimt 663 6464 VIDEO ADVENTURE ||£^viiirr«ryEBPua Min*.. t»t rr vttru lmli rr ■ * * * li'l JHt * * * * * i * * ! f GUifAR~STR~NGS 1 | 50% OFF I OUR LIST PRICE | i MjS|C ClTY ^2Wt l?rh(ATP£A2l) EUGENE © © © © © \ \ tart i' ■ i • v Irmqt'.f I*.- n ; . ii«-. .rf tarvun'j tifxJs • -I; , ;t«,ii-. ■ ■■’ ; - MiK) Mwocs 342-1727 595 E 13th & Patterson