Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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! am writing tins letter in nr
d i? r t 0 corr a c I a f <• w
misimpressions concerning tin'
()!H-. front-page headline ("Stu
dents protest Brand s veto of re
( miter ban") for Friday. Nov R
I was depleted In tiie article's
accompanying pit tores as hav
mg spoken as Chair of the Rest
dents' Housing Governance
Committee lor housing studtmts
in general Herein lies a proh
Regardless of itvv personal
stance at the rally. 1 was t antful
to separate my words as Frank
Miles the student from those
words of Frank Miles the chair,
of KHGC This yvas not satisl.it
tori 1V expressed by the article
and picture
Instead, the impression re
teivetl is that 1 yvas speaking for
KHGC and housing students
Frank Miles as Chair of KHt.t,
was hoping to engender re
spouse from housing students
yv hether su p port i y e of
Brand,-supportive of tile FMl
hoard or neutral not to msin
unto RHGC's support for the
rallv's message
I wanted simply to make this
fact known to concerned hous
mg students Noyy as to some
elements within the OUt. staff
who believe my position titles
should follow my name regard
less of context, iiere .ire some
suggestions for other titles So
nior Fnghsh.'History. Universi
ty Student, Citizen of Farth
Frank T. S. Miles
Hefty spending
The Nov 10 issue of I'hi' Or
ego/ibc/i tins detailed flow the
free-spending University athlet
ic department paid travel costs
for .1 squad of athletic adminis
tr.itors and their spouses or
friends to attend last year's
Freedom How I game
Along with hefty bonuses
paid to i oac lies and admimstra
tors the spending meant the
athletic department netted less
than $5,000 on bowl revenues
of more than SI 1 million
But perhaps there’s a silver
lining here ban Williams, vice
president for administration
justified paying expenses lor
friends .is well as spouses, "It
was an effort not to disc rirni
nute on the basis of marital st.i!
US." lie said
(dm we assume this new
found sensitivity will now lead
the University to remove its
ban on childless unmarried
couples in University family
Daniel Pope
Make a deal
An open letter !o My Ins
Brand ! was hoping you could
do mu a favor, sir. ami give me
a Bachelor of Arts degree at
vour earliest possible unlive
riience bducalion at tills uni
versity only tear bus mu to
think, more schooiishly, in
terms coherent lo the norm,
and 1 foul I am as successful at
that now as I will ever be My
eiim at ion here, as such, is com
plete, and I thank you for it
With the reduced library
hours, the elimination of the
education school and the re
structuring of other majors, it is
clear to me that neither you nor
the administration have a stake
in the students' education and
that personally it would do you
no harm to grant me a degree
and send me happily on my
In (ail. thr only wav vou or
this m hool would he hurt Is In
the loss of lultion money I
need roughly four mon* terms
of r redits to graduate, I'd he
willing to continue to pay Cut
lion for these terms and we
i ouid (all it even To show vou
what a swell person I am. I'll
even make the ( fiei k out to the
athletic department to make it
easy lor you
Sure, students, professors,
even administrators might not
approv e, hut so w hat ’ We've ail
recently been made aware of
the fact that only your opinions
and dei isions matter anyways
So w hat do you sav t an we
make a deal7
K A Sweeney
fur shame Chris Bounefl' In
your column I DPI Nov 14),
you i lain) that student govern
merit doesn't do much ol any
thing, lull consider the follow
i ng jo S o n | a U a Is on It as
learned to cover up actions that
might make her look dishonest
or i.ii 11 her judgment Into ques
She has learned to c l.iitn that
her personal life has nothing to
do with her public life She has
learned the arrogance of admit
ting her guilt without apol
ogizing And best of all. Jenni
fer Hills and Watson have
learned to conspire to deceive
those they want to represent
So Bouneff. don't vou think
the pathetic little drama of stu
dent government has proved a
useful training ground for lu
tore politicians7
| Daniel Harries
International Studies
OPS call
Last Sunday I witnessed a
disturbing occurrence which
angered me and deserves t iilil
A male, in the presence ol
his girlfriend, pressed a safety
cal I box and laughed
At the University, there are
more than -S sail-tv call boxes
for the protei lion of the com
munity t he call boxes are a ill
reel line to needed help .it the
( Min e of I’utilii Safety
When (hr button is pressed
.111 employee ol put)ii( safety
responds l.aeh «.1 it in answered
and jnv unanswered rail Instt
gates investigation by .in offi
if peopleabuse the ( .ill box
'ex. ihc genuine (.ills for help
may lie regarded .in pranks It's
11k.i■ the fable. Die Hoy Who
Cried Wolf
I’leuM* show rrxpes ! ami do
not press the call boxes it you
are not in need Not only is It a
nuisani e it is subject to hues
bv the Office of Public Safety
The servic e In there for the safe
t \ of our c o m ui uni t \ a nd
xllOUId be respei ted
Sarah s< hirmrr
Ho ho ho
fills IS in response to the VI
crons attacks on our Anglo lai
ropean history It pains me
deeply, espet i.illy al tills time
of year, that people should
question the one personality
who has Influent ed our Vniefi
i an heritage
I often wonder about the pa
tnotlsm of an individual who
would question the integrity of
such a renowned l.uro \mert
i an figure
The great man had tough dc
i isions to make So wtiat if he
made a lew navigational mis
lakes lug deal' Who among
us cad say that given the same
circumstances, we would have
made the good det ision'
I have been taught through
out my life and lirmlv lielieve
that Santa Claus does exist
Many a told and trostv Xmas
eve I have ga/ed into the snowy
night and have been rewarded
by a glimpse of his noble
Having majored in wildlife
biology. I can verify (hut rein
deer are not necessarily con
fined to the ground
As proud consuming Amcri
cans, let's not quibble over ml
nor historical details Ignore
those Doubting Thomases and
stand linn in wlial you have
been taught to believe
Han v Martin
harth l irstl
Create your own £
from your
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