225 APTS DUPLEXES IMPROVE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING! N you ara muck paying too much for too HHIa, com* m« our apacioua fwo badroom apartmant* located on th* MMIraca. w* *r* only ? Wotfci to U of O Prtvat* balcoma* or pa boa A* about BUY -OUT SPECIAL' C«ll Don, M4 MM UftlRACE APART Ml NTS (Bahind Tract Town Ptua) 1 tO5 Gardon A vanu* Jaomng* A Co 613 2271 7 bdrm 7 atudarKa MOO 3 atudanta 1500 QUIET Now Paint, mmi blind* Turn avail MOO mo 445-4117 ONE BEDROOM '95 I ?4fh O.'Wt parting laundry M4C 1370 High P'-vaia balcony laundry parting 4325 534 I 14 th Du** uppor apt laundry *350 914 ( 18th f UHNlSHt D-aro (Jf p* •rth cbarm 4350 TWO BEDROOM 1150 vVi•*.; 111h Hugo ’owa ha1 VOry 44 25 870 W i?.h Spdco •'» laundry 4375 SPRINGFIELD 319 C St 1 badroom l sundry Parting 42HC 125 D St 3 bad'oom* C tear MOO ROOMS 1862 K naud Vary cWm'* room $’50 inciudm waior gartwigo and a n 'w No pots Shown by appointfTaol SPYGl ASS ASSOCIATES644 H 30 Studio, on* and two badroom apartmanta Pool-laundry facliitiaa waatharuad Fiv* buiklmga, 15th A Hilyard location 444 99?? Studio Apt. 1 block from U of O library V«/y cioar modern .i?g«» baihroom lots ol arfOows lots ol •worago aicoiianf carpets and ■nm'y pain!ad 4350 month 34? 6741 Car nan! 'fnmadataiy__ ____ UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH 745 E. t STM * CLOSE TO CAMPUS * PARKING 4 ON-SfTE LAUNDRY 2 ♦ badrooma $575 3 badrooma from 4645 Call 643 0729 NOW' Panning a » Co . 643-4219 Would you 19* a raatly me* room ail to your a# If with a pnvat* bathroom, cloaa to campoa. In a now budding whara your maala art praparad for you? CaH tha Col tag tan. 343-1255_ _ 1390 ALDER ? bad room fumtahad dack. ' i Dw* »'on> campua Cat? 445 309' 1 bdrm turn, vary n«ca api -wir qu«t, upsides wtMHiv>y 4335mo 1200 f arry 344 3191 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS 7 bdrm rwca. naw turn , parting, laundry Avail Dae 15-Jun 15 Dae Fraa Call K or C at 344 / 065 _ 231 E 1 Tlh Ava ? Dd'm d„p4e* C m ing wu u?, aiaariani -ora! or good part ng a.,ndr> M65 345 43’! Ava iit>< ’y n*go*ab»e 2 bdrm apt. waathart/ad Hardwood floor*, off atraat parting, watiing dtaunca to U of O. MSOmo B*M Haal Eat at a 644 2060 SOUTHGATE APTS Vary larga 1 bdrm apt All apptancaa prfvata patio pool, aaunaand laundry fac on aila Naar campua 345-4471 2345 PATTERSON_ 23i SUBLETS BMUIrtuI ink 1 bdrm houM with tot* o« cfU'icln wood fir*, bolt 0 •lot *g* Coupto Mk* 10 c*mpu* IMOtio * mo >»«— r*q d A»*U 121* 14M14# 23$ SUBLETS Ntea 1 bdrm 'cwrNwm »muu SO tampua * X*' .1 ' ■ >«'■ l1VS » ,r*,vy VlK V4Wfc fl **’ 681 2 '79 V 240 QUADS Cl f AN. CMl. AP A Cl 05* * W A • to' ,:>* A * to Si (X«4VH «**'• ; .to ' - V-asI 'OOm* I* pd -.1 1 •: , %.-■ * mo 14 ■’ '• M * O <« d for root! 1544 AOs' Si Mo dapo*-* A -*%' ’ ? month ton V tXV' .4 (>** yo* f u*> A'xJ you car movt* n '>$*1 "*o** • a - >>•$ '4 ' *>161 4*.**' *-p'm * ? Wl f K5 fR£f ** Aa* ' o camp** »rtyn ‘ma «w> 'aHir b^fxid.q-vwilcH ‘ Pnvata * ns?fj|rx» * * I t'acaf'pn * ' A.*75 i-v • «to > ‘to, ’ ‘ Mryvr. to Ti*ran<> D^va by * ’SC MPyanJ . •' a toy Cto *: 4 .’A? H >»vd Man l V mo NoT^mtw!34 1 4 < CO $225 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 t tnh •V ,i • :o f g '‘in'to. .* Off STRf £ T PARKING ,* All 1/THfTlf S PAIO $50 MOVE IN BONUS \ I I 144 i.-» Jorvn^nga « i~o . 681 4/19 3 Blocks To Campus! Spidoui room in houM. car pot. and prfvata antranc# A22Vmo All hast and alocUtcity included Ballco 345-2255 250 DORM CONTRACTS Buy our dorm contracts (together or separately). *« pay your dapo*uw*« me* 'wgnOtvTxxx-1 686 978/ 4 bdrm houee cloaa to campus 4220 mo 440 dapoak ♦ 1 S of ^trf Ca* 68/ 7T89 N'to ‘to* Oar- or f to anytime ?m mediately 260 REAL ESTATE Oast quality horn# lodging avertable at 1200.mo ♦ !#a*pr'or\e *orx «vrto*t»e a A6.hr 7?6 98Ct 290 CAMPUS EVENTS 270 CHID CARE | Flexible Reliable Reasonable K: ts tyjctunad \J ' CW firtf A*} Cd* **■:! M»N»ar> or. fiWJ ’030 7M MEETINGS Tha Siud»m MaaRh Inaursnca Comm HIM wiN mMri today at 7 30 pm m Cantor y Room C to dtocuaa 1M? 9) haarth tnauranca *«um For mof* information call Ml K02 790 CAMPUS EVENTS | Lat a afcf*1 SRI touring i informational avanlng w«h 0ala Barg and Die* Paraharn T hay ■ chart jaa tachniqua and (quipnanl •a (action t otto wad by tnapir at tonal and mairucttonal vidaoa Wadnaaday Nov 70. 7 30 p m Outdoor Program, EMU FMtT * NORDIC SKI WEEK NORDIC SKI FAIR T uaaday, Nov 19 7pm Ftuft Cantar Studio t SKI TOURING NIGHT Wadnaaday. Nov 70 7 30 pm Outdoor Program Room 73 ( MU TELEMARK SKI NIGHT Thursday, Nov 71 / M pm Outdoor Program Hoorn ?J I MU Telemark Ski Night A workshop on talamark tachniqua and aquipmaot ••(action Inspirational vidaoa Thuraday. Nov 71.7 30 pm Outdoor Program I MU Fra#1 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT PockX PttyhDUH PnMnll REALTIME by HmmI Oyt>«H Mow 21 A ?Vd 5 p m Room 1 02 VtHa/d |t donation gladly acca^jtad THE STRANGERS at Good Timaa 9 10 BE THERE! Tm ART CINEMAS ■ 492 E 13lh • 686-2458 m OtWOVWT W< *■ 4—— 3 t « t ' 1 T> r *Afc •» f‘. AAl’«<■».’*• • A,-! L-THtCOMMITMENT^ r *«• /*» ’ » 23rd lnl«Mf>afk>nal Tou*n«* < ANIMATION* r AAM* ' IKV WV W' % < V-., • • MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO hi™ V|l»iil iiimE jer^na'torI,1 THE COMMITMENTS l_— “• •• FREE CONCERT .f.MA'l.s ★ ★ ★ • GIN BLOSSOM ■f Thursday ; ; Nov. 21st 7/ Noon EMU Fir Room Sponsored by lMU Cultural forum_ »o CAMPUS EVENTS 290 CAMPUS EVENTS vint o s h o vv & t a r li m MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOCIATION (MSA) Will hold .1 video show and forum Subject: Life of Palestinians under Israeli Occupation Venue:Oak Room Date: Wed , Nov. 20 Time: 7:00-9:00 PM All interested ire welcome la Ik or Deal talk as ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT Al D Pt S OfuKfe and the Honor* Co dog* praeent Cyrano de Bergerac with Gerard Oepardteu E rl Now 77. • 00 p m 114 Giltterl HaM AN fwofrta lo f ood f or l ina County Student* %7 Norv etuder* a, 17 VO Planned Parenthood ’or Pap **■«*»/%. ntattion chacfcai D«rs c ora rot our>*«awig I Wy* arwl evening* 144 9411 Unptannod Pregnancy? Ww can N*«> .» 'tfcmfwu ’’no ft*irvigr>,‘ at.*.' F riondehlpe are mada through OOE Pareonale Call 34G-4343 lo placa your ad 100 FOOO 4 DRINK mo SERVICES ACNE A NASTY FOUR LETTER WORD If you had started on Clear Care Acne treatment 30 days ago you would be clear of Acne today. For free samples, information on how Clear Cares topical medications work Call our Skin Care Information Line, (800) 435-3533,_ 100 FOOD & DRINK FREE F»OC>l_ 7-1 1 I’M THURSDAYS •rth IN* coupon! BUY I SMAU PITCHCB, GET I FOB I' Off! BUT i LARGE (RICHER GET t FOR |IW Off & |lcp» "wf.f m4 ot■ & Pool • Darts • Big Screen TV KEGS TOGO! KEGS TOGO! CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ATMOS** 1 H» fra ktt i 4 ■ If Vttfw (I A^vi.i h) 1 2 M- •• • ' 1 l 1‘ ly ' •«». I IvW ( h4fOA 1 4 I < - * V»,*f 1/1 I S l /vltf*) ff>» *.i *mp lf> M i«»» *;»/> 1H M. 20 If'd <■»» 21 Ih* .y» 24 A> w w> »! ?H .hul 12 wkJ-lx -<• II Miwi >n ItiUii 14 < If » 1 / IImAim *, iy Mo« ,>v 4i» 4 1 ■ in »«h>4 ■ 4 11 44 li I” »’*«• 4«. M n • ! - • SO I..M t-. *4» * «* *» SS I I n• M» 11 v j Srt l * »*!••• 59 M 60 h'. b 1 i •* > IK)WN ! ( t.- i i f .» • • l.w! I I >•- « , It,,,* CM,, «. II \ fhlllcM f i »m»* *" u.l *> ! .. i • 1 k I IU M.* • I / I In» Mti.nr i*» it-. r» m - • • MV,! »4jUjtloM dm* ,’tl mull «”< M l|H«. 10 I I .Mi, til.U» HI I W-.jm.I 10 M. - .1 I. i •*!» 4; fu.< r. m 4/ 411 1 »1 <»f 49 W«.4 KlwtfM Mill..** ... *» I I >> I I IUMV«*» W I ‘ .1 It V) N-ltrvrt fJ«jf<•in '*4 I .. • » .< p .,...1 r • T 1 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson MUM . lUI MUSK. * \ . t H Ml. '.".H! i » NUN lIW " ,un »v■■ »i ■i \ ' *) '>«.! 4. M ' £ " M.J '41 W W I'm s .!»«.»'. ' •» .in vuu'.M •’i 1 1 ».. i «■ ILLUSIONS 1^11 Lincoln Willamette Towers Bldg PERMS *27.95 LOOP RODS SPIRALS lUrtmil jl *39.95 ■ Offer good with soU. iCnd sty! ds only Illusions tigga I and G . , < J V HAIRCUTS I now ^ 7.00 | ► 345-1810 jrlo EwoH '' *• ki fa ikor : Bo* • *f <*- omtx>i yf) fi'. I I mi