|f^ HOLIDAY EXPECTATIONS % by Launn0 She** As i wok away i 'eel apdinmy stomach i have ' one week to spend at home w*th my 'am«y and i every year i try to got up tor tt,! try and make rt a good one The key word here is try' Every year i am ' d supported My expectatrons of o fun hot day i season are squelched tt becomes more of a week long suvtval course than the happy famiy experi 1 eoce that ts portrayed in an the movies and that i most ot my friends tak about I dread coming j bock to school, the questions • so how was it" DO you have a great tme1 If only they knew - it was 1 horrtke l felt ike a little kid agun who cockin'* do ( anything fight. I fe* Dock into old patterns that I 1 thought l was long »nce past and somehow i end ed up feemg temple about the ho*day obocf my set and about my 'amity Oh there were good moments but a! in as somehow i lost a piece of myself Gorvg home far the hoidays s revered n our so oety m songs moves greeting cards and n9 If any9 Who in the family can you connect with9 Who listens to you9 Where do you feei sa'e usd supported9 Sometimes * s dif* cut! to make basrc decisions about what to in cade in a holday because we automatically os sune we ue ’ne'e for the auction fu example 'he part that1 realty love is the quiet ’-me after d" net when I'l get a chance to tak with my cousif Pe?e who is also struggling w*h 'amity stuff and s away at scnooi Pack east I don't ge' a chance to see him much and it's great to have somebody n the family who understands at east a i ttte pit about me What really don't wont to take pa** " s the before dinner social where * seems every body a asking me when am gang to be bvsrvng school, why i am stii single and commenting about how i don't come home as much as I used to while •he rest of the family frantccky runs uound trying *o ge' dinner ready and Uncle Bon s r *h© vng room, having had a little too much to a-"* and tolrng his "mildly racist sexsr homophobe jokes agon But you know think coud eve" handle "ie before dirx'er sex ai if i had’ ‘ come home *ve days ahead o* time to hep my mom Ana then o* cou»se there are 'he *wo days after, w d1 w stay become it seems me acceptat>e m,ng *o do Well what I'm suggesting .$ to begc to make some chorees tcrsg before the ho*day feme cr'ves Start maiong a plan by figuring out • How long do you want/need to be mee'’ • What eventj are you wlfng to participate m the year'’ • What are iome ftvngi that you causd do whie you are there that would help you 'ee sane") Goi as a book that l am 'eadmg on dysfunctional \ fbmiiies i ve deeded that this time am gong to , ptoy the role of an observer ana try ana watch the ' dynamics of wha' goes on a'ound me and w* te i them down in a journal : am also going to give i myse" permssan *0 go ouf 'or a wav whenever < start feeimg lixe this holiday s just too much ana i have *wo people m my life fhat I know I con phone < and folk to am only gcxng ?o spe'id half of me so- ( co time before dinner wth my fomiiy and me oth er hart visting an old frena from high school 1 wCHxd stis fee* ‘oo Ltocomforr at>e eavng the day , af*er dmner so l wit stay my usual two days, and am gcxng to have one of my friends phone me to , see how i cm doing All in ail s't do'' f think it w* , be a hallmark cara holiday season but ; think cm ^ making some good chcxces 'o' myse if and my final goal is to come back feeing like i have taken ca'e i of myself i am gcxng to let my famiiy know oneaa ( ot time that I w<8 onfy be commg homo for four days i actually fee tike I am taking a bg s*ep in t making these changes it fees difficult ana am t concerned about now my family is gcxng 'o react 1 Ana yet I know that i am making posit’ve chcxces \ for myself so l am gcxng to ao tots of se? fafe eve'' , before 1 eave to keep myse.f focused Some of the i affirmations that i might use nclude ! • am able fo maxe changes around ho day time • it is okay not to a ways ao tnngs the w< >y mey have been done ' • ■■ am taxng co>e of myself tha holiday season , • am a wncxe and worthy perso' rpabfe >' maxing positive choices for myse' Self-folk can help combat the many messages wh-ch ee deeply ingrained ana w' -ch we a- 'e ceve around holiday time i* s " e one *••• e ” ou? 1 soc-e'y w* tv- people openly to r w "uy ‘ ow ( fituol and follow old famiiy pa"ems to ciea'e an i idealistic mage Moteoven ' s aiso u time when 1 many peop'e 'eei atone that "'ey don • «• • "-a* ( they are different ftom their fam.«y and 'no' "'ey 1 are not worthy This year fake me opportunity to { make some changes so that you rerun 'ee '>g , hearthy amt whole BOOKS The Wellness Workbook by John W Travis and Regina Sara Ryan Stress Without Distress by Hans Selye Learn To Relax by C Eugene Walker Self Assertion For Women by Pamela Butler Chop Wood Carry Water by Rick Fields Making Contact by Virginia Satir The Road Less Traveled by M Scott Peck Confidence by Alan loy McGinnis The Joy of Visualization by Valerie Wells V/\rt*o • Yoking the Powers I UU• about ’ rooty dort r «■ * v. wt -1 : > ■ > poC.' piCti/ed myST** "ying to -*8’ ■•, body into cont'yc'iy' portui poses : toiinfl msorobly : was pieosantty s./p-Bod w"or up 'or c: yjss and wo spent a good tvo • v mnutos just lying on our Pocks rotatt*: breathing deeply The ’os’ ot the c«bs was Spent going through various nrftoror • stretching posturos senior to the sfrotchr*. one rjoos before runnng or ooroc- 1 throughout those poses wo wore , •n.i to Clear oa minds and totatty locus ■■ broa thing as wot as the position and toe ' out bodes With each in broa'h wo wo-, supposed *o alow positive energy to enter our bodies and with oach out broa" : * att of the nogottvo onorgy to ieavo our boa es it wo tound our mnd wandering to o" i •brigs wo wore nstructed to bring it brx « ■ the present and once agom toe .3 on > tKoa'n Wo ended too c uss vr-g down •,g: r CyosCCBOd h'0O*hfNg doopty win pioc*anf1y supnsod at how much po'Nv frt’ ahonvards Now i oc* tofwa*0 to my c «8S D O gfOtl' way *0 fOiO* and Nine out from that st of t-hy tfvigs ; was supposed to have fmshod *ho day Ooto*o the, starting po«nt fcx Vogo s with the tjfogth Surpr singly many peopio do .not «now how to Cfoatho coftoc tty they breathe thfcnj^fi tho mouth rathor than tho nose and onfy til ’ho upper portion of tho lungs Iho daphrogm s tho pnncipci muscto us»Ki n breathing Who" you toko a cortoct Of oath tho ■owoi rmddio and up pot pot ’ons o! tho lungs aro tillod with oxygon ’ho toSOWirg exe*CSO S groat for f0*0*0*00 05 as tooctyng yound? how to breath with, you diaphragm o down on you Pack with you* knoos Pont and toot fid! cm tho floor It hotps to cace One txTid on tho abdomen and ono or me cr>o»t 'he ©mphcM of breaming s or me atxiomer w *v» 6000^ ffvougr your nose and oi yc*/ cn»i and sncx/ciocj 'o oxocj E rfxae siowv irvojgn yoa rvo*o w»mo pejhng m yen/ abdomen to !no bock of ycx/ sp«no Cooconfrato Ob mam taring a Itoady rbytbmryc pa! !em iJcxaj as much ogo of a peraon trying to twtjt th©if oody into potnful cofitatod vosos dna fating ■« OfitOty tako the ’,Tk) somo (lav to learn vctga Of anoffw tyoo of rotaiafton tocf' niguo in’rnoj of stfoss Voga can hetp you yo«o you power of body rnnd and scU Continued from Page 1 they would die. within a relative ly short period of time, despite medical intervention, actually died It has also been observed that when a medicine man uses a counter charm rapid recovery wW ensue Without considering the phenomena of supernatural can the stress of fear kill? The theory used to explain this phe nomenon states that these vic tim's feelings of hopelessness can actually lead to death (MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, Mc Elroy and Townsend) Our per cepfton of stressors can have a hi>ge Impact on the outcome of our health olbeit not usixiBy that extreme! An important element contrib uting to a student s success is perceiving stressors as a chul lenge or an opportunity We all look at stress differently What is stressful to me may not be shess fii to you For example, if a teacher passes out a pop quiz, one person may flip out an other may become very calm arid collected during the quiz but start to shake afterwards, yet another may not be affected at all A lot of stress or too little stress may make you unproductive or productive depending on you and your perception Find!' j that optimal level of stress t it not too much stress is an imp r tant skill for maximizing your po tentlal. So what do you do if you start to show some of the symptoms of too much stress (see list)’’ First find out what is it that is cause g you the most distress. It could be relatiorrships. work, life charrges. school work or that dripping fau cet Who knows? Second understand your re action to the stressor If it Is a long term stressor you may bo reacting to it with physical sym; toms such as headaches, sleep disorders fatigue, etc or y u may Increase behaviors such is smoking, drinking drug use cessive laughter and other be haviors Third, maintain a positive se>r talk Your own self-taik cars re your best friend or your worst e» emy depending on what you te i yourself If you beat yourself up by telling yourself you're stupid, unworthy, or you have to be per fect at everything, this Is not good1 Self-talk can make your heart pound, palms sweat, blood pressure rise or it can help you go with the flow Fourth, identify what you can control and what you can t Pro crastination sometimes creeps into the area of stressors you can control and can cause you a lot of distress (bad stress) And fifth, learn some relaxation tech niques and use them regularly Techniques such as progressive relaxation meditation and deep breathing can do wonders for your mental health Instead of leftirrg stress stalk you take a proactive stance ir> stead of a reactive starrce on stress Evaluate what stressors you want and don't want Rec agnize the stressors you can or can t control and be aware of your perception of stress Then fake action on what you can change and exchange stressing out for eustressing ouf Making the Most of Your Time by Cory Fox Have ycxj ever hod one of those days when It seems that there Just Isn't enough tme to yet everything you want or need to yet done accomplished? If you have tod this feeling then what you might need to do is some scheduling in your day Probably the best thing to do is some time management Here are fourteen easy steps to help reduce some of the burden of feeling rustled or overloaded by the pressure of school or life in general 1 Set goals for what you'd like to accomplish 2 Prioritize your goals and ac tivities Make a Do list ev eryday 3 Schedule your activities Give yourself enough time to accomplish those activi ties 4. Do the most difficult things early in the day Start work ing on big projects earlier m trie day that way you're r t so fired 5 Be aware of your best ! rx3l times If you do Certain octtvities better during >■' tain times of the day keep that in mind for plan; ■ 5 your day 6 Learn to scry NO Be ass*-' five Stay on task Do wt if you had planned to do 7 Establish routines for your<>« ‘ 8 Ask yourself. How w< ■ 7 filings be if I did not do f s fight now? 9 Keep a c aioudai t>ook ' enter future commitments 10 Handle each piece of pa per onty once When you work on something fry to get if done, unless it s a t ■ 1 project and you're doing ’ in stages 11 Use break periods to re store energy With effective time manage ment, people can plan for tie omplefion of difficult tasks like writing that term paper AH it realty takes is some thoughtful planning Dorr t try to do every thing in one day and don't put everything off until the last min ute if y >u know that the paper is riy to be due prepare earty f < it You can always go back aid skim the material to refresh v uf memory One of the big gest [kotkerns people have ts feeling t»gged down with tons f stuff to do arid then it usualy all goes down hill from there I tan out your day of week so you will be ready for what comes up and you will know what you need to get done When you are planning, always make sure you add In the things that you like to do and definitely make* sue there ts time for rest If you've got a lot to do. time management might be what you need to help you get through the day accomplishing everything you intended Staff Box • l' Melanie Steed ■ • • •oaifh •. ,-ji.jcatiof Joann* Frank . : ■ ■ ■ a* rs lauren* Shield* Lisa Spitzmiller. Britt tllii Morion* Callohan. M*lam* Steed .. At. v , Cory Fox. Chrtt Maquir* Carol P*mn Su*ann* Spolar and Jeff Gerb*r Jennifer Huey. Ingrid White 'ho Wo now s o nowsono' sponsoted Dy the Student •*eo!!h Cento' ana produced Dy the noaitn education Staff with 'ho .jsss'unco of the Otogon Doify Emoraid Alt aftic os a'o wr fieri Dy students and Gifs foe the oduca ton p'oytan' ' you have any suggestions or ate mtefos’ od m conf'iDu'tng an article please caB Vteiarue Stood at 74I 8239 a 3'op Dy Mocsth tducation o the Student Hoartn Cen'ec _ “We're so engaged in doing things to achieve purpose of outer value that we forget that the inner value, the rapture that is associated with being alive, is what it’s all about." — Joseph Campbell MENTAL HEALTH TIDBITS lyMpta#HlBlf.. .. . ANGER... ’ Anger and hostility may jeopar due you health If you score high on psychological tests you have a greater chance of dying from heart disease accidents cancer and sul cide contrasted with people who score low on hostility and anger THINK YOU’RE A FAILURE? ' Ever feel like you re a failure? Sir Winston Churchil was considered by his father to be so dull that Winstons father doubted if he could earn a living Thomas Edison was described by his teachers as odcfled his headmasters critl cued that Edison would never make a success of anything and hts father thought tie was a dunce Albert Einstein was prompted by a teacher to drop exit of school because of his poor per forrnonce In all hs classes except math The teacher then told him he d never amount to anything NUTRITION FOR LESS STRESS * there are foods that con actually aggravate our stress response and there are also nutrients that we need to replenish when we care under stress So In times of high stress or anytime it s good to limit your intake of caffeine and alco hol because they fend to aggravate your stress resporise Vitamin C rich foods will re plenish the vitamin C i iso) by ttie adrenal gkirxls during episodes of physical stress Your body also uses more complex carbohydrates and (xoteins when you re under stress so eat good sources of protein (peas beans ftsh lean meats etc ) and complex carbohydrates (fruits vegetables arid whole grain pradu* ts) Watch out for refined flours and sugars be cause these can also aggravate your stress re sponse LAUGHTER... ■ Norman Cousins, ttie man who literally laughed himself bock to health after having a terminal illness says that laughter is a form ot Inner logging CRYING ' Do you know wfiy after you cry you feel so calm? It s tx> cause crying gives your nervous circulatory and respiratory systems a good workout r J WORRYING. ' The difference between a worry and a concern is that <3 concern is something you can do something about whereas a worry is something you cannot do anything about So If you can t do anything about your worry you might consider why you would allow a worry to make you so miserable Another technique In dealing with worry is to fake your wofry to its logical extrerrie Imagine what would tx» tfie worst thing that could happen, what you would do If this catastrophe hap pened and then prepare for it lust m case STRESS * Three things tn common for peo pie who seem to cope with stress Pest are I) flexible and hopeful personality factors 2) a good social support network of family and friends, and 3) a sense of control In one's life EXERCISE AND STRESS * Aerobic ex of els© can reduce both longterm and short term stress It has been shown that erftef a single aerobic workout a petson will feel less tension two to five hours afterward A person who exorcises regularty after many weeks rrxjy reduce ttroir choracterlstk' level of stress finding that they no longer become as rvervous as they once dkf Fxerctse has also shown to be effeettve m treating depression (Gnest et al 197V) This is not to say exon Ise should replace professional help for dept os sion but that exercise is a helpful part of thora py The runner s high a euphoria described by peofke after ttrey have t running for at least 35 to 40 minutes, may tie caused t>y a re lease of endorphins, which are the natural pain killers within tt>e body ANGER... ' Arwjer < jfftx: ts the body like this ycx j release u horrnone called norepinephrine whi< h causes your heart t • t »* kit faster and your blood vessels to constrk t live result is a higher Wood pressure whir h in turn causes strain on the heart and Wood vessels ! j uy unmnnu iwiyu/r» ■'0(0 you <10 at One Of tfse most ot Citing ana c(.atonyrig times n you tfo You aro in cotogo lootDcJi games pottos now fronas am a groat sense of rcJopondonr o abounds You are making you/ own docsont and running your own Wo Sometimes dowovo( all of IDs con Do too overwhelming Adius'rig to college tto con Do ono of ifio hardest tmas m youi Ho Homesickness s ms! one 'oczon the transition can do » difficult After softting in and mo now ness of your onvfonmonf woon o^ separation (tom your ovod ones can Docomo very notcoooio Sometimes you find youfttW 'oc*;ng onoty and soia'oa mosing m© familiar 'ocos of home Not onry ccn loneinoss do dir cuff. taking tespon*if>!ify for ovory ting you do and don f do c swv Od ;’ soy or; *«> •t3jOf decisions to mo teetng atone confused and cy.uous oro common feonys mot go oK>ng wm oc'iy nomeecl fnoro are ways that you can deal witf m©w> teo*nys Oro way s by golfing ovotved student ocfv'os 'to f.tst mmg trot w« noppen s mat you 8 meet some row poopo Just mooting someone rtxjt you con tafc to sorro’mos tops o attovtatng mow tool's* of sot* •mio t con also bo useful m mo, ng do sons because you con bounce yc-J ’noughts and Kfcxn oft of some coo Sometma jest borg bury * " aettymas and poopo or tone sono of me ’mo that you m«gr-’ bo spooa rg ‘oomg tsc.mo5Ci( JO' 'Q Club* O' ugo' batons go’s you i’votvod OKI puts you m me siVt'or of mee'-ng '<•* poopo who f»avo similar r'omo o< youf 'iif’ufy of fnords wS; co» you W'l'ing a Quick lottof to those you "«ss w ( pcry off whon yen; tecotve a «”o» : ■ *»''Off them nnow whet receive a tortof from homo ’ makes ■y fiiy ftry.j*v fhafc.ny few fnofXJs an Do ono of ”o most hotpfui ways Of . xl.’ '*<•" ^ t • . ,i ■ •••*•*' t; - » v. ’* • ' : ' «■ lit»} Bo pOtiCK't Good '••«>'«»’ pj don I happen ovotnigf ! tcE'v ' »o odyur toge ' : tio compus tmoufcm '•••bo poopto at® here to hotp you and ‘o p' ,>■. > any advco of ass* lane® you nood Sorto of tnose 5 upport lefwos ' /'*< ’no :Xwn of Vuaonts. Student Aft on Ac adormc Advwng Sh/Sof t Mooftn. (onto* ’toaith Education othco cou'ioirys tutoa tosiaont osMtantj ■ yv-< tne CtrocK Co/'V.-'iy ' on UK tXx’1 fQfgot mo most :jtH,ndant ro VX/ non; jr-ip;a Qtnof G.donfs rf out 'o ib a co*ogo student e not \ o way you wood i*o ’ to bo fo "*•" t *s ” ■!' you havo " i ■ otxkfy to rna