THE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER NEWSLETTER SYMPTOMS THAT MAY INDICATE EXCESSIVE STRESS Overeating/under eating Resentment/anger Sleep difficulties Excessive forgetfulness Depression Confusion Irritability Talking too fast Talking too much Unable to talk Nausea Weakened immunity Feeling "faint" Chain smoking Skin problems Indigestion Ready tears Excessive gigQilng Sweaty hands Clinched hands Weariness/fatigue inability to be alone Nightmares Hypochondria Butterflies in stomoch Stomach knots Lump'' in throat Const! pa tion/diarrhea Headoche Neck ache Backache Heart palpitations Proneness to errors Drstractitxlity Ulcers Lack of sexual interest Nervous cough Mouth noises Menstrual irregularities Desire to run away Muscle tightness/spasms Decreased productivity Drug abuse Tic in eye or etsewhere Fingernail biting Raying with hair STRESS THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND MY PERCEPTION by Mokmlo Stood UGH! There's something stalking me. like my shadow, but I can feel this It feels like something sticky on the out side of me, and when I try to run away from it, I realize it's stuck to me Inside of me, it feels like a big metal ball stuck in the pit of my stomach and when I ask it's name, it hisses back to me strESSSSSS Souhd familiar? Stress is a mental, physical, emotional and often a be havioral reaction to a wide variety of demands Much of our stress today is different from that of our hunter and gatherer days In the days of Neanderthals, if the hunter was faced with a bear he/she either fought or fled This response is called Cannon's "fight or flight" response The bear of the 90s is not nearly so physical This bear plays on the emo tions. like deadliness, traffic, competi tion, academic demands, social stressors and financial worries Howev er. our bodies still respond to these "perceived" threats as if we were still fighting oft that bear The body does this by releasing sugars and fats into the blood steam for quick energy The heart pumps faster to provide more blood to the muscles Oxygen is in creased in the blood by breathing faster, muscles tense, digestion ceases, perspiration increases, and senses become more acute, all in preparation for action Now-a-days. we potentially have much longer pen ods of the "fight or flight response When we allow ourselves to be come all revved up and don't let our stress dissipate health problems may result In fact, two-thirds and up to 80% (depending on the study) of visits to the doctor are stress related Chrome, prolonged stress weakens the immune system and increases a person s risks to colds, flu. infections and even can cer Even though stress is thought of as unpleasant, stress may also be a source of great pleasure, such as play mg a game of racketball or even a passionate kiss There are actually three varieties of stress eustress. the fa cilitative, good kind of stress, distress, chronic m nature and debiiitative. and normal stress, the body adapting to meet the demands of ordinary life In terestingly. stress can bo a defense against other stressors This seems to be a contradiction, but some kinds of stressors can damage the body, while others stimulate the body and expand its overall adaptive capacity An ex ample would be the jogger who through self induced stress produces effects that are beneficial to the body, eustress Our perception of stress is a fascinat ing subject From time to time ac counts of patients who believed them selves to be victims of sorcery or who broke an absolute taboo and feared Turn to S ’ A E SS Page 2 INSIDE SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS YOGA MENTAL HEALTH TIDBITS Arom the hip WANTING TO BE A HEALTH NUT? Drop by the Health Education Center to see out selection of health books You'll find everything from eating nature's way to meditation Mon day through Friday Call 346-4456 for more information LOVE YOL'R HEART IN THE 1990'S! The Student Health Center can assist you in checking your blood pressure and total cholesterol for EPEE Stop by the Health Education Center on Tuesday mornings from 9 00 to 11 30. Space is limited to the first 25 ecu h I week (GRAPPLING WITH YOL’R MENTAL HEALTH? Support groups are a part of ttio Cournot trig Cop tor s pro gramming to assist students who aro struggling with mental health issues Groups are currentty mooting for eating disorders, adult children of al cohoiics. women's is sues. people of color, and many more For more information c ail 346-3227 NEED SOME PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE FOR THE“REAL" WORLD??? Peer Health Advising. HEP 410 A 510 offers practical experience in public sf^eaking. fcj cilitafiny groups, or ganizing health pro motion projects and writing for the Weil Now You must apply, so dr- p by Herilth Ed ucation in the Stu dent Health Center For more information. Cd'i 346 4456.