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SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ENTERTAINMENT Achtuna Babv’ worth the wait U2 Achtung Baby Island Records 1991 ★ ★ ★ i/z Ai hlutifi /lain U2 \ latest cf fori, was released today, ending years of an tic i|i.iUon Thf Irish bond's last album, HnUU' mill Hum. was a mix ol studio am! live tra< ks. and it left 'many fans wondering in w hat direction the group vs as heading The answer, they as sumed. would Is- found in the next album It is not \t hlunx Ihiln is < bantu . un predictable, seductive and (.li ters nnh occasionally. U2 fans won't find any answers in this album simply bei ause the band, once again, avoids nar row ing its musical fix its I he title of one of the Irai ks. "Trvm' to Throw Your Arms Around I hr World." aptly de scribes this ambitious album I - embraces manv styles of music: ,is they experiment and expand their horizons They bounce between heuvv metal, industrial and clone e music . of ten in the same song, vet they retain their distinctive sound The opening trac k. "Zoo Sta tion.' Itegins with obnoxious, distorted guitar noise, which sounds more like tec hno-thrash than 1 J I.-1rrx Mullen’s drums slide in. followed by throbbing bass from Adam Clayton By the time The Edge c reeps in with his trademark guitar. Bono is wailing in tin- background That is the first point .it which one will recognize the sound as W2's Just like the rest of this al bum. however, there is little' here that is standard On this track Bonos voice suddenly erupts into an electronic: modi fy ation that makes it sound as though he is singing through a tin c an The panoramic landscapes of /Tie I as him /rev are gone, as is the soulfulness of Kiittlr and Hum Ai hlunf’ Unity is precise and told as it explores the darker side of the heart The mysteriously pleading "One is slow, boasting u heavy bass lino and h wide range of emotional ground "Have vou come hero to plav Josus/To the lepers in votir head, [lono asks a lover "Until the Knd of the World is an ominous look at Insensi tivity where turnabout is fair play "I reached out for the one 1 tried to destroy/You. you said vou'd wait until the end of the world.” Other highlights include "Mysterious Ways,' "So Cruel and the anthem-like "Ultravio let (Light My Way)" This is not U2's best work ever, hut it leaves us already thirsting for their next album It's not what U2 funs will he ex peeling, but it was well worth the wait iioh Lee, owner of Face the Music, HHfi !•; 13th Ave , said he is expecting to sell between 100 and 5(10 copies of Achluny Ruby today U2 is particularh popular with (ollege students he said, and "regardless if it's good or had. it s going to sell well for several weeks " Since the mid-October debut of "The Fly," the first single from the album, Lee and ins stuff iiave answered 20 to 50 in quiries a day regarding today's release Ry Eron Witzel Emerald Contnbutia Gray whale not endanaered. officials sav NORTHWEST] WASHINGTON (AIM The California gras whale rail la removed from the list of endangered spin ins, hut other great whales still lace the thre.it of extiiu lion, federal fisheries ofTtt ials s.nii today I'op administrators said tile surprising reiovery ol the j>ray whale population in the north l'a< Ifu (>i ean is atypical of whale species during the past .Ml years — J ll in.irks (hi- first time the government hus pro posed removing ,t marine sp« ies from the list of endangered species I his is a success story." said Jolin Knauss. ad ministnitor of the National Oceanic and Atmos phene Administration 1 here are probably more California grays alive now than there w ere prior to the peak of the com mercial whaling industry in the mid-lHHOs, ' Knauss said during a news conference at the Na tional Press Club S! I PI \ I S • I AC l I IA •SIAM ‘Jhi 'l \icciinuioii Influin. i va, vt nations \vll! is- given at the Mini,-:-.! ! lealth Center .-vm U I ; SH \'i lill KnDA'i AMU RIDA'i IKOM su'j m to iV’ a m beginning C VtoK-r ?1rd and continuing until the end ot I all term t >nlv one injection is needed r 4 4 i Students S3.50 Faculty and Staff SI.00 Annual llu immunizations AKI KIXOM Ml M I i lor the Pillowing 1 Healths jvrsons tn years or older Persons with lone, term heart t'r lung problems A I’ersons ss tth ans ot the following kidnev dtse.isi', i \ sire tibrosis, diabetes anemia so s ere asthma, and conditions w Inch cotnpro ttsise immune mivhanism ! :e, i. ■:. - ,i v a.. ;rte M A A Is- j;n en to js-r -r-s wishing t" re.l-.i,.- their eh,in, ,m>| eatehmg the tin p-r-- -ns vs ho provide essential aiminunits servic-s and stu dents or others m ssh.sils or colleges I or more information, eall the Ml l’l M HI VI HU I Ml K at V4(i-444] HONEY FOR COLLEGE WHERE WILL IT COME FROM? 64 b6*on to financial aid want unused last yaar bacautt students dto not know where to apply. UNTIL TODAY! Call Or Write Today For Free Information NATIONAL STUDENT AID SERVICES PC Box 7801 Kugene, OR 97401 341-8192 Wl HAVE A COMPREHENSIVE DATA BASE SPECIALIZED AWARDS AND A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE TIS LIVE. MAN. FEEL DE RJDDIM TONIGHT THE DADDIES TONIGHT Voter 343-0681 tAT AT AT AT AW AT AW AT AW aMrasaa 5th STREET ^ .0 video PUBLIC MARKET GAMES DCW«»T0W*I 683*464 VIDEO ADVENTURE VALLEY mVHPUU ^ ■ *•' ^ *».. )«4 ISU * * *TRTI ******** T1Y rr YOu*u LMU rr Create vour own FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS PHOTOS •ARTWORK MICH QUALITY IMACIS a riHPKT cirr kinkoT gu thr cops ittitrr •*0 un l|TM Mrl IW4IMI