MEASURE Continued from Page 1 of powers tx'tween policy .ind administration And Miller said that if the City Council is un happy with the (oh the city manager is doing, the can fire the manager Miller said he lx lieves the proposal shows that Sweet docs not un derstand local politics "When somebody doesn't know what they're talking about, you feel sorry for them," Miller said ONE needs to collect about 7,600 signatures bv Feb 10 to get the initiative on the May ballot A spokeswoman in the city manager s office said City Manager Mike Cleason would not com ment on the proposal iieeause he is not an ele< ted official. Sweet said the city manager, as an official who is not elected directly, does not have to fie ai countable! to the public for his dot isions and ,u lions in government Sweet, who viui he been a < itt/en activist for years, said fie believes a more representative government w ill result from people voting for the combined 111v manager and mayor position Although the City Council is elet ted. and it in turn appoints the i itv manager. Sweet said this does not mean eiti/ens get a i ity manager they !*• iieve Is doing a good job "Do you think, the council accurately repre sents you as a Mugone citizen7 At most they can represent one-eighth of me." he said Here s the chanc e to have a (people's) victory Sweet said fie expei ts wide support for the ini tialive from both Democrats and Republicans And tie said fie has talked with politicians who are excited uIkiuI the measure because they see It as an opportunity to c reate a very powerful. |x>li Ileal c itv position that they are interested in run ning for BIAFRA Continued from Page 1 forrnunce is being sponsored by the EMU (Cultural forum "Hi? has n lot of information and analysis on whal is going on,” said Julie Lear, the con temporary issues coordinator for the EMU Cultural forum "He has altorn.itive perspei tives on current events of gov ernment and news, and he is osptM iaIly very ( rit i< a I He challenges people to question the government and media," Lear said. Because he was a radical rock star, Lear said Biafre was targeted by sih h people as Tip per Gore, the wife of Sen A1 Gore who campaigned for re cord warning labels So Biafra is not just someone speaking about issues, he is someone who has hud to legally defend those issues, she said "He's really been through the ringer her auso of his views she said Uiafra was involved in a highlv publit i/od censorship i ouri battle in whit h the now defunt 1 Dead hennedys were charged with "distribuiiori of harmful material to a minor The internationally popular Dead Kennedys released the targeted album. h'rnnkt'n('hrist. in 10HS It contained a repro duction ol a painting bv the award winning artist UK C.iger in the ret ord sleeve I he paint ing depicts to sets of human genitalia Uiafra s defense called the poster a political statement that enharu es the lyrii s and shows how uglv it (an he when poo pie are si rowing over each oth or After 1H months in the court system .inti $7.1,()()() m legal fit's for lin' b.iml, the jury .it quitted Iliafra Hul after the trial, the Deed Kennedy s broke up. Hiafra s mamagi' ended and irureased pressure from conservative groups resulted in the poster being removed from the allium i ov er Since the { uurt i use, Hlaffti bus been expressing his politl (ill opinions in a more sutiducd manner than his traditional thrashing method of the Dead Kennedy's Hiafra has Is-en touring < ol lege campuses ai ross the nation addressing sui h issues as rai ism, record lalwling, and Ins tear o! Hresident Quavle I have a feeling ll will be more of a performam e than a straight lecture," bear said It's not a set speech, bill very free flowing I MJhTtNl'.S Muniir Supi*wt (.roup for people who lUider moot* every Iuevday from 4 to *» 30 pm in tho Room Iftl *f the C'l ml* Sarvicet Hull dJFt ft. *M)1 K Ifl Ave tall 14© PSttl for m rw »nfrmation f Ml Board of Dtrei lara H o u »e C ommHLo* will moot u • tftht at © tn Room 151 Straub ( all »4»> *7^0 for more information SKTA will no*-. today at 4 M) p m tn KMt (ontury Hoorn ( < -all J4© 4 t*>© for more information I at in Aiwraan Support ( omtiullMrwr-11 meet tonight at s JO tn EMI CawJar roofln H Student Senate w*111 meet tonight at ft tn KMl Cedar Room !) Cali 14ft 3724 for more information ( »ll«ga rail ciMulive meeting Miii take pia‘<©1 f r morn Information (KSriB(. 140 4177 • ( Plan’ a nasc-ur + • n.ftht at U) in the Kotnunia ( enter • Alternative yj-v g> rr«w'.nn t. fitftht at 0 In KMl Suite ( *>» • Hungw and llomnr »*:;«*» Pr <**. t movie //on HW tonight at 7 in the KMl' fir Room CORRECTION A headline in Monday's Emerald misrepresented the facts of a storv on the visit ing Czechoslovakian atnbus sador to the United States and the charge d'uffairs from the Hungarian embassy Al though Czechoslovakia is undergoing change and may split into two countries. Hungary is not on the verge of collapse The Emi'ruld regrets the error and any confusion it may have caused RECYCLE THIS PAPER. • Nation*! I *;■ * (.■ -vx-. prt rmwung tonight at rj m Room 1 Ni* Straub • fUtcy | in Room 15 4 i'.w if:; • • ■ I | KS(5:i4>1 l.AN'Ki >! s Nordic Ski Fair r%.-tr : b> l nivetuty Outdo Program w uu<- pi* e tonight at 7 in the Studio t km >i the Hull < jr:• ■ et ('.a'.. »4». 4 U>‘. ? >.' rn.»f« informa1, < |ua«mfa VValaon recall petition * » d table w • »• in front of the t iv*r%ity H< kstofe • day from i MI a m ! 4 p m Ku)i i Mm krr National Wildlife Federation i *}*-.«• ■ r. ieht at ? JO p m a! Ktw>*« tail \t;4 1 « Si hoOl Hob feeha ONPSRt. Naf. nai < i (empaig i *iaf! **iii meet tonight at *> HO in Room i\• Pa* ifU OSPIIU. SW-rfi (Hut tMtti" tilt abuul homeUtaanet* a*ill uk« pU *- fr rn R N) [) tn tonight to M a m Wedi’eadey < > 546 4577 let more information opporrvNiriKs f riw ( hol**el**f«l Si iffMinu » ;i (a» '■ y>iM n ! "!j»v -t- W ! II M> d in !1 •• Health htiu-i ■ <*'■ ’«{ { -* 14#* 4 4 f“t more Iftf-.vf mail >!! KK.S -«% - ad» • * u't\. idie plat u ! *!a) j' J M) j> •' R •' I * * v’ & i f H P'r|t4(in< f«»t Ihr mrtlii <1 iullr|(r *.lrni»*»«.n lr*l . M‘ A i w* ’ • ' f ; ' j ** ik*h. -<» It { * * hay »' ' *" \ 8, :- '».4 < he* !i . ' . »4f. »: l I 1 r I «tt it end < lark I 4 »* S « h o o I i M f ii f I!' 4 I i IJ n 4 ?' •! 4 ■! V 4 a i K a ' 1 : i Ly fr-.-m 1 JO j m u. ! ;■ rn .• 8 • 5 »>4 ( hr * H.ii < .« 14»» '1 fi>r it; ■ ( il|pt up i imlinui^ fo* I 4» • I ' rr-ii : !* the t;;f t ^rr.rfjj RKUt.iON ( amjun ( luuiiip tin l hr*»t - ubt }>!•» e ‘ i‘ H • f* .* * Pari hi theDADDIES. DADDIES SHOW AT 10 It's Live TUES. PIZZ/) PtTQ. ^ 4lt >’Ol/C4Wf4r’ SPAGHETTI SPECIAL WITH GARLIC RRIAD $2.95 TUESDAYS ORV 11 MAMlo 10PM I WJ Will4me!lc 4A4 0936 {$100 ^>1 . . »« ^ I . Ol^. ■ «■ 1^' DISCOUNTS Ad • a/SIOM IXNK .MDIIKSONAI A HUSINfSSC OMIHUKS • AT ()K B» l< AV WAKI IK X SI CVK I s • IKI f HKV AM IVAHMOM* H H K N[ (I IS i - « !■ I om (ill I nr CALL TODAY * 345-8415 ( CREATE YOUR OWN FULL COLOR CALENDARS \1 at « \ a* • . \* nb \\ . b \* a* aO V Vi. V* Campus Location 860 East 13th Ave 344 7894 13th & Willamette 344 3555 SH I F'PI NG A V A i t A Ml I Volume Discounts kinko's the copy center THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON J l_ Practical jokes ot the Paleolithic