EDITORIAL Louisiana shuns Duke but ‘message’ remains OK. America, you can breathe again Louisiana didn't totally screw up. In Saturday's election, voters bucked former Klans man David Duke, giving the keys to the governor's mansion to Edwin Edwards. But despite only garnering support from 39 percent of the 1.7 million voters. Duke accomplished his mission. The louisiana race captured the nation's attention and gave the hate-monger a large forum to express his views. Duke's sordid brand of populism — trash the so cial programs, bash the welfare cheats, wage wars on crime, poverty and drugs — got much support among Louisiana's white blue-collar community, struggling under recession, A last-minute media blitz did Duke in. Edwards pleaded to the business community, saying a Duke vic tory would bring economic plague to the state Black voters streamed to the polls with 96 percent opting for Edwards. That 4 percent even considered Duke is hard to comprehend So Duke quietly — for now — becomes just another state legislator, albeit a high-profile one. But the lure of another campaign may bo too much. The man got a taste of national politics, and according to post-election comments, he liked it. The support Duke got for his “solutions" will not end in Louisiana. Voters in other southern states will also react favorably. From any place suffering econom ic stagnation — pretty much everywhere — Duke sup porters will appear. Although it is not unfair to tag Duke with every racist, neo Nazi label in the book, it is definitely not fair to apply the same logos to all his supporters There are surely some who share his racial views, but they probably rank in the minority. What attracted Duke supporters was the illogical hope he offered. People are discouraged at the present day politicians and are searching for an alternative — any alternative that offers a wuy out. Had a mule come along spouting the same "New Populism" slogans, some Louisiana voters would have probably voted for it. In the end. common sense prevailed, but for put ting themselves in such a precarious position. Louisi ana deserves some face-slapping. Daily P O BO I ) W lOGINi OAIOON9U03 Th« O«gon D**)r I m«r«ni a puGMahad a#>*y Mo*xlay I nd«y *tfxx» ytMtr and t umteimy and Thursday Ounng tr*a aomma* D> ?na Oapon Oa.^y t 'rw*a Urwanwfy of Oagon I Oapor Th# I nyfami opmmm *ndapana*r>»>y ol tf>a l*wank*y wth o«ki« <*' Sofla XX) o< l*»a f rt> Marnywn tJr>Jor and i» a rrmm.bmi o» tNa A**ooatad TNa I maraid -•* tv’va!# tyopar*y Tha ua4*»»uj removal or 0r. J**m B«rg On» Rowrt*fl MtOCMIf t dROfl Commuroty 0«i'^ Student Gov arrow on I ActivBtoO l^n-yr T'oppo Htgbor I due otto ft Administration Corrio Donnor Rapodtfi I ammy Dovml C hortxxvtao.. Donna f I ;gwAid Jayson Joootiy Gmttt KQOppmg. Kimi«r l >x:« l *o M-xagar Mopo tow*-'von C Of tow f'o^ «g Copy EdNoft Chnviophw Chow Don ( .to Ko«r ( '->$«** f ■**.) Itagw Paul ttevooor' l td MMogan Sftofcxa MB ho. KoJhy ShorKx k, Kathy s«rau'«y PttotogropAoro ‘or Poaton. Andro fU-o Advertising Joan Btodtoy Scon Dana. Iowa f -o Br«a*n KJfigm, Tor' l ooch. loo Ng Handon M «y Calhonno ffc>ya Mory Sondomon Two Sonon Vtc»u Tot*n Sharon Vo/ Clooodaod ftoggy McCann Manopor Kovtn Auaiorrnan Aton Curta Shmio l aron/o Buolnooo Aothy C-Oftxsno. Scporvaor Judy Connofly Pro due* ton lngf*j WMo. f*raduct«n Caorcarvoor Jonmfor Arthor Sorof CwV J«m T •ncf'. Conno f nor fcnatmo Clangor Suoon Hoad Jarwior Huoy jvr Motor ltoo McC-obb Siacy Mteftoi Mon MDfln. Jorvmlw Poland Jonrtifor Smoh Anno Stophonoor Jonrvtor Vo* Todd WWvma Conor aJ Manager Judy Rad »*ng Director wymn m ooppoOQ* Mmoom ..144-5511 Builn«M OltlM 544-5512 production —anagor Memo rots Oapiay Atfvontoing >44-171? QlMlM MwIWM >44-4143 V / AU£M ill ■. rvi | ^t / —.. / s- ••_^ - i’ \v".i 'MIVtt WMIEDWMS fc umf ALIENATION. • LETTERS Logic Civon Tho University is a Good Given Dim rlmlnalion against homosexuality is .t Wrong (liven To have to go off cam |iu> to see military ret rollers is an Inconvenience Assumed l imine ial support for the University will lie lost if military recruitment on campus is harmed Solution Raise the status of the Inconvenience to a "viola tion of a right," i e . .1 Wrong, and allow tho dist rlmmalion Question Is the University that remains ns much u Good as the one that it was or could have been ? Andy Thompson University Counseling Center Education To read about ASUO Vice President Jo Sonju Watson's criminal activities at the Uni versity Bookstore and subse quent convictions was disturb ing Hut to read her blithe com ments that her crimes would have no relevance on her lead ership ability was disgusting in its hypocrisy After all, in last year's ASUO presidential campaign, candi date Michael Colson's ability to lead was repeatedly called into question, due to allegations he had tampered with II-'C min utes II Watson had any sense of honesty, she would have tried to quash these doubts of Col son's leadership qualities, be cause as she has said, criminal activities have no bearing on ability to lead But I only seem to remember the Bills/Watson ticket exploiting and profiting from the charges against Col son When Colson's ability to load was called into question, whore was Jo Sonja Watson? Perhaps she was at home, writ ing the 5232 rubber check to pay tier court fines Bui then again. Having uneth ical or corrupt pollticians In government is certainly not a new phenomena Look at who is in Washington texiay! Liars, thieves, and a Congress of elect ed officials who write bad checks Jo Sonja Watson is get ting a good start to her political career here at the University. David Zartnian Kugene Acceptance In r e s p o nse t o Andy Souerwem [ODE, ()< t 30), yes, 1 do espouse homosexuality, hut I dui not suggest that it is represented in nature Its exis tence in nature is not the issue; die issue is. as I see it. the nets) for out society to a< cept the gay community, and allow it a safe place to dwell I usixl the diversity of nature as a model to follow in our hu man part of environment for tin' very reasons 1 will stance one e more The diverse parts of nature makes it ix-autiful and interesting There is survival in diversity because each diverse part of the whole adds richness and a unique essence to the ex perience of living in a enmmu nity All of us should lie allowed to play our own part in the community we live in. and this was the point I wantod to make to Jon Wollander M v o p p o s i t i o n t o Wollander s views are no more .in attack upon his freedom of expression than opposition to my views are Rebuttal is de bate on issues, not a force which threatens personal ex pression of thoughts and con victions. It's not a personal attack That important fact seems to have been overlooked. If my message was vague, I'll restate it 1 spoke for social equality for all. no matter the lifestyle or political position We should advocate tolerance and appro elution for all members of our humanity community I believe this is the conviction that serves us the foundation of our political system. Pasquale Anolfe History The Weas Where's Weasel? The Finer aid has been totally erratic in printing IVe.rse/\ World, some weeks printing it five days and others only two days I wish you would decide what days you're going to print it and stick with it. livery morning I hx>k forward to reading about Weasel, and when it's not in, 1 get in a lousy mood Oscar, on the other hand, bus got to go Neal Skorpen's draw ings lixik like crayon acid trips, and he's trying so hard to make a point that he's rarely funny My roommates and I agree, get rid of Oscar the Frt'shman and give us more Weasel Michele Flynn English Cover-up? It was with indescribable dis appointment that I read about ASUO Vice President Jo Sonja Watson's shoplifting from the student bookstore and Presi dent Jennifer Hills' subsequent cover-up of the event during last year's campaign liven worse were Watson's continuing mockery of the legal system and refusal to even apologize to the student lxxly for her actions Instead, she justifies her ac tions by the fact that she is a student, making it acceptable to steal troll dolls and write bad checks. Bills and Watson have so far failed to satisfy the expecta tions of the students who gave them our trust. Matthew Chism Student HOW DO VOLl THINK PRESIDENT 8U5W IS DO'NG ? Sit months AC-C voo GAV£ H//V\ 7WE WI6HE5T APPROVAL RATING in ms roftv *JAD WO agenda then approval PAT/a/g roftv. ^ DOMfcs/vc aew either / But /vow it's not working vow I SOT I <1NG I Vp-'.-' I10 w ukxaj u. yt j w «cru>>. &■ I Cimcc*A71 ^ ? *ft ax-’i.ffv.rrf;