Oregon Daily TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1991 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 59 Scouting sales Lucas Mautino and Colo Ramsey both 8 and of Parker Elementary d - ,x ' ink C chocolate bars in front of the EMU on Monday Proceeds Iron the camiy saw:, .s jo t L <■; and Cole 's pack and to the national scouting organ nation Photo by Andre Ramon Miller would quit if measure OK’d Manager job would be cut By Rene DeGarr ’ " W.i 1 Ass site f <1t. * l.ugene M.ivnr Jelf Miller said hi- would resign is mayor if .1 proposed ballot nu'.mirr lh.it would transfer the l.ugene i 11v manager's authority to tin1 mayor pass i-s in Muv fn .in .111 t-;i 1111 In c re.ite wh.it hr i,ills tin- tin- most powerful politii t.iii m l,.inr ( .unity. Drive Sweet, li .iiiidi'r id tin- group ( )r . pom.ms lor a New Lugene is sponsoring i ine.i-.ure lor one pnrsou to run tin i i!\ h\ eliminating the i i!\ managers position Miller s.itd in dix-s not ln-1r«• v.• vr w S vote tor the proposal be< aiise they i .in smell something lh.it li " 'll stiH-ll right Hill M I'! s.iid t! tin- measure . i . ■■ p.i-■ s hi- w o ;.! not .ti i . , ’ 11,. ■ .... III. d i rsponsihi li in . .mil would resign us mayor Miller s.ml his respouMhllities us rnuvor torus on poiil \ . when .I', the i :t\ manage! hah. with udmlnls tr.ito. e mutters, sin h us budgets Sweet said he is sponsoring the measure, to In put III the M IV h.llint, lie* ,111 se 111- Im'Iii'Vi-s tin muviir is ,l 'puppet hgure Will) little ri spoils ihl I It V He said lie I \pi'i ts the me,is..re, it p.lss.-d, SS ill i le.lle .1 pillitjl I,111 w In i i nil Id get I lot done The tti.ivor isn't doing .1 damn thing. Sweet said II the initiative pusses the ittv manager's position will h,- eliminated m January 1‘1't.l, when the mavor will In . nine responsible for doing all lha ( itv manager s tasks Miller sail In does not think the measure will 1 flange 1 11v polities tor tile heller Me said It would eliminate what lie sees as the mm h needed separation turn to MEASURE Pay.* d Ex-punker to lecture Biafra to slam censorship By Hope Neaison The former lead singer of the Dead hennedys, one ■>! Amitriiji s tup h a r (it o i >■ punk rtn.k bund--, will dis cuss tunsluulinn.il righls censorship and the trends id the "ness right'' in he. lure 1 Blow Minds lor .1 I ts ">K " Jello Hiafra. who IxiQime tin unli t ensorshlp and pro rights activist after the Bead kennedys tfisbumleii will talk atxjut the det av of arils lit and civil rights tonight a! 8 in Room 1 r>() (Columbia Tickets lor Biatra s let lure Jello Blalra art- on sale at the (Mi Ma in Dost for S.rj lor sludmls and SB (or tin? ptdtlit. Che per Turn to BIAFRA Pago 3 INDEX They’re back_ Its chaotic anti it's unpredlctabb Today’s anticipated release of Aihlung Buby marks tho return of U2. and the album lives up to its billing Hob Lee. owner of Face the Music said the album will !*■ widely sought and that he expects to sell up to r>00 copies of Acblung Baby on the first day of its release See review, Page 4 Workshop confronts anti-Semitism, misconceptions about Jewish people By 1 sa M (?gan f'■ i i ■<>■. ■ *'>'< S' us! Ori■ >:i i,i r;arc ion fused .i!m ait w !.• I' il mean-, ’ hi icw is:: i iS :ng it 1 i till a 1! 1 ' them to I, ii with anti Scan Usrti, said the co director ol the l.'n t vntsit v |i'U c,!i Stiiiic::' Union on Stood i\ Phil /an ten: in • aid tin- . a number of jews in the state !. i niadi: it eas\ for misconi cji lions iibout tfic people to (level op One such nonuple, he said is that manv Oregonians faisehv heliev e tfi.it Jews an defined t the rel igion the\ fol d iw lews have a i oieuie di he' tv common lunge iges. Z... i ermati sa I We :..>■> e a re. : gion It's part of us, Out it's not what w e are Zu h'tm.m was one of ' . panelists who spoke it: i.MI ' ailoil! lew .sh ( ll Iture ! anti Sernitisrn in American i iets The workshop was pat: ttie AMD s Stop the Hale svn.pl at: wflK : was t.:e l/ed to i !ai ale students ah:ai! fogotrv and violence Other seminars to he field later this w '■! S W .. ' ail Ii on add ;tli ■ o !upi( s. in, lulling homophobia seated harassment and disabled ( iti/ens righ.ts r. r A. Vn Tl4 ,tt Jonah Bookslein solicits stereotypes ot Jewish people Irom thp au dience during a discussion on arili-Somilism on Monday i.irin.i Miller, .1 University who grevx up in I mi - ■.!ai s!h' has felt urirom ‘ •; !: 1 i tries from fellow . he gnoram e altout Jew ish people Mr '.,11(1 she w ,|S usililllv tie- only Jewish student in most ‘ her grade school ( hisses ,md wms id vs -i vs asked to explain liar at ih to fellow students l\ hell students Would SMV the\ M It - a; , tor her having to miss (di rit m.is, shr ni’vct knew wh.it to reply, Miller said (There wns) th.it fooling ol always having to defend ami explain yourself.'' .lie saiii I’anelist Jonah Hnokslem said students i an fight their ow n anti Semitism hy learning more alxwt Jews and trying to meet more Jew i*,h people He said that one way am student can do this is hy attending Jewish Student t limn activities