Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 18, 1991, Page 7, Image 7

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Continued from Page 4
studios programs, including the
University of Washington, cur
rently offer a twholor of arts in
the discipline.
L.isa Alhrich. .1 junior wom
en's studies minor and Spanish
major, said she would (infinite
ly major in women's studies if
the University offered it
She said she became interest
ed in the field as a child
"1 always did papers on
(women) tiecause women have
always (men ignored, " she said
"I've always searched for my
own history ”
Albrich's biggest problem
with the University's women's
studies program is that too few
courses are offered She said
classes fill up very quickly and
she had to wait a year and a
half to get into YVST 101
No complete totals on stu
dents pursuing a women's stud
les minor or cortific ate are
available because students
aren’t required to report such
intentions to the department
until close to their graduations
Last year, approximately 75
students graduated with worn
on's studies minors
Marsha Kit/.dorf. women's
studies program dim tor. said
women's studies is still a vital
part of the University ciirrlcu
lum and the feminist move
Wh.it the women s studies
provides for students is an
understanding that we do live
in a six ti’lv where women are
treated differently," she said
Kit/.dorf said many women
shv awuv from feminism t>e
cause it has recently turned
into a dirty word Klt/dorf said
feminism is taring used to i re
ate a feeling among younger
women that they don't need to
tie assertive about their own
Klt/dorf said women need to
stand up for their rights or
those rights may not be there in
the future
Seti*e lUwaiMn student l rhmi mil n«w( t a: '• in KMt' c entury K om K
Pai (hi the National S«h in fni will meet : m ^hi at fv ir> H 00 w 1V»
Straub ( «i! 4* s for mom inhuman><n
Student* for C r«*lit» 4 net Knm am w. meet .ght-at m \gjio Str«wt Muilding
No 1
Alpha Phi < >mega m: ftvnK ioni|h! at n H) in KM; ( miar Room A (nilUft 'MM !
(or mom informal!oft
MomomiMltty tn the mi litern wrtU be the topi* fa pure! dm uiwun tonight at •
in the ( aM»n (Iol4 Room
Anil Sernlum mil l»e the toplt of a panel die U**»n taking pi* » lo<Uy at 1 Ml
p m in the KMt lien t inder Hoorn
Mu Hh ullural ( urvwtaham Organ irate** a I Meeting will take pi*' e tonight at 7 Ml
in the KM’ Men l Inder Room
Open i«n up ( untimiM f« < *H 14* M IN
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