Ambassador says Hungary on verge of collapse By M chael J Sears f rmwaid c,v.• v.i * (Ir.incltnother lurnet! n voiu tionnr v Hit.* X I i m<> v .1 1 lie ('./.it hoslni ikiitrs timbiisstidor to th*< l nilt’ii State*. lolil .1 |i,h ked (mm ItmI.iv her country I1, tee Hiring on breakup rile .human rights artivlst .uni former dissident told tile (■ ,VN et hn-do . . > , 1' j 1 n111!t .11 ’. itu at 11.n 1 • 1 banging Iriitn day to dnv. and i|h tlrivt for independent'- is : -■..*. u;t :» •!k hiti < : v /rn< in the eastern part of the country f!/(*t:hoslovaki*i is a fedcra tiori (if two nationalities (./<■< he. .iiitl Slovaks Many Sin vahians have long licheved they would lie off eslah -.i-par >n ni' ■, ij :' from the (./c< tis khmov.i said ami I iV( mailc moves 'inward I ha! end sum '.the collapse of the i ii m in urns! regime In ( . / e- h : a. i< i V a 1 ;'Vo \< . [ ts ago k I: - .va who .1 Or. h VujjnsI.iA 4,i sir !h> Snvu-t l‘niiiti I Im'U' .a on )ns(t>r> nf vtn Ii-ih >■ !)<*twi>i'ii (./<, h>> ,»mi Sto tak••. sin- s.nd K>i'll in ivnrM t.iM >.< .iinurii),. liter** will i»' no vtolnnt i* i hf ,»'i s I'.ir ulii fnntii-r d;\m 11• • M1 Ini ami' .1 f.n.'rilc .imnru; if.* VV.r-n :n i ! ,.1 i! ii r t r7 >; ( Vi'i ■’ is i(n -ii. ;.t \. v i-! If i v ill I Mill's i!l Nm r.ili'ljl-r . i ‘ 1 li' i I In; former i omimmist .uni i>i (iriutnic s iiK tufoi" joint’d1 (ila\ i>hi Viu v H v i . ■ . , r in PACK IN GREAT SAVINGS AT THE UO BOOKSTORE WITH OUR ( )fltr in*h/ Lhn 'Ut?h /J if V/ VWTl ( KIT M.ilcnaI IlKK) ik-nicr f'OKDl K A ( './/’.k ily 1 '■>'■> cu in (I 1 Ax A) U eight’. I lb . I 0/ / i i •> ( >ig* m/cr l\»% krl lien. '•,59.95 SALE $27.99 l H TOKIA PEAK MaichaI KXX) demer (’OkDl RA hods, l ull drum 1 valher bottom and lid ( A/Kn ii\ 1420 ui m (If>\ l 1x7) V) t ight I Ih Keg. $42.05 SALE $29.99 SAME EE Distressed heather IxkIs. 4 40 demer dAl’KOI AN backcloth hack da/uc/D 1A70 cu m (14x14x0) Weight 1 Ih , 6 o/ Reg. $4i).45 SALE $55.99 BRIEFCASE MaIchaI HalliMic ('loth 440 denier C’APROl.AN N s Ion backcloth (IIWS cu in (12xlKx5) W eight I lb., 4 o/. I ejlurc\ ( hgjni/cr l\>, kcl Reg. 554.95 SALE $37.99 UO BOOKSTORE d- >w i: ih' hardhi ommnriisl UiAiTnmcn! When Havel bet nine presi dent in toon hr appointed hi ns:i'..t as amlsisMidor to the l nllcsi.Stairs h; -mm i said unr of the lop priorities 1.1 (hr new Orchoslo v; . r, government .s to "Tr to lam ■;••• ' Sin said '10 vr'.m of mm Ulism has left hrr r. iiilrx <|r, ri.ihd, and cjslah ng a " irlet rt nnofliy and i' - . . r, he. H ith ’ hr WrM V\ i ■ ; :.r . ■ . I '■•■!' \ :k ; ] ha; s ' it's on- U tid V\at I! pros perils • mi i would tnotj within sot m (v, and (hat same rtonortiit imumIii i -• will occur Hovvi vrf, she said (hr (up pri ority ijI the government should in !r aii 11?nI mar hr! 1 Uliana l !• r . .tr itltH r lit i' i! VS r adtilr ss Isiiri' now wt will all in* in pover ty h hftimvi s.nd This brought the ire of one ol Mil 11 Si I la rs 111. ashed : I i.'.r government's job is not to pm vidr n tinonio. justice vvhat should tile government's rule lie The government’s role in so irU shouhi hr minimal," Kiuimv a s.itd Sin admitted tier change ol mind is a complete turn-around iri.m hrr younger days .is a mrmbt r of tin ( imminisl i’.ir iv tin! the rvprrirnt e of living iindr! sot i.illsm showed hrr the -problems i inistxi by large p>v eminent' involvement in sex a ty Earlier in the day the charge ii affairs from the,in emlxissv. Ivniko BolUbas. spoke on the rob' of Hungarian worn m in post < ommunist Hungnr inn s : Women was a puppet organa/ i tmn for llie i oinm mist parti Their stand was that there were no problems for wnne n m i uminiiiiisl Hungary. so tin re was no m i to push ior women V rights, she said Bo 11 abas said problems Him garian women face today an iude ovi ; w, irk. i -w v\.t i the growing problem of pornog raphe She also said her ause ol silt' past communist system m i.astern Europe, there are levs women role models in Hunga rs The seminar, New Politit al ( ultures Economics, (lender and Sot iety in i.astern Tu rope. \\ as held hv the I '(liver sits Russian and Hast Tump' an Department V-'-. \ \ \ (, . ' B • \: \ [ i jft.. •n-if' ‘if ('*• '«*> l .ill/* -yuu Sial4 l mut.ii. ,i»h1 IwJ »..•<».* J ^nAir.j ! hit I* iff *tm . »n httud my iiilr'f %I« (M j.,,,'. ' ir; u (ft . J nmrm< ' i n.p V (ii*‘l • •! I’ri*lr\m. njl l*.\, ihiln^s »h jfr hrlf tru' .KiMfw a -r. *» l jltt. a dwt Wv V Ml f-M PMt p. r,m, r . VgA r. •*u.*u.! «*J Iftdutfrui P.»,»v4,V' »n.J P»>|| *<*j PW) *n ' '••'*■ • *' -•’*■*•*' •’ v*f *n»|«uw« U *irj