FUNDING Continued from Page 1 howl lobbv against giving state system funds to athletics before packing the meeting's audience seating "If you are not able to go to school, who gives a damn it von have a sports program, be cause you can't enjoy it," said lennlfer bills. ASi't) president and chairwoman ol the Oregon Student Lobby Student senator Chris ( ellars said "Its ama/.ing that we will spend money to entertain our selves while our educational system continues to diminish " Members of far ullv organi/.a lions who spoke at the board meeting said a vote to give state funds to athletic s may send a false message to the publie that tile OSSHK has all the money it needs to operate Despite the unanimous vote m f.ivor of the task force, some board members 'expressed .dis may at postponing a final dec i sibli "We've Jill! off tills decision for 1 r> years," said board Vice President bob bailey "It would be my statement that 11 we think intercollegiate athletic s arc- important, then we voice to fund it Richardson said the task force- will begin in January tn look for additional funding lor intercollegiate athletics, with a report due in April The board will make a final decision in June Task forte members v\ 111 in s lurin {wo board members. two (unipus presidents. represonta tives from the fund-raising foundations at each of this three universities, Olli' rtn ulnr ilr partment representative, two legislators. one OS[. representa I i S' e and in no representative from the Intennstitulionnl bar id's Smain Richardson also asked tin' hoard to rr.iffirm tin- present polios inioroaliirgiate ath letic s ar*- integral to the eduea Itona! experience ami sustain •-.ii h 1 .imposes 1 onferern c affil iations ‘If you are not able to go to school, who gives a damn if you have a sports program, because you can’t enjoy it.’ Jennifer Bills, ASUO president Although student protesters were relieved that tin- hoard did not vote Friday to transfer thi- Sit 15 million, feel the del,is will not bring .1 ness solution to the delii it problem "I'm happy they are at least in.iking an attempt,” said student senator John Thomas But. 1 think tiles have already made up their minds Hobby Lee AS! () affirmatise a( tlon coordinator, said he is reserving judgment on the ben efils of the new task loree until he finds out when ami where meetings on tfie issue will he hehi Student leaders have been i I tin a! ot vs hat thev i .ill a lai k of atlvante nolite of three pub In hearings tielii on the athlete : . . ; l ■ ; i'lie hearings were hehi after the boani voteii in Septnniier i delay ai lion Act ording to i hoard report, support at the ( iirvallls and Kugene hearings vv ere about to ! at the I’ori lam) flearing support ran about ■1 to 1 However at a press i outer ee .■ Wednesday in the i.Mt student leaders said that the hearings were parked by lot a I business owners who fienefit fi nam tally Irom inh-ri oliegiate athletic s A Iso on U ed ttesil a V t ail Roberts wrote to board mum tiers to sav she opposed divert mg state system hinds to athlet te programs It was pretty i I ear that vv lien tlie governor began to raise res ervaborts that the hoard was go' mg to have to i hitnge its post tion. is the political reall ty . said Dan Williams, t iniver silv vice president for adminis tr.itlon If there are people vv ho have not been as t loselv involved In the process who (.in tiring a fresh perspective, then great lie said "But, it that fails, anil we go hack to the original pro posal. then everyone should he satisfied r Don’t miss out on great savings — Clip coupons out of the Oregon Daily Emerald. L Thomas Bartlett (foreground), chancellor of the Oregon Slate Board of Higher Education, and George Richardson Jr. board president, were key players in the board s Friday decision to postpone a vote on transferring state funds to college athletic programs I A3 A 3MICIAI MAMfcl TING TIST A MAJOR IHAVtt fUlOAl H 13 01 U «>*l I Vt HY I o*«t mtioCAU s wum* n wxjmh o* nm (■ubicaiion daii I • FREE • FREE • FREE • A DREAM VACATION TO HAWAII A*> a special 'marketing tost wo will sood to »i»ch pown a huo vacation coftiftcatu valid for a tab ukxjr. vacation to Honolulu Ha w.ui This coftihcatn «nbtW>f» tho usof to ttxxxw 8 days and 7 nights ot lodging tor two people arid on© froifltmi tickot tram torn baggag© handling and all Luos You nwxt pay to# only on© a if it no ticket at the rogula/ coach price Thero if. f\o other product to pur chase and there is rvo charge for this special cor title, ate Wu will however limit the number of cer tiheatns to he issued in this mar Ket to those that call within 72 hours of the publication date of this ad The reason for this spe c»al offer is that we wrsh lo test the drawing power of this type of .ittvertismg and inform you of our sp*n uil travel programs Call Now! a (510) 820-3733~ t 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. _ At the UO Bookstore, You Get 10 Ways To Create Your Holiday Photo Memories! 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