Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 18, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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NRA targeted
Just recently. the NKA target
ed Sears vv ith ii boyi:ott for con
Intuiting moni'v from stuffed
toy s.lies to the Humane Socle
ty of the United Stales l.el me
begin by expressing my thanks
to the NKA lor doing so
Your belligerence and arm
game become you You have
turned on a great tug neon sign
to mainstream \mericuns who
appreciate a sense of balance
pertaining to hunting and the
sale of firearms, to further scru
limzc what you’re all afxuit
An organization without Urn
its. whether it be lobbying and
bullying m Washington or sell
mg military assault weapons to
am |erk on the street You will
have to forgive us lor being
more than alarmed when
bloodbaths in our restaurants,
grade schools, and shopping
centers are becoming routine I
know, guns don’t kill people,
people kill people The next
time you see someone kill 2f>
people in a restaurant with a
knife or baseball bat, let me
Just where do we draw the
line' Does the right to bear
arms’ imply the right to i airy
hand grenades and flame
throxx efs '' lhn\ about some sin
tar e to air missiles and ma
chine guns lor the kills' free
ilulli does have Us guidelines
This lali-st hashing of the Hu
mane Society and companies
contributing to it, borders on
the surreal at Ix-st ! am not sure
what the animals did wrong
this year, but this latest action
further reinforces the percep
lion that the NKA has become
an extremist organization
(lerrv Kempt*I
In defense
!• turn lin' looks oi (in- froill
page of the l.mi’i t!,f on Nov l
tin' newspaper in‘i‘iis .1 reason
tfi.it would exp la if i whv tin' De
partment of Defense dons not
.11 low guvs .mil lesbians m
tin' military
(Inn reason vvtiv DOD dors
not permit these things is be
cause there is no plain1 to put
them Do you expei I the de
partment to house gays" with
real "heterosexual' men' Do
you expei t the department to
house "lesbians with real
" heterosexual" women ' Do you
expei t the department to have
"homosexuals live together’
Do you expei t the department
to have bisexuals live togeth
er ‘ I low i an one- tel I w hen
these people aren't having sex
tl they live in the manners ol
On this campus, we Celebrate
diversity by separating the s x
es Men live in fraternities
Women live in sororities 111 the
dormitories, eat It flour or wing
of a building is represented by
a single sex
This isn't designed to slop
people from having sex. of
course, but it provides a good
idea of vs fieri rape oi i ,.is lloyy
can one ensure that rape will
not oi nir'
What would the EnuTtilJ like
DO!) to do' f orm a military dt
y isiuli designated for homo
sexual*, eai h housed in their
separate rooms 1 There is no
room ioi 'homosexuals" any
dry an Westly
In the Noy 7 ODD the edi
tins h>\uii'it .1 !<•!!• • r hy Jordon
! uinl w : ill ■■■ tin mi ippv sii-.'.iii
KOiU !• lee.led \ nr .I ■' apt
hr.iii 1 Hir Would iuvr lii'i'ii
Saferide A Harked i would
like ti present .1 series I I I I, la
relevant to I’rojri t Salertdr
Tin- most 1111p. 111,mI f i t ; ,
that it is usually men who .it
tm k wonu'ft ifi • m ikrs it un
■.air tor i w m u. 1 - w a Ik ... n
i iiinpiis ,i 1 .in \\ 1 n ! Safertdi
was established. tiir \si '() .ind
tin; University deemed this fat I
important enough to start a pro
jer t to rectify the ptohiem
I he University , wanting to
save the students money, de
i ided the driver', would not he
paid ( and It takes at lit t J per
in.men! drivers to keep Saferide
running . a. h week! 1 he origi
nal. problem yy as s.ilety and a
conioundlng problem is that
drivers must volunteer their
time so the ohv Kills del istnti IS
that drivers must is- women
But as most informed sir
dents know , a mart i an answer
the phones oi work in the of
lue (these are paid positions}
S,deride doesn't pr.H til f a ills
t riminatorv hinny; pulu v
AS! ( ), the l nivefstty as a
whole, and the courts uphold
Sab-ride s right to exist, and
rr< ogrn/.r their method o! exts
tenet; is the most convenient
■ lie a V a ; iahie hut people like
Lund must still exercise their
uk a! t ords w itii their i rv My
response to sin h men is that it
tilt", Can present the tai Is lie.
essarv. they might he able to or
gani/.e a Saleritle oi their own
Hut this requires tai Is, not a se
ries ol uttac ks on a useful pro
)e< I
Delir a Kryt*
1‘syi holngy
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the copy center
Everything was starting to come into locus tor
Farmer MacDougal his missing sheep, his
missing six-pack, and his collie Shep, who was
getting just a little too sociable lor his own good