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ACCAirAl*. prof*««»rk4l 11 QOp*0« up 4*4 001* P»?Qy • Typtng S#rvic« I i p«*#.4»w «irj • yp*v? o'W '** * W «y- tv«J n*uy jynHir 11 »»«•» onatxtt ' ;iJ o'. Call P*ggy at 14? 4P>« PMOM SMONAI YYMMG A w wiyrl p"v ir. -■ '■•g **'' .j i • «*i » p*v*> »iy> llnrta 'j*'**» *»**? TYPING UNLIMITED tJafbara l and 1 Printer 44f> 1143 I fl *>.j t rig r YOU CAN PAY A LOT FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. OR YOU CAN USE THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS IT S YOUR CALL' 346-4343 130 FOR SALE MSC. Au bnjah Paaacha S lank regulator and paint* me lueWd |1S© 6A6 ISO/ Ctaaay Nordalrom black laathar jatkat m beautiful condition Paid |?SO aakmg S1 35 C*H (>**> ?4?1 op iooo 1 *iw, .» s f Mr* Joy m ■ ■ \ ru ♦ ' -*■ ■**+ S' - * ■ ■.«» •* .» W rule o' bow ‘ * .'-.1 - b..'V ;»'%! a twiiMt! t >»'•'. t i' t ; 'tfQn.jp l tj‘ i * f Of aala f’.t i MM «»<* ik IQ \* '**> at ’•««* » I'a-wr-'- ► * Mf*? paint « l <> .'*»» * A p* ' *'**» • l IW .4*5 V. V*v«> M> * «< I. 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J O&O 'tv 4 V,4 Mountain Hi* N ' ► .» t* ' * • (kto?9 If? cjrj^-pM.K o'’"1 pa * ,v«5 i • »»• S4‘». - it"! t; ‘!> rrvy^i a/*! t*v«* 1*5 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Prtnltr and ■*;<»**• €*• a **®k I' t»* *» i. * ••»! 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Kospping f marak) Haportar at 146 5511 Documantation [ ajvjwat ialad INM HI SUD IN Tt ACHING? { 'VO* ^ INTRO TO I DUCAT ION ;■*•;< MN ’ i4*t »U DUS l !M • . • • .* UM • M l : N. ..• '• 1 »> » .1 I *1“ r.M* \ tiBl t/n-M 205 OPPORTUNITIES INTERVIEWS ARE AVAILABLE FOR WINTER INTERNSHIPS Spring fwfcS Chambar of Com mm* cm Mitre h o4 Own mm Mu»aMmt Oyttrophy Attoc l tnt Ant Council Wot!mtn Rtvtrt Gin Seoul Council WiWtmtfl# WikfMt Rttcut A MthM>*IRtUon I* yO_. «*o a > V rr,K a ~'»jcy *n*rxy in in# c otogo of An* A Soox«**, you a n ‘«-y on .p t^MTJugh ■ ' *'*»«►- (*<0'*’ O'-' iry^o'-iV p pFagmrv f i c»m.; '•*» pOWOn cMNrf f-ptont ftnd Mjr. ,>p m ,>?' 11***!"* •.% H.A TIMBERLINE MAGAZINE Tnt UnNtrtity of Orogon l fltrtry and Ant Journal CALI FOR SUBMISSIONS i MURRY' DtacJImt Approaching Nov 7tth Bung Artwork (»l*dtt only) lo I. «♦» A,-". " t> ! rt'w*».-•: » IMt >..**• (, »*.*' t*. - An I duor Bring Potlry (1 copy potm lo j 441 1*1 > 1 •* )rj • ’ i+wSry f (Try Bring f if lion (? capitt tlor>) !o f -■ * I 0«or Pit**# mekxJt SASI with Ai l SUBMISSIONS REMEMBER OtAdimt »• Nov 2?!h' IAISI $500 Si 000 $ 1 500 FOOL RAISING itukifTur *c itfvurmtn tiwtir CALL 1800 850 8472. til M 210 HELP WANTED AIRLINE N«*w •*•*»►. "-g '*» #»•«} j » ii'irt to ?- O't'f ■*»*«• :*#. ■ -/ «» V4.*v> »;1 ^4i to * •* M.W 303-441-2455 Extension 9A Cu*tadi»l tf•»«•», ;<#'» •» a «.) " >« ‘ in* , ont'AC** H>-' , it(/ « . M . ’-*» ***» ' ■«» *S , LA o»j *»«.' *> o«- : S ’ < ' * '1 ‘*u «.»' ' I’-a.M I ;<» o you hmkJ morwiy to con!»m.j« youi •dLK.otion? ! t .i> ,,*• ; .1*'ii'* o" '• iM " - ’Muy , ■ n i ,«»,!• .. * i*^i YA> A - < " ’ •- **5 ■' 1 •,1' * N ‘ * Kitv.-.rs ‘ a. - ► itttk>*i'(3 .1*. ; A .. . , f\ty V * ■ S ‘ ".i, ■ Moo^ ii xJ ,vu , *.!«*: f* ,i *•«*»* I. • ■■ - - M V 5 ^ a 4 'XX'!’ IARN MONf Y ftotifrng Oooaa V‘. y "ur* pot«*p*'.a Omap* ac-*.! #x<- «*• i t ip*ri«nc« f ijg*n« ■ iia’# o> •A»Ar iw **x C«a 683 4MX ami au to ywr to 'v«p ytxow ’ 210 HELP WANTED f scapltonal opportunity to provida MrvtcM foi an act ha communHy of ofdar adufta Varw<3 raaponatb*ttuaa includa daffy houaakaapmg transportation and tataphona P*rwan#nl part lima poaNfona avadabfa for day o# n^jM ahirt Apply 1001 Waafungion S( . I ugana. noon 4 p m Mon - Fn l Of l aw School noada Compufar Tach knowkadga of IBM compatibia harthoara and aoftwara. DOS. and modama Wordparfact. DBaaa. and HafworkinQ aipartanca hafpfui Prafaranca ghan lo work study aitgibi# applicants Qualrtwd non work study applicant wMI ba conaidarad Call Marilyn a! M6-3A60 NfGKT MAHAC.FR POSrTlON O-m G Tl pew«y * opor ' I MU ky « t MAnagc* Applications and job iJoacnpttOn* am fl.A flNi >n- Ml O' . I MU Covng data >\ t)aramta' ? '*>' AA1 Of REPORTER WANTED I'^Ora^y D«> I rn*KH#d. m •ppjii'uttiona 'ey a Hignw I ducat .IK', ry .VI! rt» K a'lji App • rr .. S’ r*> (I t kv• v^k'* ty «udam App < a!*o<>5 am d.-o ?C .nd am <*v*iiflNi ft* f itf.ro I ro-'‘ iky.n I MU S to ‘ C: I •. O'"-' ri ;•*> of or no' wrung ’••arr-p***, Cft Uf. *>V ’ ,»•••« Itanmifl or C nr *, (ifl • k>f mom -tq'm.r.ur Woow' ;4»Op'0 of CO*or .j»ys and .1 and poop** wtn II •..»■ 1 tKs x>.*agMd to ftpP’y Tha Oregon Daily I maraki s ».Top‘f.g * a' »on» fcr nr OKSOOH!» urr-ty to covtv 'im' a1*! f (top1'' «»* •■ Tha •. **•. app:*:a' ' «* '• 0w ,!»?, tVK.J HVH ' N Pay S' il .1 i v*. Mi Appfcotn!* mo*l tm Un varvly I M .*>♦#.' ■•*, I '*kvm { a. C nmtophw a- )■« SV ’ to< m -»' <■ •. \w»«* Nov 10 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Inmtruiatt 4 bdrm boo*# Waalhan/ad Vary mca Naad 3 quiat famala room mataa |??S UH inti ?aPaar1 4*5-6117 Nt AR CAMPUS f OUH BEDROOM MOUSE (650 343 901 1 tXKJ'OOm* *-'Bp--atJN Vtert' V ’*> S’ i»y’ t*y Ai)po'"‘"'»M' ^ t ; {f .*. A ,i' i »*. ' ' jC 225 APTS DUPLEXES A tAHGt Cl f AN QUO T . ’ t»* U o' O A , i rxm I ?■' b*g • •. ‘ *r l)A !Hp b*g \riif-'-, ■-«m 'A-',.** ’ ■ o«»*ot* pi*'V.'v^j ,t •> .-Kim*. fiftl BQi 9 CIom to campoa ' Dd"” S ■** «*•>- S'V Oup NO Ml f S a u* t.'P' Ava •• 1C t ltd Nt NUNOH j ’ .‘£ ttvM't.W a’’ 0 *. i aSo-. ■ a!- « O' Ai’ir. V ' - A 1 | j fxa.l'tXv' * V-4 • t 4«S ’44’ Harman Mg nit 915 Oak #?00 1 465 6991 Forest Village APART Ml MTS Outat aaranity Juki mmutaa from downtown BUS TO CAMPUS RENTING NOW ANO FOR NOVEMBER ♦ Wf lGMT ROOM ♦ SAUNA S ♦ SWIMMING POOL 2 Badroom 1 i Bath (4 75 A (495 par month 687-1318 Sf fugaoa ??5 APTS DUPLEXES Turn •had until rm*r ftAjafcr Bldg 4 txdroor' $'»’5%3ft5 Ratoranuaft Crt all* ? p m RclgmwnoO Apli M«V69 __ ? txtrm ? atudarvta MOO 3 atudanta. tSOO QUIET Nava Pair* minI bttnda Furn avail MOO mo US-«1 «7 ONI BEDROOM 195 1 ?416 QuW park «unU'> $340 1370 M»gh Prtvwsa tutkxx'y l HuncJry pd’h.rw $3?5 534 f 14^ O;*# uppo* np’ t AufXVy $350 914 1 l»h t URNISHf. 0 and drp* arm cNm $350 TWO BE DROOM 1150 Wo*! 1.1 m Hugo iomp • h ‘ Kt*«> r\tCU M?5 8 ’0 W 1?1* SpaCKXA l n..rxlry $375 SPRING! If l 0 319 C Si 1 bocjroom In ntlry ParV - g $.’W3 1 ?5 1) SI 3 btOTOOm* C**V’ $4.00 ROOMS *B<0‘ K 'V\a*d Vf>ry door room $ ’ ‘k intuido*. araii»' git'bAgo rt?*l * u.'w No p*H*> Show’' by o ' ■"'.<«' • SPVGl ASS ASSCK IA T { S 586 1 1 30 Prana localtorva on Campus 0/gM c?>o**'> umqu« 1 SO'" cXjptft* N4»v» u*i ' ’ v'r'y’ ' -iT!a’K>t fHXVlL and «n* O* Cfwm DtH - 'h , (JuMi^vir. a spot .i -* by you C>,vy $4 35 ♦ clop Dr v-t* try ,1‘ii I 1 Tin ? tjdrm 1 ‘ » t>rt GUpte* S.jn«y rxj :ry ». i< vwy *p**» ■> s r*J o' c.rwm Near campy*- S‘ .'5 * 'V»p D'vw by * .’4J M Raal I atata Norlhvaasf 343-4109 Ca Now* T o' MOVE IN SPECIAL New & Baautiful 1 It 2 BFDROOM FROM $505 1 * COVt RLD PARKING * WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS ; * EUROPf AN KITCHENS * MTNISSMOOM * CONVI Nil Nl TO VAt l t Y HIVIRCtNTf It Itf 11 Kif>g*t«y Rd 343-4549 NORRIS* STEVENS Manajarnanl Co Studio on# and two Lwdroorn apartmanta Pool-laundry facdftwa waathartrad Hva txuklinga 1 Vth & Hityard location 464 0922 Room tor M#nt m**a •• ; rtt>*a ! V ««*>•> d nfl'y wr* <» A vet ’ ?S «r • M *Ur \ Wo t'"4i 484 ‘ J-D9 dn**' P m__ UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH 745 F 1 STM a Cl OSE TO CAMPOS * PARKING • ON SITE LAUNDRY 2 ♦ t>#dioom» $575 3 badrooma from $685 Call 683 0729 NOW Janmnga • Co , 613-4219 WoukJ you IA# a faaliy mca room ail to youraaH with a prtvata bathroom clot# to campus. in a rww building whars your maala ara praparad for you? Call tha CoRaglan, 343 1755__ i TERIYAKI ! i ALLEY ! | Sweet and Large $4 00 J | Sour Pork Small $3 00 j j Yakisoba Large $3 50 { | Noodles Small $2 50 J | Bebim Rice $5 50 | }Japanese Udon $5 00 } i Mora ) that >••*•••■ SO $. so I Buy one S Get a Free Pop Located nent J to Subway I Must Bong I Coupon ♦*. * * v * M , ) ! I Dooncsbury BY GARF^Y TRUDEAU .rii v S • *. *< ;\ < *' v. \ Vi V i .i• j ,(k M. ,tfU/ . v%; r • A V(t I hNOUJ ■■it > !■ •/ rtf U