Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 18, 1991, Page 12, Image 11

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    Club hockey out-skated by Rams
By Doug Carter
Enwiifc)r 1 ■> " !' .'■■■*
A f.ist si.irt .uni .i furious linmh
weren't enough fur the Oregon
i lui) hookev team this weekend,
who lost two g.imi s (, 1 iinil t> t.
to (MirtinniiiI v.luh ho< kr\ power
Colorado St.iti' hI Lurie County
li «,
t in' Kam* out skuti d Oregon and controlled
the [link m the Dinks' defensive /.one for the
majority of both games, gelling almost ■. thtee
limes as many shots on goal us the Dm ks
Down ri (I entering the third penial Sunday
things looked bleak for the Dinks, hut riohody
would have known by the wav tin y played
Oregon finished strong, oulscoring the Kerns
.11 In the flniil period
The effort gives till' Dm ks something to
liuild on during >i two-month vat .itlon
"The way we came out and won the third
period w ill make a huge different i w hen we
play our league games in January.' Oregon
i oa< h Mike Solxil said "O-olorado State has a
terrilu hoi key team Our per formant >• showed
me that w e re on the verge of hcmg a very good
hollowing ten minutes of scoreless hot key
on Sunday, Colorado Stale m orrd two goals in
a I t second span and never let the Dm ks get
any closer With Ihris- seconds remaining m
the set ond period, t enter Darin Var/all set the
lone (or the Dm ks’ flurry hv drawing a game
mist onilut t for fighting
"We wort? pretty flat In the mi nod. Snlxil
said It yvas important for ns to win the third
and wo did mi solidly
The Ducks were much mure aggressive as
center Paul Pacpitn repeatedly made hard
t he* ks. inc luding one that knoc ked a Colorado
State player over the boards ami onto the
bench Wing Mik* McHugh ' s< ores) a- power
play goal, c tilling the load to four, licit a break
away goal 27 seconds Liter hy the Kanis put
the game out iif reac h
Saturday night the Due ks found the net just
17 seconds into the game for their only lead of
■the weekend Wing Mike Kousell s unassisted
goal stood as the only sc ore of the period flu*
Ducks walked with confidence "to the baker
room lor intermission as nearly ! .00(1 fans
c fleered them on
Hut second period penalties hurt the Ducks
and the Hams were finally aide to heal goalie
John O'Donnell.-who made H> say i s in the firs!
period and finished with I I lor the game
Colorado State lied the game two-and a half
minutes into the period arid look the lead cm a
penalty shot w ith 7 22 left The shot was
awarder) on a delay ol game call yy hen a Duck
defender fell ori the pur k in front of the net
Oregon lost its composure a little ill llie
third and the Kanis sc ored tyvu e in 24 sec onds
The first crime during a two mem advantage,
and the sis ond on a power ploy With r> 40 left
in the game, center Kuhard Pucker drew a
five-minute major for c harging and a 111 nun
u!e misconduc t for flattening a Colorado State
Ducks make too many
mistakes to beat Bruins
By Jake Berg
£mo»»W Sports Edftnr
Saturday was .is dost' ,|S tilt'
Oregon football team is going to
get lo tilt! Hose How! tins year
jin Ducks got run over by
the l’Cl.A rushing attack S.itur
day afternoon .it the Host- Howl
in Pasadena, losing their sixth
t onset utin i' 1 ’.u tfit 10 Conferr
ent c game. Hi 7
riic Uruins ran up 2.10 \.irtis
of rushing, sending thf Ducks
to their seventh loss in their
last eight games Kevin Wil
liams tlitl almost all of tile dam
age. accumulating 2 1 5 \artis
against a beat-up Oregon de
Oregon s webbed foot was
battered and bloody after tile
Dtit ks stint themselves there
three times, missing out tin
prime opportunities to st ore
In i he first quarter, the I Jut ks
moved to a first-and goal situa
tion at tile r> yard line .liter An
thony Iones, yvho finished yvitii
game-highs of five receptions
for 12f> yards, caught Iirett
Salisbury's i7-vard strike, but
(begun failed to st ore
The Dm ks gained only three
yards on the first three downs,
and Cregg Mcdallurn could
■ ( IIRISTM \S ASI) (H\\l A W/ ( ARDS
(Boxed and liuli\ idual l
■ HI Ai nu I httPSAkh ORMMhMS
u n \ skh ki\(. sn h i rs
m \\o\M rh i airrs!
U PHOTO CRl I 11\(;
U WR W'/'/ Vr’ P.APt R
I hii tcv nlh .nul K iik .iui < >}></ n \!nn I i i
' S.tt ID IK) h IHI Ph MM
have tied the game with his .’0
yard field goal attempt, hut Ins
ki< k went far left
1 Cl,A ku kcr Louis I’ere/
gaii' the Bruins three more
points and a f> 0 lead lav the
end of the first period
The second quarter again sail
the Dm k offense hack Hit' Ore
gun drove all the wav to the
UCLA 21 yard line on a 17
vard Salisbury pass to Brian
Brown, hut the following plus
resulted in an interception
when Salisbury threw up a
wobbler that was pit ked off hi
the Bruins' Carlton Cray
Equally .is frustrating was the
next almost-scoring drive for
the Ducks late in the fourth
quarter After a had snap al
lowed Oregon's Muhammad
Oliver to tackle the UCLA
punter and give the Ducks the
hall at the Bruin Salisbury
passed Oregon to a first-and
goal at the H
Again, mistakes shot down
the Ducks Salisbury was
sacked on the first play, a delay
of game call moved Oregon far
ther bock, and Salisbury's at
tempted pass to the end zone
was pu ked off again by Cray,
this time at the goal line
Despite the mistakes, Salis
bury provided a spark to the of
fense. hitting on 111 of his 40
passes for 7Hf> yards The one
time the Du< ks did punch the
ball into the end /.one came on
a fourth-down. 1-yard rush by
Donovan Moore Moore's
touchdown came after James
Bautista recovered a Bruin fum
ble. only the third time this sea
son the Dui ks hav e pu ked up a
I he Oregon si ore was set up
by a Salisbury pass to Brown at
the 7-yard line after Moore lat
era led to Salisbury in the pot k
UCLA's star quarterback
Tommy Maddox, a third team
All \merican last year, was un
impressive Saturday, passing
lor only lf.ti yards and two in
ien ept ions
Continued from Page ^ 1
Tin- Dm ks played ,i full
squad Ml Hood two weeks ago,
beating ilium l-i; Oregon couch
Mlki' King was quit k to say his
team was no! playing a lough
opponent, and thus the score
was deceiving
"(We were) doing a light
workout today It s hard to toll
how vs ell we re playing," King
said "Our competition is just
giving us too much time "
Oregon finishes the season
wilt) <i record, not losing
any of its final nine games The
Ducks now move indoor for the
winter season, when* they will
host a tournament in Dei em
Attorney. 1968 UCLA Law Grad
James L. Bumpas