SPORTS Women take regionals, heading tor nuaa tinais Won't be joined by men. who fail to qualify for first time in four years By Dave Charbonneau ■E rr i w a id S tk v 1 s Repi'x t®! As c x |)i ( ted. the Or. gun women's ("ross i minify teem won the Region V-Hl meet S it ur.d-n .it Woodward I’.dk In I'rcsnn, Calif to advans e to the \C A A Championships next week’ nd Whti! wasn't expei t i was the Ins- o! \l. olo V\ " Jvs 1 r.I niiriv »u t*ii* VV . ..I waril, who has finished in the top four in all of the tiMin s rniwts th is season , dropped mil of Saturday's i on test: from l.tiigu.-, leaving so nio’rs; l»uf Tom Helnonen While tl:!' vs : >11 o r 1 >Vet iMi tO' oven ome the 'adversity1'.' at i be .III et. the men were flu! e Iui k . 10 champion l ohn had I nsiied a disappointing ? tlt« Se|in it Pal Ifall'T was tile unis Oregon runner to finish in Hhc*0 fj-r r Po*!i* The Oregon club soccer teem kicked its way to a 9-0 thumping ot Ml Hood Community College tllr top 10with ,m eighth pt.u i‘ finish •j !:,• (i isuppointing show mg i,,r t!i’ Its;, k ■ irks i!i.- first '.mu' iii four yours they fiiiled to Untili!\ Is' tin- Nt \ V:f ' .1!' pioliships S h j . ioortli pi t i .finish" I t:i U miimgtnu :o h. 's so* ■ uni and thfnfos Wm-h ■ I lV \\ . Mm: Is* ; o;,; ' ■ " - ! *s.'i '* S \\ k . I \ mils : ‘ . ■ ! \v i! is .i t; isI!' i >!. lit ' t L.isi vi'iir, i irrjjon !ini>hmi third it the distru t iin-H, with Andv Mar . i.w • • -.:h jil.u ■ ■ amt i etmira tmivhitig ! Oth V :: ■ i: ."it S i’. ' ■ . ■■ ;! • < .him' i>( an liijufv: i tu- !w.• ft.*.! nu n .fin thr winin’t’t fan iin (»r i w vi v i• I v 'hnina ( arts.m am! lilt < tllcrii fin avhidl trd and 'th ri”.piH ' t(>w aid thi' ti'.nn i-ffi'irt \f ia-d i . nr s .‘{i-^lntt V 1 i i irtiVt. S Iti‘gihi was I’d t>v Id/ \\ isl 111 Si 1 j itlii: . ■ \% ! .111. i U lilw.trd. a* aT iimvlsi-d. II ! he 11 i[i ill Ns. : da i nit m|i d U-lit. arid Hntmiii itini kans ;i|i list i dint iivtiv i little in t*• ' iMl wilt ta ' - nt’l c v,l \ \ ! the w'utti the rnt’i’t I mu iii-iuumit Soccer team blanks IVTt. Hood 9-0 By Steve M ms CLUB SPORTS I II S III u r il a V s blgj’rst inismuli li this sidi' of ('urvul Its. tin' Oregon mim's club mm i cr dcstroyt'il Ml ! I -It aimniu nits ('i>lI«‘J4** 9 ll The game was delayed about .in hour bet ause the Ml. Hood li'.tm showed up late. and when thi' game Will over thi*v proba blv wondered why they- t ami at all The referee did not show u[i either, so tin- Oregon trainer and another person filled in It was tin' Out ks final home garni' of tin* season, and I li')l Ttjima got them oil to a quick start, scoring two goals in the lirst 17 minutes to begin the rout A lift .1 | > i >. > r g : i '■ kti k Howard I Aaelis • stored on .in . 11. ri shot l.i \ i >. i r i it the I * oi i I.. I ii Mi Ho. ,1 i: ill tin mint mum mimlwr o! players show up. uml Us goalie was one ol thr no shows Ml Mood did put a player in goal, hut Oregon si oreil at will all', w as The l)u< ks spent almost the whole game on ollense. tarelv needing to gel hai k and (h'lend (a in lie Brian tolling shut out Ml Hood, only saving lour shots all ol whir h e.ime in the Iasi tit minutes alter vit tor} yy as already a sure thing (Jregon stretl lied its lead to I, o at halftime, thanks to two ipiii k goals hy Skip Wemtrauh and another hy Ansel hvans Pile goals hy Ui-mtrauh were Ins 10th and 1 1th of the year (>;, most of P. I oil ITl< II iv as a fun ii11;.■ ■ j>Infri• mil Itn*t• ■ 11 >• 1 >tv. U : .iuli ■•uni \\f i (rally >:■ 1 -I Hum As if In lll.lke thing*. Ilium HI trri -.tiiu; the I)n I ■ 1 tin•'I Mi Mixnl llii'ir bio k (i goalie Adam S«-il t*r I in. and while hr j11 rsi■ 11 a higgiT prolili'in lor tin* Ihuks tin* previous keep ft hr 1 ould not slop ( irrgoll lumptrlrlv junior 111 id hr Idr r Sim chit lull an si tired 1 -! inmillrs inlii (hr ball, and ( hns Muiilalliano ipm klv addrd an ulllrr to falsr ihr lead to It It I hr mussel rr finally rndrd altrr Andv (lugntrr took a prrt U pass up the middle! horn V\ rintraub and put it past Snlrrlin lor Ihr final si ore l um to SOCCER, F’.kjo 1? G L A S S w A B E D E C A l s 2jy /•: Nih 344-1034 N 0 V E 1 I I [ s A P P A B E l SELF-SERVICE tfjLcOPIES $ ALL DAY EVERY DAY 3$ Tltc CejMj Slop 530 E. 13th Open Sat. 10-4 HrlMven f*mtIrftta M t rtt\ Hitfht an I 3th' 485 6253 oor Recycle s’iliP, This *£"?»** Paper L L w L L A t the UO Bookstore, We’ve Got The Maps And Travel Guides To Help You Head On Out! I Upstairs in our General Book Oept. UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6