Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 18, 1991, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Board hedges on giving higher ed funds to athletics
Delay of final vote surprises nobody m .... mam
By Carrie Dennett
Errtera t A He file*
The Orison State fitwir<i of Higheri-.iitii .it;orj
voted l-riday In (ii*hiv tm.il ut non on now !.■ hind
,i $(> I million rhturcolfdgiaie athletic s dnfu it : a
move tli.it did not surprise students .md adminis
t rotors
The board had been sol to voir on whether to
transfer S t 15 million in Oregon Slate System ol
Higher l-.duration funds to athlotii programs at
the University, Oregon Slate ami Portland Stall-, a
proposal that has drawn fire from mam students
and fai tiltv, as well as (iov Barbara Huberts
The vote marked the second time the hoard de
laved action on the proposal 1'he first delay ( ame
at the Sept 1!7 meeting, where tin proposal was
first presented to transfer SIS million annually
■ a. h Ik (Ihunri ,mii Oregon. State. in.! n go nod
annu.iilv In Portland Stale
Ihi hoard voted unanimously l rnl.iv to ip
prove board President George Kit hardson |r. s
rei ommendation to .ippoint ,i Task i on e on
Funding ot Inlert ollegiutr Athletli • to Irhi more
in i eptahle w.1 vs ol financing thy debt
Kit hiinison said v\ title the origin.il pri>pos.d to
transfer stale system funds ts well thought out
iitul dnnovitiive. .in effort must lie made to seek
.iltern.itive funds to remain 'sensitive .in.I re
sponsive' to those opposed to using hist it li Ilona I
It.-tore tile 11 ,1 111 meeting 111 tin i Ml?
(’.umwood Room, students and some l.uulty
joined in .i hist-minute protest in the I.Mi llsh
TumtoFUNONG P.rje ‘
Ftxrto t*f Jssf •'« .»>
Jennifer Bills, ASUO president and chairwoman ol the Oregon Stu
dent Lobby, addresses a group ot concerned citizens in the t-MU Fri
day afternoon about athletic funding
f*»wio by %•«”
Cowboy and hit dog Tatty Maria have tat at thit post for two weeks in the hopes of getting work for
By Colleen Pohhg
i " • I -1 '•<.'(«
A damp, rugjjt'dv pom lu> hun^s loosidy around the
linin'!, shivering tmdy a', hi- c minis thn small ummiiil ol
chungi! ho has jus! panhandled Ills fun- is dirty and
w.m!hi-ri-d hv a life ol wandi-rin^. Vuln.im and lioo/r His
pah; him- t'vi-s ndli'i I a dismal hopidrs.sni'ss
Whi-rn do you sit yoursidl in I ho Muni hv yi-ars.
In lhi; grave "
I im slowly jnills ha< k Ins torn sleeve to ri-v.il thm'
large lumps on his wrisl ! hen In- lilts his Imad down only
to expose several mori' lumps hurii'd beneath tin- si raggly,
hi,ii k hair
"< dinner tumors,'' d im say s
• Students line! inure Hants
along l.uh Avenue generally
have different opinions
iilxiut homeless pooplu Soo
story, Page H
• Shelters in Fugono ure of
ten the only place to go for
some families See story.
Page H
• Facts and figures about the
growing problem of home
lessness Sis- Pago 10
Taking !tir Bugle to
bacco nil I nl the lull
|iii( k , Zeus I n I en 11 V
rolls Ins sixth cigarette
in the last hour, pan
Bering the question lor
■i long moment The si
lent e is broken hy u
group o I t! n i vers 11 v
men vel11ng. ''W,itt h
out. Z e u s w e' re
gonna Bring our fero
cious dog over and he's
gonna lick your fat u!"
hear flashes in his
eyes for a split set ond
before going I).ii k In I hi' question
What uni I lining hi'rr. is that what von asked' I per
i • ■ ivi‘ rnysflf as a philosopher nl logit he s.iys "1 am on
a sociological expedition ami wlirn I return to school in
the near future. I am going to write mv psyi hologv paper
on my soiaological expedition
(iowlioy sits peacefully in front of Guido's, holding Ills
baby girl'' in his lap The cardboard sign in front of lit in
reads "1 will work for food or money" and "my puppy
comes first " He has sat with his beloved companion and
Ills sign for two weeks and still not one job A passing
student hurriedly walks bv. dropping a quarter in the glass
jar with a sympathetic look
Pelting his dog. (lowboy says. "Yeah, it's a pretty rough
life I just want enough i flange to feed Taffy Marie and me
and that's it 1 just want to live with rm baby girl I just
want to survive
Tom to HOMELESS. Page 9