Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 15, 1991, Page 9, Image 8

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    Ducks to face bowl-bound
Bruins in LA. on Saturday
By Jake Berg
Emerald Sports Editor
Tern, Donahue Inis the last
laugh now
The UCLA football couch, a
former boss and current good
friend of Oregon couch Rich
brooks, had to do without the
past two holiday seasons, when
his Bruins failed to appear in
postseason play
Brooks, on the other hand,
had plenty to smile about at
Christmas timer the (last two
years, taking Ins teams to tans I
I've suffered w till (Donahue)
the last couple of years when
liis record was below Mid.
Brooks said "l ipid him, Now
you know what it felt like all
these years '
T he t i m i's the y a r e a
c hangin’, couch
"Now I'm hac k to feeding that
way, and he's howl hound
again," Brooks said "I'm hap
p\ for him hut not so happy for
myself "
The season has been an un
happy one for the Ixrat-up Ore
gon learn, :t t, overall and 1 r> in
the Pacific 10 Conference. hut
the year has only been surpris
mg for tiie Bruins, f> .1 and 1 .1
The two schools will clash .it
the Rose Bowl Saturday after
noon in a game to he televised
regionally by ABC starting at
12 :io
Saturday's contest is a re
matc h of what was the Duc ks'
most exciting home game last
season Bill Musgruve appropri
atelv ended his Iasi Aut/en Sta
dium performance by leading
an Oregon c omelsic k that was
capped off bv his winning
touchdown pass with two mm
utes remaining
The Aul/en goal posts came1
down, and the Dm ks got .in in
vitation to play in the Freedom
Bowl Hie Bruins went home,
tails between their legs, and
watched the Due ks on TV
Musgruve Is gone, and so is
much of the offensive [nint h,
bul l'(It.A ijii,irierfi.it k Tonirm
Maddux. who riddletl the Ore
[[on set ontfnrv for I Id yards
Iasi year, is fiat It The sopho
more signal taller was knocked
oil! of las! week s game at Stan
fort) with a concussion, hut fie
tias been cleared to star! Satur
Tm going out to pre-game
vv.mmips witfi a hammer in mv
back pot kill." Oregon defensive
.coordinator Denny Schuler
salt! If (Maddox . sfiows tip
I'm going to give him Ins set
ond t tint ussion "
S| fuller I .III joke about It
now full Maddux IS the .general
of tile i’.it 1 O s set ond most po
tent t • i it II si w h i. h teat tires
split end Sean hat Ihapclle
llrooks t ails the comfiiua!mil
til Maddox and I it hapelle
virtual I.v u ns It ippable
I he Dm is tielense w ill tie
hindered by knee injuries to
three starting defensive line
men, Hiimen Haniln.Mii. Malt
l.aliounty and Marius Woods
Schuler s.tui it is question
able' yv hut her all three will
Oregon's otteuse will he far
from a ('.oh.ill) itself Thu Dm ks
will have to do without the sit
vices ot tailhai k Sean Hnrw ell,
yvho also sat out last week s
di dl loss at Arizona Statu
Offensive toordmator Mike
He I lot 11 indicated tdi.il a numtier
ol other offensive starter* such
as ( deg I’ll II lips. David (loll ins
yvorlh, Jeff Thomason and Boh
Brothers had missed practice
time this w eek as y\ ell
Brothers, last yy. ek s starting
quarterhm k injured a . alt mus
l ie against the Sun Devils and
yvasn't able to practice through
\\ 1 d nest!,iy Brel! Salisbury
who started a game earlier tills
year Indore a shoulder injury,
ys ill likely get the starting i all
At this point, it looks like
Brett Salisbury yy i II jilu v
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