Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 15, 1991, Page 8, Image 7

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Duck runner aims for ’92 Olympics
By Dave Chartx>nneau
f merakl Stxxts Hejxxtor
(folln Dalton won the men's
I’ucific-10 Conference i tn«
country championship two
works ago, hut hr has mm h
lugger plans in mind
Dalton, a snnior for Oregon,
will take’ thr winter term off to
travel'home to Ins native Aus
trail.i where lie will try to earn
a spot on the feu Australian
Olymplr 'learn
"I think I have a realistic
chance ol making the team,
said Dalton, who also went
hark to Australia during the
1 'I'M) 'll sc hoof year to tr\ . t
for tile Oom(lionWealth (.allies
I did pretty well at tin
commonwealth trv outs. Out 1
didn't make the team Now I
have a c ouple more years under
rnv hell, so hopefully that vs ill
help, he said
Although Dalton has been the
top runner for the Due ks. c oae li
Hill Dellinger reulir.es Ins run
tier is aiming higher
This season is simply a
stopping stone lor Colin in
preparation lor the Olympic !n
als. he said "It's worked out
Well Ih’i ailse although he m.i\
not hr pointing toward our
team, hr Inis still hern able! to
"(utntribulr miiv hr tin un
Dalton has been the most
i (insistent runner lor the Ducks
this season, finishing tlnril til
Imth the Mountain \\ est ( lussu
anil tin Ji ff Drenth Memorial,
m addition to vs inning .1 i’.u 10
7 thought I would
be a god and win
at the Olympics. ’
Coim Dalton
(>■!'ij‘n >ss 1 '1 'uf'try mnn,-r
Dellinger s.ilil Dalton ,it age
is the oiliest runner on the
team, vs hit h giv rs him a real
"( nlln is a little more mature
than some of the other run
tiers,' he said His maturitv
and experience ate .1 real asset
to himself and the team
I hilton i ante to (Iregon in
1'IHM vsith the plan of |ust stay
mg lor one vear to ex|>erieni e
lift! in ihc t 'nited Suit's
"Juvi hl.(> everyone in thr
U S wants to go lo Australia,
everyone in Australia wants to
go to thr US," hr said
Aftrr onn vrar at Orrgon hr
decided hr wanted to stav
There was only onn problem
attending st Ium)I
Dalton, who is an Hnglish
major. openly admits that hr is
not a big fan of at ademit s
St hool is likr at numtier ton
on ms list of priorities Mv first
few terms hrrr wrrr horren
lions, hr said "Hut I realized
if I wanted to stav tint) continue
running. I d have to get into
si hoolwork. a little more
At thr top of his priority list
is, of course, running Hr con
sidrrs it ins hobby .is well as a
lug part of his life
"I don't havr any hobbies
other than running," he said
Running takes up everything,
or at least all of nn energy
Running has hern a big part
of Daltons life since age IS.
when hr first had aspirations of
someday competing in the
( llv mpli s
Turn to OLYMPICS f\»ge
Both cross country teams
pegged to make nationals
By Dave Chartx>nneau
Emoraid Sports Reporter
■•Well look like idiots if
wr don't go to nationals
So says senior (olin Dal
ton of tfie sixth-ranked Ore
gon men s cross country
team s expectations at this
weekend's NCAA Region
VII! meet at Arizona
Dalton s words imild also
hold true for ththird
ranked Dm k women's team
Although "idiots" could
he a little harsh, it does
show the two teams have m
erv intent ion of ntak ing it to
the Nt.AA (dmmpionships
next week
The teams competing in
tile Region VIII meet ((insist
of base ally the same teams
that make Up the I’m ifir 10
( onfereni e This seems to
favor the women more than
it does the men
The women easily won
the I'm 10 meet two weeks
ago, led by the l-M finish
i)i seniors i.isa isnrnopp,
l.ucv Nusrala iind junior Ni
cole Woodward Com h Turn
Heinonen s,iid (lal-Irvine is
'he only oilier si hool that
i on Id give them Irouble, hut
he doesn't seem too worried
I think both Arizona
(which finished second at
the I’m 10s) and Irvine think
vs e ' re go 1 ng to w i n t h e
meet. he said I don't
think thev see us as a target
hut are coni entraling more
on each other."
the top two teams from
regionals go to the national
meet, and the third-place
team has .1 shot at making
The men could have a lit
tle more to worry about The
Ducks finished second be
hind Arizona at the I’ac-lOs
and i oat h Hill Dellinger said
his team needs to lie warv of
Washington State as well
"Washington State is capa
ble of running better than
they did at the I’ac-lOs." he
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