C < * 'W *s. Eipirta 11 N 01 25% OFF * Regular Price > All Single $ Handle £ Baskets 1 BASKET MARKET OPEN Monday-Friday 9-€; Sat 10-5 30 - JJg Sunday 12-5 [^] 475 W. 5th Ave. • Eugene • 683-5614 < < * <1* *4 L J "Raunchy, sweet and slyly funny i.\ ,> . i.i . . • ,t .’<• ! and i:;d . .a . Ful 1 A js.ii ky h .r : in i I ,-ve : r tJ,<- urk ado." V AK *5? HIVtR KtA NU PHOLNIX HLL VtB HY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO m .. F EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT[ • • Ilf U f II 1 \e degenerating from gloriously meandering surreal ism to impenetrable random ness Computer whiz John l.asseter (l.uxo jr ) could stand to take a lesson or two in storytelling While' Lusseter s work is gor geous to look at and demon niraios an immaculate command of animated motion, the barren settings and neglect of story line justify the standard complaints from traditional animation parti sans alKHit computer animators In trademark style, the Tour nor lea [is between tech niques and continents In a cha otlcnlly entertaining patchwork The highlights of the show Hre two rich extended pieces from the Soviet Union State television In the USSR has kept traditional animation breathing, even though concern for the bottom line long ago sank America into the limited movement of Hanna Barberu. Now In the era of strengthened perestroika, the Reds are ready to reintroduce us to the tech niques we've forgotten In "The Lift," Alexander Tatarsky jabs at the ironies of the modern age in .1 riotous se nes of vignettes Reminiscent of Bruno Bozzetlo's Allegro Non Tmnpn, "The Lift" perfectly evokes the long-standing love affair between the Russians and the absurd. Equally as utisurd, hut also deep felt, Is Garri Bardin's "Urey Wolf and Red Riding Hood " A grand, almost operat ic, pastiche in cloy stop-motion, "Grey Wolf" is not afraid to mix satire with nostalgic sadness The European animators [Bar din included) turn in the only socio-political pieces, among them Klaus Georgi s military tweaking "The Breakdown" and Bruno Bo/./.etto's ecologically sardonir "Big Bang “ The JJrtl International Tournee of Animation has earned its acclaim every bit of it If your eyes need a feast and your brain needs a break, this is a movie well worth your time. By S W Conser Efnefaid Contributor ' __-iO,i Co\.M*«y pf'Q tCM From lop: Capital P, Ode to G.l. Joe and Gatling Thera, along with other clips, comprise The 23rd Tournee ol Ani mation. Music man creates electronically SHOWTIME MUSIC Ht*'-** S<* ‘ty^ ex- Saru*d»Ty Nov ^6 a: 8 p"’ »n **«> Ur •.* ,r Cf\,c^ 4 * ’ { 40!* Av«» lr> *%»: * rw* • i * pe^Of^wx* Sa»r w p*ay or>g*r«» ccx’ Exn * f\j w M .«>.» '■& 'pw eras** I <*©!*» #* !*> .*».* at*** a' ,fv> cyxy Kit1* tronir te< hnologs < art hr music to the (Sirs Just ,isk Kent' S.tlm he'll tell vou hovs to ensile trtimpel or vui I ill effects iinrl how vour sirri pie home stereo system t .m tie .t speei.il effer Is wonder .m r mi m .1 r v rn i -1 t in s, din's forte lie*, ui <• U-t ironic immi which, hi' -Mini :s more Ih.m just musii based on electronii instruments "People often think tti.it t-li*< tronn mu sic is something sophistic ated tint it lie ll'slii tl.IVl.1 !i i til so S.i ; Hi s.lld M ■ ! ; c .in .else* lie ( reated irn!!; simpli Ini:iv• • i’Ic'c.Ironic items such as 1111■storm sot Though .cc onstis instruments hay" .• n the sl.ip!<• for years .uni elec tremi' musii is shl! m its intone Sjlrn t»-li>'vi's tins, is the- right time to explore a .pi.ili!\ of sc >n n i i thill is i in I \ limited In tin- n.nisi c hill's imagination l.;i'C tronic ore hrstr.itloir ,m i route sounds tli.it i .m t tii' ic hirvi d vv ith ,n cuts' tir instruments, he s.iid I'ihi-rr .ire no tr.ici11icuis or rules to hold i! h.u x ■ ' t. isth: tilings c .in lif done y\ ith elec.triune Pur example, just by pushing a key m svnihesi/er, vim can get u good imitation ol the sound ol rum or thunder Bemuse its principle is so broad, it takes more than formal music: training to master it In (act. said Salm, some nine ironic music inns < nn't even read music I o be good at elec Ironic orchestration demands a lot more hands-on evperieru e and experimentation, and being very la miliar vs 1111 what the instrument tan ch and !. >yv it works, he said It took Salm himself three to tour years ! really lee I i oinfortaide w a k on: w and manipulating his synthesi/ers In day tie creates, sc ores end on hestratc ins own compositions fur Imth the syn ihesizet and piano A University graduate in musu and (■enlian, Salm greyv up in Beirut, L.iii.i non, and began Ins piano studies at igc Rone Salm 'I'U'ii l ;>*m high school graduation, he !ivi-ii !;' Vienna Yie.tr ;a .iu>I hi !;« i h ■11 ' - ' eni Spain hclorr returning'to I ugi ■ r.-ii, It u as !hi n tfl.it hr lM'< .IIUI- inti'll".!' d elet 'rutin niilMt.-i.iitil (inned the !,;;y,e;.e i. 11-1 lloni! Mil:i ( . ' !-•< I n <■ i e.o • : p musi( enthusiasts Sodas he . lh.it groups coordinator He a 1sti na rived ,i diploma in ele ie music from I .me (umumimtv tail lege .mil went oil Id release ,i piano simile I; lied. Komembeimg Mostly .i ( : or easy listening musician. Nairn s.o.l ih.it hi- wants Ins miwi to sue,; I want mv mii'i: to Ih imite •im’■ > mlelligihle to the man or woman e ", street. ' he said (hit what has proved to lie i sir--: m flufim e are his >ears working 111 tie no o tal health I, wi h ■: tins tie- s ttlg quality ol Ills mil sir To ::e musii therapy is a part of .s hit ■ to : ed VH mm.ie is invitim.; ' .! 1 er than invading I irv io portray a w: e variety ol emotions, even the must de pressing. In a balanced and sy nip.ith. '. light " By Ming Ro ir: j..• • SATURDAY CELEBRATION The l () Bookstore Celebrates Children \v Book Week m '0m 1 20% OFF ALL BOOKS IN CHILDREN S SECTION, INCLUDING GAMES AND HOLIDAY BOOKS. • Vi • iitniu*.: suvk. hand • • rcj'tsu-r sales v>t;i> SATURDAY, NOV. 16 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.. Ages 3-8 General Book Department UO BOOKSTORE 13TH a. KINCAID. OPEN MON. - SAT.. PH. 346-4331 G t A S S w A e ! D E C A l S V -' WEBFOOT 219 1 Nth <11 1014 N 0 V f 1 I I £ s A P P A R f l 25% EVERY POSTER IN STOCK Win I T> OS AD (Qood through 11-30-V1) LaFollette Frame Shop and Qaliery 11th 4 Mill • Eugrne 484-1420 ■.‘.VAV.V.V EMERALD i TAXI 686-2010 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT “/I D. ITS A MAD MAD MAD MAD WORLD -1963 ’tyaM-aCor Tr»/*■> J.vm-mi Kirm It* W.. u* Irf a. >4.4 ■ r»M+r f.Um Umtnk+i> !i«UU. V a—■ * •«>*•• »_j.« Ad**.* !*r>j«•■/.*■ K.id « \' »3fT »'• . ; 1U. k d* * »" >r» r**s, r«LJfc »urrf '» '-*» lLA»mrt K »«r*•;• ;\-w..m ild*rr K«»Uw IL !W«»t *r< *•»■.** ’"‘t*.* •' -.—«*■« Urn. f*Hld « *««f -•*» iU'« ' 5 DAYS! FRl SAT. MON, A Tl'K 7:00 p.m. SI N 2 p.m. A 5.30 p.m. Birlhd«> 12 JIT FRKK Adxm»**>n with KKKK Popcorn or Drink McKenzie Theatre 630 Main Si. DounUiwn Springfirld 717-8:09_ ! Ill |NH tU H KAt I OKI ,M l’K< )l ! H V I'Kl SI N IS lill "I BLOW MINDS FOR A LIVING" '•I! 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