Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 15, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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    nm i he
Eugene author revisits the ’60s with new book
By Mia Bertelsen
Emerald Contributor
Twenty five years a-g'Vv,
C.regnrv Calvert was at the
forefront of the Vietnam war
opposition ami vs as highly in
voiced in the politieal strug
gles of the I <M>Os
He is a Hniversitv graduate
that once called Sheldon Hall
home, arid he's just written
his seeond hook titled, 1 )e
mocrat v from the Heart, Spir
I t 11.11 Values. !)i . lin trail sin
and Ileiimni rate Idealism in
the Movement oil the 1 'M.Os
The hook is currently avail
able at the l diversity txxik
"The book was written to
hmld a bridge between the
(id's movement and the at tiv
ism of the <«>s," lie said It is
written for politically aware
young people who want to
learn alxiut the fiOs and for
the veterans of the '60s who
nil’ll to heal old wounds and
move on
"Historians haven't taken
spiritual i onvii lions behind
political activism seriously,"
( advert said "That is w in it is
tailed 'Democracy from the
Heart' because the heart is a
symbol of spiritual sensitivity
and awareness
"The hook's Imsic argument
is that the polttu s ill the tiU'.
< ombined with spiritual val
in's, moral principals and rad
it a I iiomix ratio goals, is a
i omprehensiVc whole I’eople
writing about the (>(H have
failed to ai i omit for what mo
Iiv.ited people. he said
( alvert graduated from the
I'll I V erslts i n 1 ‘I r,‘l w 11 h .1
hai helor s degree in history
He Ined ::i Sheldon Hall hi'
freshman year, a dorm that
i onslsti d id I liter student
groups ;jouks. elvish stu
dents and sinart students
He i ame front a let! vs mg
background and is the grand
son of l-innisli-American ai
tivists His father vs as also a
union a< !iv ist. in the 1 'i Ills
and ids
H\ the time he i ame to the
l ''diversity, lie vs as vet v polili
cally aware for his age I
hung around with the llohe
mi,in leftwing students, he
While teai lung history at
Iowa State Wniversitv, (advert
became involved with Stu
dents for a Democratic Socie
tv "I was encouraging mv
male students to resist the
draft," he said "Since I ss as
beyond the draft age. 1 wanted
to do more, so I took a job
with SDS. ' ( alvert said
In August of HWiti he he
► *>
Gregory Calvert spent an afternoon at Peralandra Hooka and Music. 1016 Willumette St. signing his
latest book for tans
( arm* the national sr< -rotary of
SDS Suddenly . unin
tun t tonal I v. I Itui ml myself the
head of the most left wing or
gani/ution since the demise of
the communist party lie
said We were the forefront
to the opposition of the Vic!
nain war \\ e started a i om
prehensivo draft resistance
We supported all forms ol
resistant e even deserters
which was illegal. he salt!
His companion, him ( arpen
ter. ended up in .1 maximum
mi uritv prison fur M months
dm' to the fir.ill resistance th.it
thi’\ HiTf linlh en< oura^ing
It took (ulv i-rt three v ears to
write Ills latest hook Ills lirst
urn1 vs huh w.is t o authored
hv his i'x wifr, talked iihool
Ihi' l.Os mmi'ini'nl vvliili1 It
ivits happening It is titled "A
Disrupted llistorv Ilii New
Ldt ,ind the New ( .ip11.■ 11s111
It took ( .11V ert three \ e.irs to
write Ills latest hook lie also
ran into publishing problems
Due to the controversial mi
lure of the Ixxik. Culvert anil
( .irpenter started their own
publishing loinpanv In pub
lisb il We hint trouble find
usg .i publisher for the hook
bei'iiuse everyone wanted to
i ti.inge it. ( divert said
In the end. I I wasn't
i hanged. .1 lid the I is o men
and then publishing conipanv
i un now litv t l.iim to the
uiiinv copies of it on hook
store she tv es
"It iinaly/es the tills idler
.'() \e,irs of reflit ling," (i.ilvert
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1991 ASUO Fall Symposium
Stop the Hate
November 16-22
Racism Workshop
Saturday 1 *> '• AM ■ l*\1
b Sunday IT 1 \M / I’M
111' Willamette I iali
■ -r Required l a. AS . V4# 1
i'frvftUUor t*v (. irrjr. and i -»:!v • . • mu,!
Anti-Semitism Panel
Mi 'I'M, m ! X I’M
I Ml fV! I 11>dt'T ktr.
M u 11icultural Cu rri cu 1 u m
Organizing Meeting
M.-n.i.iy 1 * ‘ 'I'M
FMl . Is i l inder Km
Stop the Violence March
Iue*.d.»y I'* • • !‘M
start I Ml t -arty ud
1 hfe-iitr *\n! !'->vrf»it> S' C* r *!
Community Forum
on Hate Violence
Tuesday : • ' ■ *«! I'M
1 JO Willamette I lail
Disabilities Panel
Wednesday /<1 1 I'M
FMl ( edar Km A
Sexual Harassment Panel
r>,up»i4, ’i i v iai
I-Ml her Under K rr
Heterosexism Panel
f-ruUv 2: ! v. I’M
FMl her Under Km
Sponsored Iv ASl O, Bl*<k S«udcn! Lnu>n. Wotnrn m I rifnilum. Mo* imicnlo 1 iludunm < nKim* w AZiun mni*rvv»n oivt«u*j
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nurrr Silio" I urmr VS omen c Hrfrrtjl jnd Rrwun c ( enter l itiiwi l oalltton Sur*1 ( enter Amnr*l» Inlffniturtii