Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 15, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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p yiirii ft i f
OPEN •voryday Noon 9 OO p m
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Wed ' (X) m
Speakers to focus on East Europe
By Kirsten Lucas
f rmiakj Reportv
\\ i ll known 1..»st l.uropean
dissidents and diplomats will
speak .1! the University today
and Saturday as part of .1 free
two day public symposium ti
tiiii New I’olitu ,il ( u liurrs
Knotmmii s (lender and Six ir>
The s vmposium will 1 over
tin' post < oimmnnst transfor
motion of so< M-ty m (./'■< hoslo
vakia. Hungary anil Poland ami
will foi us on the i-ffci is of i‘i o
notnii and polilii al 1 hange on
ihc people of these 1 outlines
Kit.1 K I nmn a. f ’./m h and Slo
vak federal Kopubbi .tmbassa
dor t’ tin- United States. will
explore tin' idfoi t of tin- transi
turn to a market economy on
sm ml y. morality and out lure in
hi t lerture titled ( Vim hnslova
kia and tin Non hiiropr Sin
will speak tonight at H in the
1-1 Ml Hr Ki a an
After spending more than .’I)
■ ars t>! her Ji(«• as .1 polltb a!
1! issuing, K. i icons .i tin .mu' a
((iri'ign diplomat under the res
nlutiunarv government of I’rest
dent k .11 !.iv !I.ivfl
Kmko Hollobas charge ii ’.if
burrs o! (In Hungarian Kmhas
ss 1 n Washington. DC., .uni
former I rmersilv visiting pro
fes'.iir, '.sill talk ahoul Women
i’oillli s .trill file Nrw Sol IrlS' ill
Hung.irs She will speak in
the I.MI I 11 Koom toil,is ,il
i it) p m
fkilloh.is will disc uss She ill
rnlion of change m Hungary
.mil explon boss a ness society
is created ihrougli symbols .a
lions am! -words She will also
.list uss lion num.'ll are affei I
e.l b\ tin- p. ,sl a omniums! Iran
silion ami boss women have
briome ,11 tors in forming their
own future
Hollobas. a human rights at
tis is! and prominent figure in
the Hungarian Women's Move
merit. IS a professor of Allien
( an Studies t the l nisersits ul
On Saturday. Jan Kubik. .is
sistant professor of political si i
riii >• .1! Rutgers 1 Jniversitv, will
present .1 slide illustrated lei
tun* on (htllure and the Post
Communist Transformation of
Lot a I Polit i< s m Poland'' at
in to am in Room lit) YVil
Rubik, a native of Poland, re
lenllv returned from a one-year
st,i\ in a small Polish town
where he studied the cultural
and political ihanges brought
alxmt bv the vn lorv of Solidar
1 he sy in posium will con -
i hide with a panel liisi ussion
on The New Political Cul
tores Klimova, Bollohas and
Kubik will lie joined bv Joel
M.irrant, I.infield (lollege asso
male professor of anthropology;
Lind.i Fuller, University assis
taiit professor of sociology, and
Joseph I'ls/man. University
professor emeritus of political
Hatred topic of ASUO symposium
By Daraiyn 1 rappe
The Hell ASl () full symposium H'huli gets
under way Saturday will hr .1 week in which Mu
denis 1 .in hrcoine edmatod about h.ilr bused lug
otrv 11 rid violence with discussion-. <ind work
shops flH u s i ng (111 Mill] issue-. .IS f ,11 ISIll, sexism
.inti homophobia
The tujiii til this ve.ir •• symposium irutlted
from .1 weekend m early ()i toiler when m-v rr.il us
•..mils <m 1 lined in the West I'mversttx neighbor
tioisl, s.ud ASt'O I’roglurns I 1 -rd mi1 a Fht-resc
1 JuHruv .u
i'hi- \St () dn idi-d ih-i! 1 me i ! the ih mgs w
W .(’ ! - -(1 l- I d o is !.i ke .1 p I : i e! . 'a! , .. H -1 :!.-■!
nnl unly h.iii rrinves that are racially motivated,
lull against .1 , X nejs o| violeni - w.helher H - try
liv.ited by race, gender. sexual orientation what
ever, I hiliruv at said
\\ w ,i!s!iui to -. 1.111 ■ t . • i*.' s! , ! : as a .
as the I ommunitv and start huddiug a mu!'!! :■
hrtwien tile t nlversily and ! 1; * • , mm : m ; t x -a,
that we i .m start preventing and eventually i him
lulling these types of problems, she sun)
I hr panels and workshops will identify the
hlsloru al roots of the prohlenis, help people learn
how to ret ngm/e hate oriented liehuviur in their
own lives as well as identifying that kind id hr
Iniviuf in institutions and the community. said
Student Sen Hr mil Hoop, one ol the symposium's
organ i/.ers
The one key that I'm really trying to sttess to
people who are presenting during this panel is
using the symposium as a catalyst lor students to
cm mirage more students to get involv- d in exist
mg anti hate movements in hugene. Hoop said
It s one thing for students to sav then re
against racism or homophobia but it's another
thing to pul those words Into ai turn he said
I'niess students -ire eitivelv working against
hair violence and bigotry they are implk it 1 y con
doning it
Ihe following is an overview of each day s
S \ rt'KDAY and Sl'NDAY
• Kac ism workshop Saturday from '< a m to a
p m and Sunday hum 10 a in to l p in in the
KM!' Cumwnod Room J’r«■ rogistr.ition is re
quired for tliis workshop Call tin- ASUO ,it
!!<■ 17Jt or slop t>v llif office in LMC Suite 1
• Anti-Semitism panel .i! 1 it) p in in the KM!
Hen Linder Room A panel of members from the
Jewish Student I moil v\ ith far u 11 \ and comm uni
t\ members will speak about )ewish culture and
anti-Semitism in our so< irtv
• Mu It ii ultmal < m in u III m organizing meeting '
it) p m in the LMC Hen Linder Room Tills wil:
he an organizing meeting lor students who is,in!
to i ri ate a stronger ethnii studies program at the
University, incre.ise minorifv (acultv recruitment
atld retention a.': ! build a stronger gende:
ethnic requirement
, ; i-SDAY
• Stop I he \'inlent e Mai i Ii
n the LM ' ( i mrts aid
From the courtyard. we'il hr g .nr irmuid to
i aiiipus and off-campus areas and we ! he stop
ping a! tear site- w llif h III Ve L lf l p; e v: -, - ;
dents o| some sor t n| s a dent at ! " DuIir.is at - mi
•Community fm um on hate s inlt'in e ' p- m o,
Room lit) Willamette I he lorimi is de ..gned in
provide an opportunity lor dialogue !>etween the
campus community and the Kugetie .Springfield
residents on (loss these two groups < an work to
gether to stop \ iolent e in the i ommumti
• Disabilities panel from I to i p m i M Ce
liar Room \ A panel of students and administra
tors will address the needs and rights nt people
w ith disabilities
• Sexual harassment panel bum 1 10 to I III p m
in the KM! Hen Linder Room The pallid will at
tempt to identify the i hanging definitions ol sex
ual harassment, talk about the resources available
lor women and explore solutions to the problem
• Homophobia,'lieteroxexism panel bum 1 (0 to
t .10 pin in the F.MF Hen Linder Room 1‘anel
will address the oppression of gay, lesbian and bi
sexual people, cover the issues of systematic
homophobia, from personal attitudes to laws that
d 1st runinate against gays and lesbians
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