Speaker: Racial hatred disguised as economics By Carrie Dennett Errwsif) Associate f O' v The national vice president of the National Asmh iation for the Advancement of Colored People spoke about national issues of race, hate and equality on u visit to fulgent* Thursdav Kuport Klchardson. also a leader of the Louisiana N \ACP. told an overflowing crowd in Room lit) Willamette that the real or manufai lured fear stoking racial hatred is not a new issue Richardson said when African-Americans first gained the right to vote, even though they did not have money or power, main whites were afraid Out of this fear came the Ku Mux Rian, she said The Man at tempted to st are and intimidate voting blacks, trying to take awav what power thev gained with the right to vote That voting power is very important right Dow for citizens of Louisiana with a Saturday elet tiori dot tiling if former Man member David Duke will fie thill stales next governor '"■That ballot Is the key to so much when it < times to people's freedom," she saiti "It's been a campaign of hate, anti Mr Duke hates .everyone.’; she salt) ‘.'However, people are not so narrow (fiat thev will just listen to a message of hate people are not that unkind so vou have to veil it in something else and that-'is economics.” she said Richardson said this veiling ol rai la I hale lie hind et om uni's also was used when Ceorge Bush made an issue ol Willie Horton As a result of the Reagan, Bush ad minis! rai it ms we have prop! like David Duke who have surfaced she -.aid Richardson was pari (if the fortf behind the NA ALl' s state e against the Clarence Lhomas nnmin.ili n, ami was one ol a large number of women who t hallenged Louisiana ■ two senators vs h-u. they appeared likely to support Thomas If nothing else the tail that David Duke endorsed l iarem e Lhomas should have told people something."sin- saiti "They dishonored everything women s.iuf when thev mailt up their minds liefort- thev heard Anita Hill speak Ku hard son said LIBRARY Continued from Page 1 tug the added hours, said Deborah ( iirvi-r. assistant University librarian tor |>ut> lit: services Last summer. ii library tusk fori f examined patterns of library use as one of sev eral possible wavs to lielant e the librarys budget The panel recommended ellrnl nuling low use hours, prt marilv during late night and weekend times and between sessions to save on student employee wages During ac ad urnIi terms, the new regular hours for the library will be n .1 in to 11 p m M an d ay thro u g h ! hursday, H a m to 4 p m Friday. 10 a m to 0 p m Sat urduv. arid 10 a m to it pin Sunday I he 47 lion r si lied u le places the Knight l.lbrarv very 1 iose ii i the init lonal a V erage lor research libraries. Carver said File library s ■ fine I ovum opera! trig hours w ill he II .1 in to 1 i m W •••dues.la y. and rliiii-day 1 )ei 1 i. H a m to Hi p m Friday. Dot n. 10 a m to 10 p in Satur day . I Jet noon to 1 a in Sundtiy, 1 Jet H, and M a m In ! a in Monthly through \\ I dnesday Dei 0 11 OCA Continued from Page 1 program on this rumpus would disappear too Philips said all tho statu and thrci' ritv initiatives am trying to do is to prevent promoting abnormal sexual behavior such as homosexuality lilt' initiative IN tied Up ill the Oregon Supreme Court due to tile wording of the ballot li tie Fidatupie said the ACl.t is trying to make the wording of the title more readable and rep resontative of the at tual mean mg of the petition, so that i It! /ens understand what they are signing Onci: I hit li! It? is (ici: liii'ii upon, thr (X1A \% 111 Ix'gm i i>l lectin^ tin- BO,000 signatures lu-i'ili-ii to put tin- sltiti- mill.i 11 v * • on tin- bill lot to in- voImI on November loo,' I’hclps siiui tin- Springfield, Portland ami Corvallis inilt.i tivi-s an- also in courts to iin i uic tin- i orri-i i titles ET ALS MKrnv.s \ ir 11 an Slut! rn I A *•*»< lat ion ■»%... rn: s Slop iKc Hair • f A St o» l*w! fa *ytf,p. bp-gin ft Saturday With a in iim w >rk *h p in Ho. * r> \ I o W *’ •• ‘‘d m ’» p ;i! A vi' : 1! *» :ii.' } v% : a * *• p i a r Sunday from JO * m U> £ pm til Room 1 10 VA jiubIIh Pm? r« « »t;a’ it required ( j , i »4« » ' **4 f r m-re information I iwvmdiioivi Milh |mmi( lh>n KumII vmtvii Uiif* plain anight from n t ft m Hoorn M) 1 (Tiaprrwtn Traditional to Original Siolllih Mum v%... t»io*«n;od by A!a»daif lr**rr and Faui M<» hii» tomgbt a! 7 M) in Hoaii Com .art Hall Call torn fur mi re information Psrvpca lift«• on t norgy » nr* M»«n r •{ r r lay at \2 »«* Mlrnlion pm m Hmjw 27h£d\HMUo* (a,i huli>^> and ( lokilMxi id Hullarfly \nl Svndiimn ■» ’■ '• w ,-*> . -»■ » »" ;• ■' : k •. :n ;•* • >f ! iho A .*'• «f. • an M f Natural Hitt ->**'■ ■ *' '■ •• Wul*d tiummiM (.wdrt and S«w wt> in I a»l«*i n I urufiii Sympmiuw .?•. Hungary will bm the t.i;« ' a *4*** ! by Hungarian political lea i«r rr;» II. •.►>*» !ay a- J MJ }» f V '-he l-3.ll Fir KtMjm • I: V 4k ia 4lld Hi# Now F urojj« it the liila of a apaech by { . i c h A mb 1 lu&l at H Put! < and ;* the itlin ■ > f a % li ■ J«» mvor*lly Saturday a! 1 «> «> a m in :m V\ .• t wnn )K! i i u s |<4> Will h MM«k*hofl ' >y iwo irmut laid a. » j’ > »■ • a. re» ;un «rn >* f < tKe | ! a ’.j-u,.’,y .4 •! graduate %:u-lntw -* tk\' ■ }' (■day from - 30 to 4 >0 pm in in Studio H “t th«- In *tru* Uonai Med, a C efilm bn; i» Knight I ibiary (a i*n iut ir.-.fv fttidt. * at YEN JING Restaurant 1775 West 6th Eugene 484-6496 Cantonese Dim Sum :Sat i 1 30 am to 2 00 pmi h*r Spuy ( hitken U *H Steam i ith Hramd i uh /\H -i it; fU /in Tufu Shew Fried Pn»n with Sour Sauer f * Ji Beef Shrimp or C hkkrnt how ion ( n*pi Duck and many *oup noodle* I A1 •* (iingt-r & (Irecti Onion Older fjMl nkML I import service j The Volvo Specialists -u/o ■KHunnriLH t<» youi difbtmulion wCastm/ gttxm -'-*r change src C IAL S-|^|.95 VOLVO fxrtory orlnlnjil riLTrr? fUl-L mm L.1^ or (M*L. 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ZJUo*p 12 nsi <-! AHE YOU READY PUR YOUR WINTER TRIPS? THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I lit!, you grab was that concept just a little too complex. Carl?'